Work Experience – Paragraph plan

Work Experience – Paragraph plan

Use this paragraph plan as a guide to help you write about your work experience week. You don’t have to follow it directly if you have other ideas on how to structure you essay, but it is here in case you need it!


• Introduce your task (from your choice sheet).

• Explain where you were going for your work experience week.

• Describe how you felt the night before your first day. Were you excited? Nervous? Curious? Annoyed that you had an early start time? Glad that you had a week off school? Happy with the placement you received?

Paragraph 1 – First Impressions

• Describe how you felt as you arrived at your placement.

• What were your first impressions of the place?

• What were your first impressions of the people you would be working with?

• Did you still think you would have an exciting/horrible/boring/terrific work experience week? Why?

Paragraph 2 – Your Experiences

• What tasks were you given?

• How did you feel about doing these tasks? Did you think they were too simple/too difficult? Did you learn anything new/interesting? What was your favourite/least favourite task? Do you think you would be good at that job?

Paragraph 3 -- Your ‘colleagues’

• What were the people you worked with like?

• Were they easy to get along with or quite scary? Were there any interesting characters?

• Were your first impressions of them correct?

• Do you think you fit in during your placement?


• How would you sum up your work experience week?

• Did it meet your expectations? Explain how they did/didn’t.

• What did you learn about working during your placement?

• Did any of your opinions change during the course of the week?

• Is there anything you wished you had known beforehand?

• Is there anything you would have changed if you had the chance?

When you’re finished: (checklist)

□ Have you read through your essay?

□ Have you checked for spelling/punctuation errors?

□ Is there anywhere you could add more detail?

□ Have you stayed on task?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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