
|[pic] |LISTA SEMANAL DE TAREAS |Week: March 2nd –March 6th, 2019. |





|Thursday March 5th, 2020 |TITLE: GIVING ADVICE |

|Grammar |Activity 1: Look at the box below. You will choose one of the modals of suggestions and advice to complete each sentence. Copy the |

| |sentences inside your English notebook. |

| | |

| |Should/n’t |

| |Out to |

| |Had better |

| | |

| |My opinion, giving advice |

| |Obligation |

| |Urgency, demand, threat, worry |

| | |

| |1. My teacher told me that I _________ review my notes every day. I guess it's a good idea |

| |to look at them after class. |

| |2. Do you think Carol _________ save her money or spend it? She is planning to go to Europe |

| |this summer. |

| |3. I'm going to a party tonight. What _________ I wear: a dress or black pants? |

| |4. Our car's gas tank is almost empty. We _________ fill it up with gas soon or we will run |

| |out of gas! |

| |5. If you are worried about getting fat, you _________ eat at McDonald's every day. You |

| |_________ eat healthy, low-fat foods like fruits and vegetables. |

| |6. It's really raining outside right now. I _________ forget my umbrella or I'll get wet! |

| |7. Where _________ we have lunch today: at home or in a restaurant? |

| |8. My doctor feels that I _________ exercise more because I'm out of shape and want to lose |

| |weight. I think he's right. |

| | |

| |Activity 2: Read each situation below. For each one you will give different pieces of advice/suggestions using should/shouldn’t. Please |

| |write using complete sentences. |

| | |

| |Maria feels stressed out. She must turn in her conference outline by next week and she only has her first subtopic done. Her partner does |

| |not help her and he wastes time during class. She thinks she will get a bad grade. |

| | |

| |Marco is always tired in class. He does not complete and turn in his homework/classwork on time. He always gets bad grades. He does not |

| |participate during class activities. Also, he does not help his family with chores at home. But, he has a lot of time for video games. |

| | |



| | |

|Thursday March 5th |TITLE: Paraphrasing |

| |Instruction: |

| |I-Answer the questions about paraphrasing. |

| |II-Re-write the text sentences given replacing as many words as you can with synonyms (or words with similar meanings). |

| | |

| | |

I- Answer the following questions:

1. Using your own words, describe what paraphrasing is.

2. Why is paraphrasing important?

3. What could happen if you use someone else’s information exactly as you find it on the Internet?

4. Do you know any strategy to paraphrase?

II- Re-write the following sentences replacing as many words as you can with synonyms.

Example: Write again the statements below and substitute as many words as possible with different ones with similar meanings.

1. Yesterday I was absent because I was sick. The doctor forbade me coming to school.


2. In case you can’t find your homework, you will have to do it one more time.


3. We are not allowed to use our phones in class. Teachers say it distracts us and it’s against the rules.


4. I really like listening to rock music, it makes me feel a sense of freedom. Besides, it’s really cool!


5. During recess time, we were having lunch in the playground when Frida and her friends came and talked to us.



Your Conference Outline is due Thursday March 5th.


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