Personal Health Assessment and Health Promotion PlanKelly JonesFerris State UniversityAbstractThis paper will outline the author’s personal health promotion plan. The purpose of the paper as well as the rational will be discussed. There are multiple health assessment tools in addition to a survey that was utilized in this plan. The author developed and designed food and exercise journals that play an essential role determining the results and assist in the continuation of this plan. Lastly, personal goals are set, both short and long term, to be able to move forward with the health plan and allow the plan to be successful.Personal Health Assessment and Health Promotion PlanThe purpose of this paper is to “internalize the promotion concepts in a way that is personally meaningful for the authors own health promotion” (Pender, 2011, p.13). This paper gives the author a chance to reflect on personal challenges, select attainable goals, and evaluate progress. Multiple assessment tools were used during this process.The first health assessment tool was the Health Beliefs Survey (Appendix A). This questionnaire examined the way the author viewed several health-related issues. Each of the health issues were described as internal, chance or powerful-other statements. Based on the authors’ scores, the following definitions assisted in analyzing the results. The higher the number in the “internal” category, the more control the author holds over her own health. The higher the number on the “chance” and “powerful-other” category, the greater belief in chance and others being able to control ones health. The scores had the potential to range between 12 and 72 on the scale.After analyzing the results of the assessment, the author determined the following. The score for the “internal” category was 54. Based on the above definitions, the author had moderately high internal control over her own personal health. The score for the “chance” category was 28 and the score for the “powerful-other” category was 26. The results suggest a fairly low belief in chance related to the authors’ health as well as the power of other people controlling her health. Due to these results, the author concluded she controls the prevention of disease and the ability to change her current issues.After the analysis of the information, the author developed a health promotion plan to lose weight by eating healthy and increase daily exercise. The initial goal was to lose 2 pounds during the ten day period. This plan is based on her current weight of 180 pounds and height of 5 foot 4 inches, which resulted in a body mass index (BMI) of 31. This BMI score is considered overweight. In order to be successful with the plan, the uses of two additional instruments were used. The first tool utilized was a food journal (Appendix B) and the second was an exercise journal (Appendix C), both were designed and developed by the author.Instrument SelectionThe food and exercise journals that were developed and used for the health promotion plan were documented for a ten day period. The author noted the date, food intake for each meal, snacks and amount of water (based on eight ounce glasses). The exercise journal included the type of workout completed and personal thoughts for that day related to the exercise. The purpose of the food journal was to show personal accountability for the food intake. When documentation of all food that was ingested was complete, the author was able to assess several issues. The issues were the time of day that empty calorie food was eaten, the type of food eaten and the lack of water drank throughout the day. The assessment clearly showed that better food choices as well as portion sizes should be incorporated in the continuation of this plan. The exercise journal was kept to track all exercise that the author completed. Throughout the ten day log, the type of exercise, as well as the time associated with the exercise was documented. The initial goal was to workout at least 30 minutes per day. When assessing the results, this goal was achieved 50% of the time. When looking at the thoughts for the day, it seemed that time was the main factor in not achieving the goal. In order for this plan to be successful, the author, moving forward, will need to make the time during the day to complete the workout. Transtheoretical ModelAccording to Pender, the “premise of the Transtheoretical Model is that health-related behavior change progresses through five stages…” (Pender, 2011, p.51.). The five stages that are included in this model are the precontemplation, contemplation, planning or preparation, action, and the maintenance stage (2011, p. 51). One stage was identified by the author based on her current readiness for change.The stage that the author identified with was the planning or preparation stage. This stage is defined by Pender as “an individual is seriously thinking about engaging in the contemplated change within the next month and has taken some steps in this direction—making small or sporadic changes (2011, p. 51). The rational for choosing this stage was due to the following. First, the author identified the areas of personal improvement and the rationale behind the areas. Second, the author developed a plan of action needed to improve the personal improvement areas. When evaluating the daily food and exercise journals, the author was able to analyze further improvements that were added to the plan. Lastly, the health promotion plan was trialed and changes were made to increase the chance of attaining the set goals, which will be discussed later. Nursing Wellness DiagnosisDeveloping the appropriate nursing diagnosis was essential to the authors plan. The nursing diagnosis provides the attainable goals necessary to complete the plan and be successful. The author decided to choose a diagnosis that encompassed the very first step of beginning this process. The nursing diagnosis that was chosen was Readiness for Enhanced Power. The definition of this diagnosis is “a pattern of participating knowing in change that’s sufficient for well-being and that can be strengthened” (Sparks and Taylor, 2010). Prior to the plan being initiated, the author must demonstrate the power to change. If a person does not have the will power to change, the plan is set up for failure right from the start. The rational for utilizing this diagnosis was to empower the author to make the changes to eating habits and incorporate exercise into her life to improve healthy personal habits. Personal GoalsThe author chose two personal goals to measure within this health plan. The first goal was directed towards nutritional intake. Based on the Food Guide Pyramid (Appendix D), the authors’ goal was to not exceed the recommended daily amount of all areas of the pyramid. Proper food choices and portion sizes play an important role in the success of this plan. Unfortunately, during the ten day trial of this plan, the author did not succeed with this goal. The future continuation of this goal is to plan meals ahead of time, purchase the groceries needed for the meals, and execute the healthy meals as planned. The other piece to this goal is to continue keeping a daily log of eating. Journal documentation allows the author to analyze and assess areas of improvement. The second goal for this plan was to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. The exercise could not include normal, daily routines such as walking the stairs versus riding on the elevator. The author aimed to lose two pounds during the ten day trial. Unfortunately, the author was not able to lose the two pounds however, she did not gain any weight. When examining the exercise logs, it seemed that lack of time during the day was the biggest obstacle. The author will need to design her daily routine to incorporate exercise to be successful with this plan. The long term goal for the author is to become proficient with changing her eating habits and increase the amount of exercise per day from 30 minutes to 60 minutes within a six month period of time. In order to be successful with the continuation of this plan, the author will need to maintain both journals. This will allow for accountability with eating and exercise habits. Each day the author will be able to analyze and assess weaknesses within her personal plan and adjust as necessary. ConclusionIn conclusion, this plan, although not completely successful for the first ten days, will be a great starting point for the author to achieve her goals. The personal health plan is just that…personal. It will only be successful when appropriately designed and executed. The willingness of the participant in the plan is essential for attaining the goals that have been set. Assessing the current eating and exercise habits have allowed for changes to be made to initiate further visions of success. The author has developed a well-rounded plan and with the will power attained during this planning, the long term goals should be easy to accomplish. ReferencesPender, N., Murdaugh, C., & Parsons, M. A. (2011). Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: PearsonUrsuy P 2012 Nurs 310 Population Based Health Promotion SyllabusUrsuy, P. (2012). Nurs 310 Population Based Health Promotion Syllabus. Retrieved from Course Syllabus_NURS 310_Ursuy_Fall 2012.pdfUSDAUnited States Department of Agriculture (n.d.). Retrieved from , S., & Taylor, C. (2010). Nursing diagnosis reference manual (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & WilkinsAppendix AHealth Beliefs SurveyThe questionnaire is designed to determine the way in which different people view certain important health-related issues. Each item is a belief statement, with which you may agree or disagree. Beside each statement is a scale that ranges from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (6). For each item, choose the number that represents the extent to which you disagree or agree. This is a measure of your personal beliefs; obviously, there are no right or wrong answers.Please answer these items carefully, but do not spend too much time on any one item. As much as you can, try to respond to each item independently. When making your choice, do not be influenced by your previous choices. It is important that you respond according to your actual beliefs and not according to how you feel you should believe or how you think we want you to believe.1 - Strongly Disagree; 2 - Moderately Disagree; 3 - Slightly Disagree; 4 - Slightly Agree; 5 - Moderately Agree; 6 - Strongly Agree?1 2 34 56If I get sick, it is my own behavior that determines how soon I will get well again.?????X?No matter what I do, if I am going to get sick, I'll get sick.???X???Having regular contact with my physician is the best way for me avoid illness.????X??Most things that affect my health happen to me by accident.???X???Whenever I don't feel well, I should consult a medically trained professional.?X?????I am in control of my health.?????X?My family has a lot to do with my becoming sick or staying healthy.?X?????When I get sick, I am to blame.??X????Luck plays a big part in determining how soon I will recover from an illness.??X????Health professionals control my health.??X????My good health is largely a matter of good fortune.??X????The main thing that affects my health is what I myself do.XIf I take care of myself, I can avoid illness.XWhen I recover from illness, it's usually because other people have been taking good care of me. (doctor, nurses, family)XNo matter what I do, I'm likely to get sick.XIf it's meant to be, I will stay healthy.XIf I take the right actions, I can stay healthy.X?Regarding my health, I can only do what my doctor tells me to do.?X??????These three subscales, and the items included in each, are as follows:Internal Items: 1, 6, 8, 12, 13, 17Chance Items: 2, 4, 9, 11, 15, 16Powerful-others items: 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 18?The score on each subscale is the sum of the values for each item in that subscale multiplied by 2. Scores within each subscale can range from 12 to 72. The higher the score on the internal subscale, the more personal control clients believe that they exercise over their own health. The higher the scores on the chance subscale and power-others subscale, the higher the beliefs in the importance of chance and others respectively in controlling personal health. Normative means for adults on each subscale are as follows: ?Internal—54 Chance—28 Powerful-others—26 Appendix BDateBreakfastLunchDinnerSnackWater (8oz)10/3/20121 low fat yogurt, coffee, 1 piece of toast1 cup of soup, 4 saltine crackers, 1 pudding pack, waterlarge salad , 1 chicken breast, rice, watergummy bearsIIII10/4/2012coffee, breakfast sandwichgrilled chick sand, baked chips, waterSpaghetti, small salad, watergummy bearsIIIII10/5/2012coffeecottage cheese, soup, watershrimp quesadilla, chips and salsa, margaritaice creamIIIII10/6/2012coffee, doughnutgrilled chick sand, baked chips, water2 pieces of pizza, 2 bread sticks, watergummy bearsIIIII10/7/2012coffee, bagel with cream cheesegrilled cheese sandwich, chips, watersmall steak, baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, watergummy bearsIIIIII10/8/2012coffeegrilled chick sand, baked chips, waterpork chop, seasoned potatoes, green beans, waternoneIIIIII10/9/2012coffeesoup and cottage cheese waterfish sandwich, french fries, root beergummy bearsIIIII10/10/2012coffee, granola bartuna sandwich, chips, waterchicken and dumplings, carrots, watersherbetIIIIII10/11/2012coffee, yogurtgrilled chick sand, baked chips, waterchili, scoops chips, milk, watergummy bearsIIIIII10/12/2012coffee, toast with peanut buttersoup and water1 beef taco, rice, watergummy bearsIIIIIIAppendix CDateDaily WorkoutThoughts10/3/2012No extra exercise todayI am very tired, I feel like I have no time for myself10/4/201235 minute walk with the dogsI felt better today, walk was stop and go though10/5/201230 minute walk with the dogsI feel like getting out and doing something is better than nothing.10/6/2012No workout todayIt is my son's birthday and I didn’t take the time to workout.10/7/2012No workout todayAttempting to get some homework done today. My math class takes a lot out of me!!10/8/201230 minute walk with the dogsFeeling better today. I'm just glad I got out and did something.10/9/201245 minute walk with my sisterIt was nice to walk and talk with my sister. We walked so much more a year ago. Trying to make plans to continue this routine.10/10/2012No workout todayI worked later. No extra time to get out today.10/11/2012No workout todayWork and homework…too much to go take time for myself today.10/12/201230 minute walk with the dogsGood to get out again!!Appendix DA Guide to Daily Food Choices ................

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