Title of the paper in Serbian and English

Title of the paper in Serbian and English

Mirko Mirković, Petar Petrović, Poslovni fakultet Valjevo, Univerzitet Singidunum,



Abstract - These instructions for authors contain information and the template for the preparation of papers for the conference FINIZ. The document should be kept as .doc format. The maximum length of the paper should be eight pages, and the length of the abstract up to 150 words. You can use the built-in styles in this document. The title of the paper could be written both in uppercase and lowercase letters, not only in uppercase. It is necessary to state the full names of all authors. The abstract should not cite references. Do not delete the row height 2 pt immediately above the abstract - it sets the footnote at the bottom of the first page in which detailed information about the authors will be provided.

Keywords - specify up to five key words or phrases, separated by commas.

Abstract - it is necessary to write the abstract in English, as well.

Index terms - key words in English language.


This document is a guide for authors and the template for the preparation of papers. Prepared papers should be saved as .doc format and sent to the address finiz@singidunum.ac.rs. One author may appear in no more than two papers, and he/she can be signed as the first author only once. The maximum length of the paper is eight A4 pages. The document should have a margin of 2.5 cm on each side, and the text should be justified. Font used is to be Times New Roman. The font size is to be 11pt using the single line spacing. The title of the paper should be in 24pt font size. The first line of paragraph is not to be indented. After each paragraph should be 6pt space. For the text of the paper it is best to use the style "Paper text". Pages of the paper are not to be numbered.

Registration of the paper is to be done by submission of the abstract to the address finiz@singidunum.ac.rs.

Accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings.


Titles of the sections are to be written in uppercase, font size 11pt, centered (style "Title of the section").

2.1. Subheading

Text of the paper should be organized in a logical manner using headings and subheadings. Titles are to be written in font size 11 pt, centered (style "Headline").

References are to be cited in the same level with the text in square brackets. Do not use automatic endnotes in Word. The reference list is to be typed and numbers are to be put on the end of the paper using the style of the "Reference". In the text it can be written, for example, "Reference [2] shows ...". Quoted sources are not to be cited in the footnotes.

All images are to be inserted into the document. Do not use frames or option Float over text. It is essential to use the appropriate resolution of the image. The use of low-resolution images will result in poor print in hard copy Conference Proceedings. The letters that appear in the image are to be of sufficient size (approximately the size of the main text) to make it easily readable.


Figure 1: Use Italic style, size 10pt, centered (style "Figure").

Tables are to be centered on the page, and the size of the text within them is 11pt. Title of the table is to be written above the table, size 10pt, italicized (style "Table").


Formatting of the paper

|paper size |A4 |

|margins |2,5cm |

|title of the paper |24pt |

|size of the basic text |11pt |

|images and tables |10pt |

|footnotes |10pt |


Although a brief overview of the main results of the paper may be given in the conclusion, do not repeat the quotes from the abstract. The conclusion should include the importance of the paper and propose future proceedings in the given area. The conclusion should not be longer than 100 words.


The following are examples of how to cite books, book chapters, magazine articles, the conference papers and internet sources.

1. J. K. Author, Title of Book, xth ed., Country, City of Publisher, year, pp. xxx–xxx

2. J. K. Author, "Title of chapter in the book", in Book Title, ch. x, sec. x, Country, City of Publisher, year, pp. xxx–xxx

3. J. K. Author, "Name of paper", Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, year, pp. xxx-xxx

4. J. K. Author, "Title of conference presentation", Proc. Conference title, City, Country, vol. s, date, year, pp. xxx-xxx

5. ACM (2004): "Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Engineering", (pristup: 13.2.2013.), [dostupno na ]

This section contains only the information about the authors. It is necessary to write the complete postal and e-mail address of each author.

Mirko Mirkovi |[pic] - Poslovni fakultet Valjevo, Univerzitet Singidunum, }[pic]elezni

[pic]ka 5, 14000 Valjevo, Srbija (e-mail: petar@).

Petar Petrovi |[pic] - sary to write the complete postal and e-mail address of each author.

Mirko Mirković - Poslovni fakultet Valjevo, Univerzitet Singidunum, Železnička 5, 14000 Valjevo, Srbija (e-mail: petar@).

Petar Petrović - Poslovni fakultet Valjevo, Univerzitet Singidunum, Železnička 5, 14000 Valjevo, Srbija (e-mail: mirko@).

Jovana Jovanović – Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 11020 Beograd, Srbija (e-mail: jovana@).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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