
Laurie BairdCase Studies 6.1 - 6.2 - 6.3AIS 4081 Leadership Theory and PracticeFebruary 13, 2013Case 6.1Questions: 1)How will Tamara do as president of the student council?With a score of 98 on the LPC, Tamara shows strong relational traits. While this is a wonderful trait to have, working on a numbers motivated task may require more "task oriented" traits in a leader. Tamara may help her group work better together, but she may let information slip that would be necessary to complete the fee assessment project. 2)According to her LPC score, what are her primary needs?"High LPCs are motivated by relationships. These people derive their major satisfaction in an organization from interpersonal relationships. A high LPC sees positives qualities even in the coworker she or he least prefers, and even if the high LPC does not work well with that person. A high LPC needs relationships to be in high working order - before tasks are accomplished.3)How will these needs affect her ability to develop the new policy for computer fees?It sounds like Tamara does not know the people she will be working with as they were voted in by the student body. She will be taking time to get to know them and develop personal relationships before accessing the fee structure. The fee structure may be put on the back-burner for too long to be effective for this year. Obviously this is important and must be implemented as soon as possible. 4)How can Tamara change the situation to match her management style?Tamara can delegate a stronger task-oriented person to head up the fee schedule project. Meanwhile she can be building relationships of trust and effective leaders on the council. Case 6.21)According to Figure 6.1, what category does this situation fall into?With a low PC of 44, this places Bill in a situation where he is high task oriented. Also according to the case study, the students are in a poor leader-member relationship. This does not sound like a good situation at all. 2)Will Bill be successful in his efforts to run the holiday program?Bill may have some trouble with this program. Bill is a strong task oriented person with a group of students that are taking his class as an extra curricular. The heat is off to be high stress cooperation for these students. They need to have an instructor that they can feel some freedom with. Someone they may be able to joke with and carry conversations. Bill, with his score of 44 - shows to be so task oriented that there will probably be frustration for all involved as the time together rolls on. 3)Should the school administration make any changes regarding Bill's position?Bill will probably have the schedule of music and the outline of the program in full swing quickly and efficiently. However, he will have very little cooperation from the students. The School administration may want to enlist a co-teacher who is more relationship orientated to the students needs at this crazy time of year. While Bill can work his charm on all the technicalities, the other co-teacher could work his/her charm on the student population to have a successful holiday program.Case 6.31)According to the contingency theory, which of the two applicants should the new owner choose to head the new management structure? Why?Bill Washington with his LPC score of 89 would be a relational manager, who may better implement a team approach. The other applicant, Martha with a 52, would be very task oriented and she may stay right in the management style that they have already and would like to get away from. The fit for the more relationship oriented person for a team approach would seem easier to achieve with a high LPC scoring applicant.2)Could the owner define the new position according to contingency theory in such a way that it would qualify one of the applicants more than the other?Utilizing the strengths of the Contingency Theory from the book, the owners may describe the new position in a more thorough manner. By doing so, the applicants would know going in if they were a good fit or not. Knowing beforehand all of the research surrounding contingency leadership theory would be a plus to the employees since they have taken the test (or they should know!). By predicting and voicing the needs of the particular position needed, is another way to declare the necessity of leadership style for this particular situation. When people know their leadership style, they can feel the confidence to possible walk away from a certain situation...or walk toward one. Being aware of the criticisms would also help the owners and the employees in this particular situation. Addressing any problems that may arise, would put them ahead of the game in determining who would be better suited to the task. Knowledge is key. ................

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