To Describe

|To Describe |To Inform |To Entertain |To Persuade |

|Authors use sensory detail to describe something |Authors write informational texts to inform the | |Author’s persuade in order to convince the audience |

| |audience about a topic |Authors often entertain through story-telling |to: |

|Sensory Detail = Imagery |Examples: this handout, textbooks, many websites, |Story = Narrative |Buy something |

|Imagery = language that appeals to the five senses |documentaries, etc. |Narrative follow the plot line (order of events): |Believe something |

|Sight imagery: red, tall, triangular, curved, etc. |Authors can put this information in different orders: | |Do something |

|Smell imagery: sweet, fragrant, burnt, stagnant, |Chronological: in order of time or sequence | |To get their point across they use rhetoric (argument |

|fishy, etc. |Key words: first, then, afterward, finally, etc. | |techniques), such as: |

|Sound imagery: crash, squawk, crinkle, splash, boom, |Question & Answer: the author asks, then answers a | | |

|etc. |question in the paragraph | | |

|Taste imagery: oily, buttery, bitter, sugary, etc. |Key words: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? | | |

|Touch imagery: cool, wet, smooth, rough, fuzzy, |Compare/Contrast: two or more items or ideas are |Exposition: Characters and setting are EXPOSED | |

|spiky, gritty, etc. |listed. Similarities and differences are explained |Conflict: The central problem. This may be: | |

|[pic] |and analyzed. |Man vs. Man | |

| |Key Words: but, differs from, same as, as opposed to, |Man vs. Himself | |

| |both, etc. |Man vs. Nature | |

| |Cause and Effect: the reasons something happened are |Man vs. Machine | |

| |explored |Rising Action: The suspense begins to build. | |

| |Key words: because of, due to, consequently, |Climax: The turning point, major decision, major |Logos Rhetoric: Author uses data, facts, and logic to |

| |therefore, etc. |fight, etc. |support claims |

| | |Falling action: The aftermath of the turning point. |Ethos Rhetoric: Author proves himself trustworthy |

| | |Resolution: the solution to the conflict. |Pathos Rhetoric: Author appeals to audience’s beliefs,|

| | |Denouement: The author ties up any loose ends (the |values, and emotions |

| | |happily-ever-after part). | |

| | | |EVIDENCE ties all three together on the rhetorical |

| | | |triangle, because to be persuasive, one MUST use |

| | | |evidence to support a claim (also known as an |

| | | |assertion). |

A U T H O R ’ s P U R P O S E

|To Describe |To Inform |To Entertain |To Persuade |

| | | | |

|Style: Descriptive language that appeals to the senses|Style: Direct, professional language that gets to the |Style: Figurative language that uses metaphors, |Style: Rhetorical, argumentative language that |

|Diction: can be formal or informal, playful or direct |point and helps you understand a subject. |similes, hyperboles, etc. |encourages you to believe, buy, or do something. |

|(depending on audience) |Diction: typically formal but easy to understand |In other words: playful language that you might have |Diction: Formal, educated, direct, sometimes informal |

| |(depending on audience) |to FIGURE out. |(depending on audience) |

|A Place to Live | |Diction: playful, formal or informal, special | |

|by Atala |Topic : Jim Carrey |attention paid to sentence flow (the ‘music’ of the |Types of Evidence & Appeals: |

|The sun’s rays play on my face; |· he was nominated for both a Golden |way the words are put together) |Assertion: what the author claims to be true |

|I open my eyes and I see the room bathed in a pool of |Globe and a Razzie in 1994 | |Anecdote: a short, story-like example from someone’s |

|light, making the old icons glow on the white walls. |· born January 17, 1962 in Newmarket, |Different Narratives have Different Structures: |life |

|The sun is up in the blue sky, birds are singing on |Ontario |Some begin in medias res: into the middle of things. |Testimonial: a celebrity saying he/she believes in |

|the trees |· his original family name –Carre–is |That means they don’t begin at the beginning, but in |this product or idea |

|and the air is filled with the fragrance of the |French |the middle or at the end. |Facts & Statistics: Numbers and other provable |

|flowers. |· he currently lives in Brentwood, |Some have flashbacks: these stories go back in time |information that supports the claim – aka technical |

|The little village is very picturesque with its |California |for while, then come back to the story’s present-day |jargon |

|cobblestone sinuous roads, its tiny houses and the |· at age 15 he began performing at Yuk |Another option: the frame narrative: a story within a |Emotional appeal: language that makes the audience |

|gardens surrounding them. On the edge of the village |Yuk’s Comedy Club in Toronto |story |happy, sad, angry, fearful, etc. |

|[…] |· at 19 he moved to Los Angeles to |The epistolary novel: a story told through a series of|Rhetorical questioning: using questions that suggest |

|is my Grandmother’s house. |pursue acting |letters |the obviousness of the answer. The author intends to |

|It is a old white house with a red roof and a large |· after years of struggle and self- | |make you feel like you must not be smart if you don’t |

|porch [with] |doubt, Jim Carrey is now the world’s | |agree with him. |

|lots of sunflowers[…] |premier comedian | |Bandwagon: appeals to the audience’s desire to be a |

|“ . . . and I think to myself, what a wonderful world |· his first big break came in 1991 with |See figurative language handout for examples of |part of a group. ‘We’ all do this; so should you! |

|. . . ." |the TV show In Living Color |writing that entertains. | |

| |· has a daughter, Jane, with his ex-wife | | |

|This poem’s: |Melissa Womer | | |

|Style is ________________ |· he had to quit high school after the | | |

|Diction is ______________ |· he gives wedgies to his friends | | |

|Audience is most likely _____________________ | | | |

| |This list’s: | | |

| |Style is ________________ | | |

| |Diction is ______________ | | |

| |Audience is most likely _____________________ | | |














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