
BUDGET OF WORK IN ENGLISH 21ST – 4TH GRADINGFIRST GRADINGUNIT 1 - I Can Get AlongTOPICOBJECTIVES NUMBER OF DAYSWK 1WK 2WK 3WK 4WK 5WK 6WK 7WK 8WK 9 LESSON 1. Sounds AroundRecognize/Identify and classify transportation sounds as loud/soft.Get the meaning of words through pictures/models.Answer Wh-questions.LESSON 2. Animal SoundsRecognize/Identify and classify sounds produced by animals as loud/soft sound.Answer Wh-Questions.LESSON 3. Sounds of Musical InstrumentsRecognize/Identify and classify sounds produced by musical instruments as high/low.LESSON 4. Sounds in the EnvironmentRecognize/Identify and classify environment sounds heard as loud/soft, high/low.LESSON 5. Alphabet Name the letters of the Filipino and English Alphabet.LESSON 6. Elements of the StoryAnswer Wh-Questions from the story listened to.Identify the Elements of the story.LESSON7. Speech SoundsMedial /e/, Rimes (-et, -en)Recognize/identify/read/give example of words with medial/e/ (-et,-en)Answer Wh-QuestionsLESSON8. Speech SoundsMedial /e/, Rimes (-eg, -ed)Recognize/identify/read/give example of words with medial/e/(-eg ,-ed)Answer Wh-QuestionsLESSON9. Speech SoundsMedial /e/, Rimes (-em, -ell, -eb)Recognize/identify/read/give example of words with medial/e/(-em,,-ell,-eb)Answer Wh-QuestionsLESSON 10. “Bat Cat and Fat Rat”Answer Wh-question from story listened toLESSON 11. Speech SoundsMedial /a/, Rimes (-am, -an, and -at) Recognize/identify/read/give example of words with medial/a/(-am,-an,-at)Read words with medial /a/ in phrases and sentences.LESSON 12. Speech SoundsMedial /a/, Rimes (-ag, -ad, and -ap)Recognize/identify/read/give example of words with medial/a/(-ag,-ad,-ap)Read words with medial /a/ in phrases and sentences.LESSON 13. The Pink WigAnswer Wh-Questions from the story listened to.Identify the Elements of the story.LESSON 14 Rhyming Words.Recognize Rhyming wordsLESSON 15. Speech SoundsMedial /i/, Rimes (-it, -ip, and -ig)Recognize /identify/read words with short vowel /i/( -it,-ip,-ig)Day 2 (-id,-in,-ill)Join onset and rimes to form words(-it,-ip,-ig)LESSON 16. Speech SoundsMedial /i/, Rimes (-id, -in, and -ill)Recognize /identify/read words with short vowel /i/Join onset and rimes to form words(-id,-in,-ill)LESSON 17. Naming WordsAnswer Wh-Questions about a selection listened toRecognize identify what nouns areGive examples of nounsLESSON 18. Working Together Is BestIdentify the characters of the story listened toLESSON 19. Sequencing of EventsIdentify the main events of the story heardSequence through pictures, events of the story heard previously.LESSON 20. Words Showing Order of EventsUse words denoting sequences in telling their daily activities.LESSON 21. Plural Form of Nouns by Adding –sIdentify nouns from the selection listened to.Form plural nouns by adding –sLESSON 22. More Rules: Plural Form of NounsRecall how to form plural nouns by adding –sForm plural noun by adding –esLESSON 23. Doing it RightGive the main idea of the story listened toLESSON 24. More on Naming WordsIdentify Common nounsLESSON 25. Specific Naming WordsIdentify Proper nounsLESSON 26. Differentiating Common from Proper NounsDifferentiate common from proper nounsLESSON 27. Having Faith in GodRecite known verses in English.LESSON 28. “For the Sake of Honey”Recall the important details of the storyDefine the difficult words in the storyLESSON 29. Knowing Myself BetterIdentify how to differentiate WH-Questions appropriatelyRecall the important details of the story through picturesLESSON 30. Befriending Others Use the different Wh-Questions properly.LESSON 31. I Love Naming WordsIdentify Mass and Count nounsLESSON 32. My Body and the Letter BRecognize words beginning with letter BCreate the sound presented by letter B.LESSON 33. Speaking Well in Dialogues Recall the the forms and use of personal pronouns –I/ WE,YOU, He/She/They, ItIdentify personal pronouns used in dialogues.LESSON 34. Using Personal PronounsUse personal pronouns-I/We YOU,HE /SHE?THEY,IT in dialogues.LESSON 35. Rap the Letter CRecognize the sound of letter C-/c/Produce the sound of letter C-/c/LESSON 36. Learning the C- as in /s/Recognize the sound of letter C-/s/Produce the sound of letter C-/s/LESSON 37. More Fun With the Letter C as in /s/Recognize the sound of letter C-/c/ and/s/Produce the sound of letter C-/c/and/s/TARGETACTUAL11111121111112121111111211111111111SECOND GRADINGUNIT 2 – My Home, My Family?Learning CompetenciesNo. of DaysTARGETACTUALWK1 Lesson 1: Oops! It's My Turn2?State details of text or story during and after reading??Express their feelings about the ideas of others??Read with automaticity high frequency/sight words???Lesson2: We Do Things Together1??Share ideas on the things the family do together???Make Simple Wh-questions???Lesson 3: This is Home1??Identify the elements in a story read???Lesson 4:Having Fun Together1??Decode words with long /ā/ sound??WK 2Lesson 5:I am a Part of a Family1??Decode words with long vowel /i/???Lesson 6:Together as One1??Infer what the story is about???Read the text aloud with fluency and expression???Answer simple questions about the story read???Lesson 7: Keep Things Tidy2??Use clues to make and justify predictions before, during and after reading???Lesson 8: I have a Cool Family1??Identify and produce the sounds of /oo/???Read words with /oo/ sounds??WK 3 Lesson 9: More Fun at the Camp1??Identify synonyms???Use synonyms in sentences???Lesson 10: Meet My Family1??Identify the verb???Use the verbs to show action???Lesson 11: "Wake Up! Wake Up!"1??Share experiences, feelings and emotions using Mother Tongue and English???Read the story with accuracy???Lesson 12: Talking About Action Words1??Identify action words in sentences???Form and use past tense frequently occuring regular verbs??WK 4Lesson 13:Time Attack2??Recognize that by adding -s, -ing, -ed to a rootword will change the time ??? expression of a verb???Lesson 14: I See Double1??Identify the sound of /ee/ which is not in the Mother Tongue???Read words/sentences with the /ee/ sound???Lesson 15: Making Stories on Our Own1??Follow simple directions???Illustrate activity in a story???Work with the group cooperatively???Lesson 16: Off for a Picnic1??Use clues to make and justify predictions before, during and after reading???Recognize which incident comes before and after a given event??WK 5Lesson 17: What We Did1??Form and use the past tense of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb???Lesson 18:I Can Help1??Classify common words into conceptual categories???Lesson 19:"It's Time for Bed"1??Make predictions from given clues???Arrange events of a story read???Lesson 20: We Do Many Things at Home1??Demonstrate the concept of words that make up a sentence???Divide the spoken sentences in English into individual words??WK 6Lesson 21: "We are Filipinos"1??Answer Wh-questions???Share inter and intra personal experiences, feelings and emotions ???Interact with others using correct intonation in introducing and ??? acknowledging others???Lesson 22: Words with Same Beginning and Ending Sound1??State facts and details of text during and after reading???Classify/categorize speech sound heard???Lesson 23: Rhyming Words1??Classify/categorize speech sound heard in poem???Participate in generating ideas through prewriting activities???Lesson 24: Phoneme Manipulation (Substitution of Initial Sound)1??Manipulate individual phonemes (substitution of initial sound)??WK 7Lesson 25: Phoneme Manipulation (substitution of Final Sound)1??Manipulate individual phonemes (substitution of final sound)???Lesson 26: Wonderworks 11??Describe/talk about ones experience???Read aloud Grade 2 level text???Lesson 27:Wonderworks 21??Answer Wh-questions???State facts and details of text during and after reading???Lesson 28: Grouping Together1??Classify common words into conceptual categories???Participate in generating ideas through prewriting activities???WK 8Lesson 29:Recognizing Sound Differences1??Recognize and discriminate same or different sounds???Participate in generating ideas through prewriting activities??Lesson 30: What's the Word?1??Manipulate individual phonemes (deleting)???Lesson 31: The Little Sampaguita Girl Part 11??Answerv Wh-questions???Share inter and intra personal experiences, feelings and emotions ???Express feelings, opinion through journal???Lesson 32: The Little Sampaguita Girl Part 21??Use clues to justify predictions before, during and after reading???Read aloud Grade 2 level text???WK 9Lesson 33: Summer is Fun1??Answer wh-questions???Use clues to justify predictions before, during and after reading (themes and prior knowledge)???Lesson 34: Graph It Out1??Answer Wh-questions???Use clues to justify predictions before, during and after reading(graphs)???Interpret bar graphs and tables???Lesson 35: Stop, Look and Listen!1??Use an understanding of incidents, characters and setting to make and ??? validate prediction???Express feelings, opinion through journal??Lesson 36: I am Talented1??Answer Wh-questions???Identify the use of the elements of an information/factual text heard???Express feelings, opinion through journal???WK 10Lesson 37: Listen Up!1??Identify the use of the elements of an information/factual text heard???Express idea through illustrations or story board???Lesson 38: Speak Up!1??Identify and use the elements of an informational/factual text heard – Conversation.???Express feelings, opinion through journal, log, etc.???Lesson 39: Anecdotes1??State facts and details of text during and after reading???Identify and use the elements of an informational/factual text heard – personal recounts.???Share inter and intra personal experiences feelings and emotions using Mother Tongue and???English – Describe/talk about ones experience???Lesson 40: Water, Water, Everywhere!1??State facts and details of text during and after reading???Identify and use the elements of an informational/factual text heard – explanation???(life cycle, water cycle).??THIRD GRADINGUNIT 3 – School Is Fun?Learning CompetenciesNo. of DaysTARGETACTUALWK 1Lesson 1: Noting Details1??Identify Important details in expository text listened to???Hear and record initial, medial and final sound???Lesson2: Things Here1??Use demonstrative Pronouns ( This/That)???Lesson 3:Things There1??Use demonstrative Pronouns ( These/Those)???Lesson 4:Consonants Clusters and Blends1??Make connections of text to self???Read the alphabet of English (r,s,t)???Match consonants blends/clusters sound to their corresponding letter???WK 2Lesson 5: A Proud Filipino Boy1??Read aloud Grade 2 level text???Make connections of text to self???Express feelings, opinions through journals, logs, etc.??Lesson 6: Which Word?1??Answer Wh-questions???Identify and describe the main character???Lesson 7: Talented Two1??Identify and describe the characters of the story???Retell the story heard???Lesson 8: Tell Me Who, What, Where, When, Why and How1??Use questions words interrogatives???Write a simple story???WK 3Lesson 9:I Love My Family and Everyone In School1??Recite known verses, poems, rhymes and stories in English???Instill the values of Love/ Concern for Family and Future Generation???Lesson 10: Writing A Simple Story?1??Write a simple story???Instill the value of concern for family and future generation??Lesson 11: Real or Made-up1??Tell whether the event is fiction or non-fiction???Give the synonyms of words???Lesson 12: Fiction or Non-Fiction1??Tell whether the event is fiction or non-fiction???Participate in group and individual oral interpretation of short??? poems, rhymes, and stories in English???WK 4Lesson 13: Adjectives1??Use words to identify and describe persons, places, things, animals and events???Lesson 14: What Sound?1??Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions ???Read words that begin with consonant digraphs???Lesson 15: Writing A Simple Using Adjectives???Write a simple story???Use adjectives???Lesson 16: What Do You Mean?1??Determine what words mean from how they are used in a sentence??WK 5Lesson 17: Good Study Habits1??Share personal experiences about developing good study habit???Tell the importance of having good study habits and the value of hard work???Lesson 18: Let's Give a Clearer Picture1??Use words to identify and describe persons, places, things, animals and events???Listen to and perform simple instructions???Lesson 19: Just One Sound1??Read and spell one to two -syllable common words with consonants digraphs???Follow directions???Lesson 20: Memory Game?1??Listen to and follow simple directions.???Recognize the value of having good study habits.???WK 6Lesson 21: I Can Follow Directions1??Identify sounds and count syllables in words???Identify title, author and book illustrator???Follow a set of verbal three-step directions with picture cues??Lesson 22: I Can Perform1??Retell familiar stories to other children???Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes and poems using English???Lesson 23: I Can Obey1??Sort Information alphabetically by the 1st letter???Use the most frequently occurring prepositions???Lesson 24: I Can Match Letter Patterns1??Match sounds to their corresponding letter???Diphthongs???WK 7Lesson 25: I Can Shorten Words1??Identify some words that comprise contractions???Lesson 26: I Can Retell Stories1??Participate in the retelling of poems and stories???Arrange pictures as they happened in the story??Lesson 27: I Can Respond to Situations1??Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes and poems using English???Lesson 28: I Can Describe Pictures1??Use the most frequently occurring prepositions???WK 8Lesson 29: I Can Read Graphs?1??Interpret bar graphs and tables???Lesson 30: I Can Connect Sounds1??Match sounds to their corresponding letter???Lesson 31: I Can Perform Simple Instructions1??Listen to and perform simple instructions???Lesson 32: I Can Do Things1??Sequence information from a procedural text read??WK 9Lesson 33: I Can Write1??The students are able to begin to see that some words mean the same???Write simple sentences on context???Lesson 34: I Can Meet Friends1??Match sounds to their corresponding letter???Lesson 35:I Can Tell What is Important1??Identify Important details in expository text listened to???Lesson 36:I Can Tell the Sound1??Match sounds to their corresponding letter???Diphthongs - ow???Lesson 37: I Can Tell What is Next1??Infer/predict outcomes???Recognize that some words have opposite meaning???Lesson 38: I Can Share Things1??The students should be able to:???Perform dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV talk show, etc.???Lesson 39: I Can Use a Map1??Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places, signs and symbols??FOURTH GRADINGUNIT 4 – I Belong to a Community?Learning CompetenciesNo. of DaysTARGETACTUALWK 1Lesson 1: I am a Man for Others1??Participate in group and individual oral interpretation of short??? stories in English???Identify and differentiate sentences and non-sentences???Lesson 2: My Responsibility, My Community1??Engage in a variety of ways to share information ???Lesson 3 : Let’s Talk About Our Community1??Read and spell some irregular spelled words???Use simple sentences to express ideas and opinions through ??? creative and fun writing???Lesson 4: Learn More About Your Community2??Recognize and identify punctuation marks???Determine what words mean based on the punctuation marks ??? used in a sentence???Lesson 5: Punctuation Marks are Important???Recognize and identify punctuation marks??????WK 2Lesson 6: Be Aware of Your Community1??Speak clearly and audibly???Recognize and identify different environmental signs???Lesson 7: We are the Guardians of Our Environment1??Make connections to text and self through varied activities???Make a card for various occasions???Lesson 8: Experience is the Best Teacher for Everybody1??Speak clearly and audibly in full sentence???Listen and perform simple instructions???Lesson 9: Beautiful Sights in Our Environment1??Interpret signs and symbols???Express ideas and opinion through creative and fun activities???Lesson 10: Our Plants: Our Life1??Infer and make relevant predictions about the story??WK 3Lesson 11: Find the Inner Beauty of Others1??Read with automaticity 40 high frequency sight words???Listen and respond to texts to clarify meaning heard while drawing??? on personal???Lesson 12: Reading Shapes Our Community1??Participate in the retelling of the story???Express feelings and opinions through different writing activities???Lesson 13: We are Unique and Special1??Supply words that rhyme with given words???Ask about unfamiliar words to learn about meanings???Lesson 14: Teamwork Leads to Success1??Write simple sentences in context using preposition???Lesson 15: Working as a Team1??Write simple sentences in context using preposition??WK 4Lesson 16: Respect Life, Uplift People1??Sequence the events of the story and make relevant predictions??? of the story???Lesson 17: Bring Out the Hero in You1??Describe and discriminate the best part of the story???Listen and follow 3 step directions???Lesson 18: Studying Can Save People2??Describe the characters of the story using synonyms???Write a simple story using synonyms???Lesson 19: Be Proud of Who You Are???Identify words with opposite meaning/antonyms???Lesson 20: Be Thankful for God's Creation1??Discuss and annotate what they see in the community???Make a card to tell the things that one appreciate in nature??WK 5Lesson 21: I Have Good Friends1??Predict what will happen next???Tell something about one's friend???Lesson 22: I know What a Declarative Sentence Is1??Identify what a declarative sentence is???Come up with a declarative sentence???Lesson 23: I know How to Sequence Events1??Answer Wh-questions???Predict outcomes???Lesson 24: I Can Make a Card1??Identify the parts of a card???Design a self-made card for a friend??WK 6Lesson 25: I Love to Help Others1??Relate oneself/a friend with the characters in the story???Perform different activities highlighting multiple intelligences???LESSON 26: I Know What An Exclamatory Sentence Is.???Recognize and use exclamatory sentences???Lesson 27: I Am Part of a Whole1??Predict what will happen next???Recall a similar incident or personal experience???LESSON 28: I Can Write a Simple Story2??Identify the parts of a simple story???Write a simple story from a given set of details??WK 7Lesson 29: I Am a Filipino1??Identify the traits of Filipinos???Lesson 30: I Know How to Ask Questions1??Form an interrogative sentence???Lesson 31: I Know What Will Happen Next1??Sequence the events in the story???Predict an ending for the story???LESSON 32: I Can Write A Simple Story Again1??Write simple story/paragraph???Lesson 33: I Love My Filipino Brothers & Sisters1??Recall a similar incident or personal experience???Relate oneself/a friend with the character in the poem??WK 8LESSON 34: I Can Name The Different Kinds Of Sentences1??Identify different kinds of sentences???Use different kinds of sentences???LESSON 35: I Know My Good Friends1??Sequence the events in the story???Predict what will happen next???Lesson 36: Let’s Celebrate Being Filipinos!1??Do/perform a creative presentation (e.g. skit, dance/song, reader’s theatre)???Work cooperatively with the group??Estrellita S. VinzonTeacher III ................

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