Choose the correct word for each sentence.

[Pages:2]Choose the correct word for each sentence.

I don't have anymore / any more questions. How were you able to insure / ensure you had the right address? Your Honor, may we precede / proceed with our argument? On it's / its face, I'd say it's / its uncertain. Did you loose / lose your keys at Publix? The principal / principle balance on your home loan is how much? The imminent / eminent motions before Your Honor today are... We tried to illicit / elicit a response from the Defendant, but... What is the minimum payment you accept / except from cash-paying patients? There are a number of discreet / discrete categories within the complaint. From my prospective / perspective , the car went too fast through the light. My first motion today is apart / a part of a much bigger picture, Judge. Let's move on to / onto the next section, Counsel. What day of the week did you turn your timesheet into / in to your supervisor? The second accident was much worse than / then the first. If you had gone to the hospital, than / then none of this would have happened. Plaintiff refuses to assent / ascent to a new set of interrogatories. Fluid accumulated inside the plural / pleural cavity. Do those guidelines make since / sense? Council / Counsel , let's take a break so we can make a copy of this. Your Honor, at the construction cite / site / sight , Plaintiff was careless. Let me show you the site / cite of the case we're using to make our point. In the passed / past six months, how much weight have you lost? When the impact occurred, could you still breathe / breath ?

Counsel is trying to allude / elude that the witness is evading a response. Was the stationary / stationery from your brother's law firm? You had the choice of either a stationary / stationery or a mobile MRI; correct? The court reporter is suppose / supposed to take down the record. How much capital / capitol did your company have at the end of the year? I have seen / scene photos depicting the vehicle after the crash. How often did you workout / work out before your accident? The videotape let's / lets us play your testimony in court in front of a jury. Did you experience pain in your leg everyday / every day ? How did the children fair / fare after the death of their father? The bear / bare minimum we can accept is $1,400. The water had been running for awhile / a while already before we got home. That case was a complement / compliment to the one you're working on now. Have you ever been involved in any prior worker's / workers' comp cases? As part of my practice, I advice / advise patients on weight management. Did that peak / pique your interest? The Defendant pleads not guilty to breach / breech of contract. When did the doctor want to see you back for a follow up / follow-up ? I have an appointment to follow-up / follow up on May 4th. The Defense plead / pled not guilty on all counts. The entity formally / formerly known as Raygo has dissolved. With all do / due respect, sir, please answer the question. Were you wearing your seatbelt / seat belt at the time of the impact? Did the air bags / airbags deploy in the other car?


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