
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM # 22 WEEKOF: 10/05-10/09 TEACHER’S NAME: Asmaa MohamedTheme: My Five Senses/the Sense of SightDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY]MondayDate: 10/05My five sensesWhat are my five senses?Senses?allow us to observe and understand the world around us. There are?five?main ways we can do this: through sight (with our eyes), touch (with our fingers), smell (with our nose), taste (with our tongue) and hearing (with our ears)Music and movement: Listen to the song: My Five Senses Math: Sorting items by colors, you can use Lego or items around the houses such as: socks/colored cheerios/pompomDramatic play:Start to look what you can see in the kitchen area from fruits/vegetables and start to label themSensory:Children will use playdough to create different objectsWriting:Practice writing the words senses/five using markers/crayonsLiteracy: Starting with the letter of the week the letter wStart to sound out the words starting with wArt: Decorate the letter w using different itemsTuesdayDate: 10/06Discuss with students which body parts helps us to see object around usWe use our eyes to see the nature around us Literacy/LibraryLook for the letter w in booksArt: Children will try to draw pictures of eyes and what they can seeWriting :Practice writing the words eyes/seeComputer/Technology: use computer to review letters area: Children will use blocks to create body partsMath: Practice counting You can practice counting books that you can see around your classroom/ houseScience:Use mirror, ask the students what they can see? Write down the body parts they can seeWednesdayDate: 10/07We will discuss how our eyes help us to see the fall aspects such as:Leaves changing colorsPumpkinsMore squirrels climbing up the treesApples Writing:Use markers/crayons, practice writing the words:/fall/leavesLiteracyIntroducing a new letters the letter aStart to sound out the letter a Art:The children will decorate the letter aBlock area: Ask the children to create the building they can see in the street or from their windowsSensoryUse different material to trace names/letters/wordsMathIntroducing the concept of heavy/light Choose objects around the classroom/house Computer/technologyWatch this video about heavy /light : 10/08Discuss with your child how our eyes can see the change of weather as well When the sun is shinningWhen it is raining or snowingWhen it is cloudyWritingThe children can use crayons /markers to write the words: apples/leavesLiteracy/Libraryuse books to identify words that begin with the special letter of the week.Art:Creating a weather wheel with different types of weather using paper plate/cotton/construction papers blue/yellowSand and Water/SensoryAdding letters/objects in water and ask the students to find them. We can sort them as wellMusic/movement Shore patterns and sorting115604625019000-15730720908800Math Comparing weight using the balanceYou can use an empty shoe box and cans to do that at homeFridayDate: 10/09We will continue our discussion about the sense of sight and how our eyes help us to see, and to read booksSometimes some objects are too small to see so we can use binoculars or magnifying glassSome people they can’t see, and they require special types of books to read e call it brail Literacy LibraryRead this book about five senses children will create binocular using empty toilet papers rolls Writing:The children will practice writing the words: fall/rainComputer/TechnologyReview your alphabet and move along with this song about following the sense of sight will practice counting with 1:1 correspondentScience:Using magnifying glasses to look at different leavesSocial/ Emotional- Week to ReviewWeek 3: Focusing Attention core goalsD3:4 Develops positive relationships with their peersI.D.I Interacts easily with one or more childrenD4.3 Approaches to Communication- Demonstrates that he/she understand what they observeFollow two-or-three step directionsD5.1 Social Studies: Develops a basic awareness of self as an individual, self within the context of family, and self within the context of community. V.D.2 Shows awareness of the environmentD5.1 Scientific- Generates explanations and communicates conclusions regarding experiments and explorationPlease try to send in via email your child’s arts and craft if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at:amohamed@ ................

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