Template WIB Agenda

| | Yolo County Workforce Investment Board |

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| |25 North Cottonwood Street One-Stop Career Center Locations |

| |Woodland, CA 95695 |

| |(530) 661-2750 Woodland |

| |West Sacramento |

| |(530) 661-2658 FAX 25 N. Cottonwood St. 500-A Jefferson Blvd., |

| |Building A |

| |(530) 661-2750 (916) 375-6200 |

| | |

|Board Members |Executive Committee |

| | |

| |March 26, 2014 |

|All Green Electronics | |

| |Committee: Ken Garrett, Gary Pelfrey, Kevin Ferreira, Art Rodriguez and Tico Zendejas |

|All Phase Security Inc. | |

| |Present: Ken Garrett, Gary Pelfrey, Kevin Ferreira and Tico Zendejas |

|Buckhorn Steakhouse/ | |

|Putah Creek Café |Absent: Art Rodriguez |

| | |

|California Dept. of |Staff: Elaine Lytle, Cyndi Sechler and Judy Needham |

|Rehabilitation | |

| |Guest: Supervisor Don Saylor, Yolo County Board of Supervisor |

|California Employment |Diane Parro, Board of Supervisor Deputy to Supervisor Saylor |

|Development Department | |

| | |

|California Human Development |Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items |

| |WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Investment Board Executive Committee on subjects relating to employment and |

|California Indian Manpower |training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. |

|Consortium |Tanya Provencher introduced Elaine Lytle who will be taking over for her as Executive Director. |

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|Cambridge Junior College – |Call to Order / Establish Quorum |

|Woodland |Meeting called to order at 8:32 a.m. with quorum present. |

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|Capay Organic-Farm Fresh To |Swearing-In of WIB Officers – Supervisor Don Saylor to conduct the Swearing-In Ceremony |

|You |of re-elected officers: Ken Garrett/Chair, Gary Pelfrey/Vice Chair and Kevin Ferreira/2nd Vice Chair. |

| |Supervisor Don Saylor conducted the Swearing-In Ceremony of re-elected officers: Ken Garrett/Chair, Gary Pelfrey/Vice Chair and Kevin |

|City of Woodland Economic |Ferreira/2nd Vice Chair. |

|Development | |

| |Agenda Review and Order Approval |

|Clark Pacific |Tico Zendejas moved to approve the agenda; Gary Pelfrey seconded; motion passed. |

| | |

|County Fair Mall |Review/Approve the Executive Committee minutes of February 26, 2014 |

| |Kevin Ferreira moved to approve minutes for February 26, 2014; Gary Pelfrey seconded; motion passed. |

|Cruickshank Farms | |

| |Recommend removal of WIB member; Alberto Aldrete/County Fair Mall |

|DMC Mori |Moved to next meeting to receive Alberto Aldrete’s resignation letter. |

| | |

|ERA Mata Realty |Receive resignation of YYOC member; Tanya Provencher/DESS |

| |Resignation of Tanya Provencher received. |

|Experience Works, Inc. | |

| |Consider reissuing the WIB Attendance Survey to encourage more feedback as requested by WIB members at the March 12, 2014 meeting |

|Food Bank of Yolo County |Discussed survey outcome, date and time of WIB Meeting to remain the same. Discussed reissuing the WIB Attendance Survey in the Fall. |

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|Four Wheel & Six Pc | |

|Campers/Mobile Labs | |

| | |

|Home Depot-West Sacramento | |

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|Home Depot-Woodland | |

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|Los Rios Community College | |

|District | |

| | |

|Monsanto, Vegetable | |

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|Nugget Market, Inc. | |

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|Olam Tomato Processors | |

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|Orchard Supply | |

|Hardware–Woodland | |

| | |

|Pride Industries | |

| | |

|Sacramento Central Labor | |

|Council (6) | |

| | |

|WalMart – West Sacramento | |

| | |

|West Sacramento Chamber of | |

|Commerce | |

| | |

|Western Truck School | |

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|Woodland Aviation | |

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|Woodland Community College | |

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|Woodland Healthcare, Inc. | |

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|Yolo County Department of | |

|Employment and Social Services| |

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|Yolo County Housing | |

| | |

|Yolo County Office of | |

|Education | |

|Yolo Employment Services, Inc.| |

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Executive Committee Minutes

March 26, 2014

1. Receive/Review attendance tracking as updated based on the March 12, 2014 meeting

WIB attendance tracking form was reviewed.

2. Receive/Review WIB membership/attendance tools

With much discussion, members suggested we create a PowerPoint presentation with an overview of the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and conduct a tour of the One-Stop Career Center for new WIB members starting this Fall.

3. Consider rescheduling the April 23, 2014, Executive Meeting since two (2) members and two (2) staff will be out of town attending the CWA Spring Conference

Gary Pelfrey moved to reschedule the April 23, 2014 Executive Meeting to April 30, 2014 if a room is available; Tico Zendejas seconded; motion passed.

4. Consider future WIB presentations:

a) Underground Economy-California State Board of Equalization/State of California Department of Justice; previously scheduled for the March 12, 2014 WIB meeting although cancelled and is willing to be rescheduled

b) Northern California ST2REAM Alliance a Career Pathways Trust Initiative-Yolo County Office of Education; previously scheduled for the March 12, 2014, WIB meeting but did not show and is willing to be rescheduled if requested

c) Labor Apprenticeship-Northern California Construction Training (NCCT) and Labor 185 – WIB Member Maggie Campbell has recommended an apprenticeship presentation

d) Labor Market Information – George Marley of EDD Labor Market Information Division is available to provide a presentation

The Executive Committee decided to have the following presentations on these dates:

May 14 – Labor Apprenticeship and Labor Market Information

July 9 – Underground Economy and Northern California ST2REAM Alliance

September 10 – Tour of the One-Stop Career Center

5. Receive Workforce Services Directive (WSD) 13-9/Salary and Bonus Limitations for 2014

This directive issues the 2014 salary and bonus limitation for individuals compensated by monies appropriated to Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA) funded programs.

6. Receive WSIN 13-14/Pre-Apprenticeship Support, Training and Placement Program

The purpose of this Information Notice is to advise the Workforce Development Community of the availability of approximately $3 million in grants through the Proposition 30 Pre-Apprenticeship Support, Training and Placement program.

7. Receive WSIN 13-46/Resources for Free Tax preparation and Filing

This Information Notice informs the Workforce Development Community about Free File and other web-based resources for free federal income tax preparation.

8. Receive WSIN 13-47/Grant Application Opportunities Update

The purpose of this Information Notice is to alert the Workforce Community regarding three grant application opportunities which have been newly added to the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Grand Applicant Award Database.

9. Conference and Training Updates

Elaine Lytle

a) CWA Youth Employment Conference January 28-30, 2014 attended by Tico Zendejas

Tico reported that he enjoyed the Youth Conference and found it very energizing. Arel Moodie, one of the presenters, will be coming to Esparto to give a presentation on College Success and Job Ready Success. He is very energetic and we’re looking forward to the event.

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Executive Committee Minutes

March 26, 2014

b) Building Workforce partnerships Conference February 26-28, 2014

• Judy Needham, WIA Supervisor

• Steve Roberts, WIA Employment Specialist and

• Dan Silva, WIB Member attended

c) April 22-24, 2014 will be the Spring Workforce Development Conference.

• Elaine Lytle, DESS Program Manager

• Gary Pelfrey, WIB Vice-Chair

• Tico Zendejas, YYOC Chair

• Lisa Vincent, WIA Program Analyst and

• Dan Silva, WIB Member will be attending

10. CWA/WIA - Update

Tanya Provencher

No report at this time.

11. Reports:

a. Executive Director – Elaine Lytle

Elaine reported that her and Steve Roberts met with business in downtown Winters asking what their needs are, and will be visiting other towns in the future.

b. One-Stop – Art Rodriguez

No report.

c. Yolo Youth Opportunity Council – Tico Zendejas

Tico met with Andrew Kim about the Job Fair on June 16, 2014. 50 UCD students and 50 high school juniors are needed to RSVP for the mentorship program. The One-Stop facility will be utilized and possibly the parking lot as well.

12. Other Business That May Come Before the Board

Diane Parro handed out booklets on the Center for Strategic Economic Research 2013 Prosperity Index; and Sacramento’s Salute to New Industry and Business Outlook 2014.

Gary Pelfrey announced the Criminal Justice Committee will be meeting next and they will be talking about the purpose of the meeting, committee guidelines and training from the Public Defender’s Office.

Supervisor Don Saylor will ask Joan Planell to bring updates where the WIB has been and how WIA funds have been spent.

13. Adjourn

Kevin Ferreira moved to adjourn the meeting; Tico Zendejas seconded; meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

Next Meeting

April 30, 2014

One-Stop Career Center – Community Room, Woodland One-Stop

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance, meeting materials to be in an alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you while attending this meeting, we will provide reasonable accommodation to allow participation. Contact Cyndi Sechler at 530-661-2750 x4327 at least 3 business days prior to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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