Mrs. Price’s Class

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

|Time |Subject |Lesson Plans & Information |

|8:45 – 9:15 |Arrival/Morning Work |*Technology Note: I left my laptop hooked up to the TV with tabs open for Go Noodle, etc.,|

| |Attendance |Morning Work PPT, Ladibug, etc. Feel free to use as you need.* |

| | | |

| | |Students arrive and do their Morning Work (Read Quietly or STEM Bins) until the bell |

| | |rings. This is also a good time for them to use the restroom and/or visit the classroom |

| | |library to shop for good fit books, if it is their Share Day (see Sharing Schedule next to|

| | |the calendar). Once the final bell rings, take attendance on the attached sheet and send |

| | |it to the office with reliable students. |

|9:15 – 9:40 |Morning Meeting |Students will greet each other with the week’s greeting (Closed Eye). Pick a quiet |

| | |student to begin the greeting. Students share their item or a story (the Sharing Schedule|

| |Greeting |is posted by the calendar) and answer 3 questions from their classmates. After everyone |

| |Sharing |has shared, students put their shared items back in their cubbies. Students quietly turn |

| |Morning Message |their bodies to face the morning message on the easel. Next, we do the calendar. The |

| |Calendar |calendar leader points. (The month is -, The day of the week is -, The date is -. How |

| | |many days have we been in school? Today is -, Yesterday was -, Tomorrow will be-. Update |

| | |place value poster. |

|9:45 – 11:10 | |Letterland – Unit 30 (oor, our, ore) |

| | | |

| | |Connection/Teaching Point:  Yesterday we learned about all of Orvil Or's tricks and ways |

| | |to spell the /or/ sound.  Today we will do a special activity with /or/ words.   |

| | |  |

| | |Special Unit Activity:  Show the Unit 30 Word Cards - ore, our & oor. Have students |

| | |explain what is happening and what sound is heard for each card. |

| |Letterland | |

| |& |Explain:  It can be a bit tricky to decide which way to spell Orvil Or's /or/ when we have|

| |Daily 5 |to write some of this week's words.  In our story for this week, Noisy Nick is having |

| | |trouble spelling these words, too.  He gets Sammy Snake to help him spell his words.  |

| |*Feel free to do a Go Noodle Brain Break |  |

| |whenever necessary* |Begin reading Unit 30 Decodable Story.  Stop after the paragraph about ore.  Put the word |

| | |cards with ore spellings under the ore heading. Have a student tell the ore story.  Take |

| | |the ore word cards away and call on students to tell ore words.  Add them back as they are|

| | |called.  Reread the ore words together.  Have students turn and talk to tell the ore |

| | |story.  Repeat with our and oor as you read the Decodable Story.   |

| | |  |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Link/Restate Teaching Point:  Today we learned how Sammy Snake helps us to know which way |

| | |to spell the /or/ sound in our words this week.  |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Daily 5 – Multiple Meaning Words |

| | |  |

| | |Connection |

| | |The last few weeks we have been working on using context clues to help us figure out the |

| | |meaning of unknown words. This week we are going to continue to talk about using context |

| | |clues. However, this week we find words that can have multiple (that's a fancy way to say |

| | |more than one) meanings. Multiple meaning words are words that have more than one meaning.|

| | |Today we will find multiple meaning words and use context clue crab to help us figure out |

| | |what the word means in the sentence.  |

| | |  |

| | |Teach/Guided Practice  |

| | |Some words have different meanings even though they are said the same and spelled the |

| | |same. |

| | |-Continue using the attached PowerPoint (Slides 20-33) |

| | |-Have students tell the different meanings of each word that comes up. Then read the |

| | |sentence and have them tell which definition of the word is correct and how they knew |

| | |(which context clues they used to decide).  |

| | |-You can use the M&M paper for students to write down the word and the meanings associated|

| | |with the words. |

| | |  |

| | |Link |

| | |Today we learned about multiple meaning words. We used context clues to help us figure out|

| | |which meaning is correct. When you go off to read today, and for now on, make sure you use|

| | |context clues to help you figure out the correct meaning of a word. |

| | | |

| | |Students will then do Read to Self for about 10-15 minutes. |

| | | |

| | |*Students who shared today can use the iPads and computer to do Listen to Reading on |

| | |Raz-Kids. |

| | | |

| | |**Nick and Angel should not be anywhere near the iPads.** |

| | | |

| | |At the end of the round, turn the rain stick and have them come to the carpet. Students |

| | |should put their book box on the floor near them and their hands in their laps. |

| | | |

| | |Share |

| | |-Who would like to share a multiple meaning word they found? What are the different |

| | |meanings of your word? |

| | | |

| | |Students will then do Read to Someone for about 10-15 minutes. Turn the rain stick and |

| | |have some students share what they worked on during Read to Someone. |

|11:15 – 11:45 |Lunch | |

| | |Walk the students to the cafeteria (remind them to take what they need for lunch: lunch |

| | |box, number, money). Check to make sure our lunch monitor, Ms. Harrington, is there. If |

| | |not, you will need to remain with the class. Pick the students up from lunch. |

| | | |

| | |*Nick will go to Mrs. Bonner’s class right after lunch, at 11:45. |

| | | |

| | |**We don’t have any allergies. |

|11:45 – 12:15 |*Nick goes to Mrs. Bonner’s class at 11:45*| |

| | |Make sure to take the red bag and walkie talkie if we have outdoor recess. The signal for|

| |Recess |lining up at the end of recess is raising your hand and saying “Let’s go” or turning the |

| | |rain stick for indoor recess. |

| | | |

| | |Indoor Recess Activities: Free draw (white paper is in the cabinet behind the orange |

| | |table), Puzzles and Games, Math tubs (cubes, shapes, dominoes, teddy bears, etc.) |

| | | |

| | |Mrs. Allred or I will take over the class at 12:00! |


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