
Vocabulary Cards and Vocabulary Testing Each week you will choose ten words from the list of high frequency words available on from the links I have provided on the website. You will write:-the word-the grammatical type in brackets( adj)-a synonym (a word that means the same thing)- other forms of the word (the adverb form, or noun form)- an example of the word in use- the translation on the other side-You may also want to draw a small picture to help you remember the word.See the example 1???Grad.u.al (adj) 1Syn: bit-by-bit, continuous.Other forms: gradually (adv.) ; gradualness (n.)In use: There has been a gradual decline in the birthrate . (reverse side)You will study these 10 words in preparation for a quiz the following week. There will be a quiz every two hour lecture at the beginning of class. A classmate will show you the Korean side and you must give the English word. At the end of the quiz you will record your score in your journal. The quiz will take place in the first 10 minutes of class. If you are late your score will be zero for that week. If you have an excusable absence you will be quizzed on twenty cards the following week. Your partner will randomly choose ten of twenty cards and quiz you. This score will count for both weeks. Vocabulary TestBefore the midterm exam, on week seven, you will have a test of all your vocabulary cards. On the test day you must bring two papers to class. One list with all of your words in Korean numbered 1-50, and one list with all of your words in Korean with the English translation next to it. You will have to provide the correct English translation for all 50 of the words. This will count towards your final evaluation score. This will continue after the midterm, and in the final week you will be tested in the same manner on 100 vocabulary items. Extensive Reading Each student must choose a graded reader to study throughout the semester. The graded readers can be found on the first floor of the library in the Reading Garden. You should choose a reader that is easy and enjoyable. If there are more than 10 words per page that you don’t know, you should change the book. If you lose interest in the book you can also change it. Every two weeks you should submit a written entry about the book. You should include the title of the book, the publisher, the pages you read. You can write a critique of the book, your general impressions of the book, your predictions about what will happen, a summary of the story, how you think the story could be better, an alternative ending, whatever you like. The point is to get you to practice creating content and getting the ideas from your mind on to paper. These entries will not be checked for grammar or punctuation, but you should make an effort to spell check your work. You must hand-in the entries electronically using Microsoft word. Entries that are submitted late for any reason will receive deductions. You should bring your reader to every class. Most classes will start with 10 minutes of free reading. JournalsEach student should have a small journal which they use to track their progress in vocabulary development quizzes, typing speed, and reading speed. This journal will also be used for spontaneous writing practice in preparation for the G-Mate exam. This journal will be evaluated at the midterm and final exam time. Typing speed testEvery two weeks, students should find a piece of text to type and time how many words they can type in 30 seconds. Typing speed progress should be tracked in the journal. Reading speed test Every two weeks students will have a reading speed test. Each of the readings are 550 words. When you take you time you divide the time in seconds by the number of words to get the number of words per second and then record the number in your journal. Here is an example of the equation 550 words in 4 minutes and 33 seconds, your equations would look like this: (4 x 60) + 33 = 273. Then, 550/273 = 2.01 Then, 2.01 x 60= 120.6 words per minute. ................

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