
December 18, 2016

With the words, Oh holy child of Bethlehem you are invited to respond Hear our prayer.

Awaiting the fullness of Christ within us and throughout creation, we pray for your church, your world, and those in need.

a brief silence

Bless Bishop Greg and the congregations of our synod. Today we pray especially for Shepherd of the Valley in Comox and for our seminaries in Saskatoon and Waterloo. Enlighten the work of our partnership with the Anglican Church of Canada and bless Bishop_______________________ of the Diocese of _______________________ .

Oh holy child of Bethlehem

Hear our prayer.

Move into our hearts with the unexpected, for unless your spirit surprises us with new and different ways of seeing things, we stagnate. Make us wise enough to listen closely when we are confused and humble enough to change when our spirits have become too small.

Oh holy child of Bethlehem

Hear our prayer.

Replace our fear of the future with curiosity that moves our hearts by those who lead the church: the pastors and poets, the artists and musicians, the theologians and teachers. Remind our fainting hearts that with you we are safe to explore, to grow, to change.

Oh holy child of Bethlehem

Hear our prayer.

Bring the awe and beauty of Christmas to those who have too little and grateful hearts to those who have too much. Bring food and drink to those who will cherish it. Bring courage to those who are afraid. We pray especially for those who have requested your care and strength (name those on the prayer list)

Oh holy child of Bethlehem

Hear our prayer.

Open our ears and hearts to mysteries revealed in prayer that we might advocate for justice and fairness, kindness and compassion that demands us to stretch and grow. Move our leaders to seek imaginative solutions to the challenges of life together on this planet.

Oh holy child of Bethlehem

Hear our prayer.

Creator of the stars of night, light our darkness with your love and move us from shame and guilt into our rightful place as your beloved children. Make us your handmaidens bathed in light and splendid in our caring for others.

Oh holy child of Bethlehem

Hear our prayer.

These are our prayers, beloved creator of all. Hear them and heal us in the name of the one who came, who comes, and who comes again and again.



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