The PTSD Workbook - Between Sessions

 The PTSD Workbook

A Journey to Resilience and Beyond

Between Sessions Resources Norwalk, CT

The PTSD Workbook A Journey to Resilience and Beyond

Cover and interior design by Mike Canavan

? 2019 by Between Sessions Resources

Permission is granted for the purchaser to copy these exercises for personal or professional use, but not for resale. All other rights are reserved.

Disclaimer: This book is intended to be used as an adjunct to psychotherapy. If you are experiencing serious psychological symptoms or problems in your life, you should seek the help of an experienced mental health professional.

ISBN-13: 978-1-947009-06-6

Published by Between Sessions Resources 304 Main Avenue Suite 333 Norwalk, CT 06851

About the Author Tijana Mandi, PhD, is a clinical psychologist with broad experWse in psychotherapy, including the psychology of creaWvity, psychology of communicaWon, and peace psychology. She is the author of Overcoming CreaAve Blocks as well as academic books on change in therapy, gender idenWty, the psychology of communicaWon, and psychological profiling. Dr. Mandi's main acWviWes include teaching and providing consulWng services to various arWsWc organizaWons, and she also has extensive experience in the world of business, especially leadership training and sWmulaWng creaWvity in teams.

During the Balkan conflicts in the 1990's, Dr. Mandi worked with different refugee populaWons. She has worked with a wide variety of clients with PTSD, including clients affected by floods and poliWcal turmoil. Dr. Mandi is also known for her humanitarian projects commissioned by High Neighbor, Open Society FoundaWon, Save the Children Fund, InternaWonal OrganizaWon for MigraWon, IRC, and many others.

About the Series The PTSD Workbook is part of a series of workbooks designed to give therapists and their clients easy access to pracWcal evidenced-based psychotherapy tools. Each workbook represents a complete treatment program.

Table of Contents

IntroducWon ------------------------------------------------------ii

Sec/on 1. Understand Your Trauma What Is the Nature Of Your Trauma? ---------------------1 Know Your Symptoms -----------------------------------------5

Monitoring and Ranking Your Symptoms -----------6 Ten Most Disturbing Symptoms -----------------------8 Safe Place---------------------------------------------------------9

Sec/on 2. Arousal: Understand Your Body Understanding Arousal --------------------------------------15

OpWmal Arousal: The Resilience Zone -------------16 Hyperarousal Zone --------------------------------------17 Hypoarousal Zone ---------------------------------------17 Monitoring Your Arousal-------------------------------18 Arousal Diary ---------------------------------------------21 Finding Your Resilience Zone-------------------------------22 Breathing PracWces--------------------------------------22 Establishing a Daily Breathing PracWce -------------23 Grounding -------------------------------------------------23 Slow Movement -----------------------------------------26 Calm Heart -----------------------------------------------------32 Finding Your Calm Heart -------------------------------32 Calming Technique --------------------------------------34 Progressive Muscle RelaxaWon ----------------------------35

Sec/on 3. Fear of Hallucina/ons Understanding HallucinaWons -----------------------------37

Reality Check ---------------------------------------------38 Monitor Recovery/HallucinaWon Diary -------------40

Sec/on 4. Sleep, Ea/ng, and Sexual Issues Basic Needs-----------------------------------------------------43 Sleeping Issues ------------------------------------------------45

Normalizing Your Nightmares ------------------------47 EaWng Issues ---------------------------------------------------52 Sexual Issues ---------------------------------------------------57 Controlling Your Urges -L ------------------------------------60

Think Before You Act ------------------------------------60 Monitoring Your Cravings -L --------------------------------62 Boundaries -----------------------------------------------------64

Sec/on 5. Memory Can Play Tricks On You IdenWfy Your Memory Problem ---------------------------67 Reclaiming Your Life -----------------------------------------70 Digressions -----------------------------------------------------72 Stories My Friends Told Me --------------------------------74 Places from My Past -----------------------------------------75 Monitoring Your Memory Bugs --------------------------76

Sec/on 6. Intrusive Thoughts Understanding Intrusive Thoughts -----------------------77 Keep a Diary----------------------------------------------------79

SituaWons and Thoughts -------------------------------79 SituaWons and Intrusive Thought Pairs -------------80 Triggers-----------------------------------------------------81 Topics ------------------------------------------------------81 Triggers, Topics, and ReacWons-----------------------82 My Intrusive Thoughts Pajern ----------------------------84 Manage Your Intrusive Thoughts--------------------------85 Develop Clear, RaWonal Thinking--------------------------89 Daily Thought Diary ------------------------------------------92

Sec/on 7. Emo/ons That Disturb You Understanding EmoWons------------------------------------95

IdenWfy and Name Fikeen EmoWons ---------------95 Understanding Your Emotions When You Are Upset-113 The Grieving Process --------------------------------------116

The Phases of Grief ------------------------------------117 Strategies for Understanding and Coping with Grief ------------------------------------------------122

Sec/on 8. Impulsive Behavior Understanding Your Impulsivity -------------------------123

Anger Management-----------------------------------124 Anger Triggers Diary-----------------------------------125 Suicide Control-----------------------------------------------127 Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors-128 Sexual Behavior Management ---------------------------133 What Triggers Your Explosive Behavior?-L ------------135 Expressive WriWng ------------------------------------------137 Write, Write, Write ------------------------------------138

Sec/on 9. Communica/on Issues Understanding Your CommunicaWon Issues ----------141

The Art of Taking ---------------------------------------141 The Art of Listening------------------------------------142 Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't---------142 How Do You Deal with Conflicts?------------------------147 Sec/on 10. Depersonaliza/on Understanding DepersonalizaWon-----------------------149 DepersonalizaWon QuesWonnaire------------------150 Treatment for DepersonalizaWon ------------------152 Stay Grounded No Majer What -------------------152 Strategies ------------------------------------------------153 Selfie Diary ----------------------------------------------154 Vigorous Physical AcWvity ----------------------------157 Bathroom Exercise-------------------------------------159

Table of Contents (con/nued)

Sec/on 11. Derealiza/on Understanding DerealizaWon -----------------------------160

Describe Your DerealizaWon Experience ----------161 Check the Facts with Different Senses -----------162 Think Clearly --------------------------------------------164

Sec/on 12. Trust: The Turning Point Understanding Trust ----------------------------------------167

Thinking About Trust ----------------------------------167 Rebuilding Your Inner Trust--------------------------170 Did You U-Turn? ----------------------------------------175

Sec/on 13. R+, Resilient People Understanding Resilience ---------------------------------179

Resilience PotenWal -----------------------------------180 Resilience Checkup -----------------------------------183 Four Strategies -----------------------------------------186 The Road to R+ -----------------------------------------187 Recognize and Appreciate Your Resilience -L ---------189 Stretching Out of Your Comfort Zone ? L --------------193

Sec/on 14. Post-Trauma/c Growth (PTG) Understanding PTG -----------------------------------------197

Key Areas of PTG ---------------------------------------198 Post-TraumaWc Growth Inventory -----------------199 Learned OpWmism ------------------------------------------203 Seligman's Method of Learned OpWmism: ABCD Model -----------------------------------------------------205 ABCDE Journal ------------------------------------------206

Spiritual Awareness ?L-------------------------------------209 CreaWng a Personal Mission Statement ?L ------------212 Developing Your Personal Mission Statement -------214 Six Pillars of Character -L ----------------------------------215 Relying on Your Character Strengths - L ---------------217 Understanding Your Signature Strengths -L-----------219 Self-Esteem ---------------------------------------------------224

Laying Down Your Scaffolding: Part 1 -------------224 Rate Your Self-Esteem --------------------------------226 Laying Down Your Scaffolding: Part 2 -------------228 Geqng Serious About Humor ---------------------------230 Assess Your Humor ------------------------------------231 Finding Joy and Balance in Your Life ?L ----------------237 The G.L.A.D. Technique -------------------------------237 Learning to Be G.L.A.D. -------------------------------237 Pursuing Happiness ---------------------------------------239 CharacterisWcs of Happy People--------------------239 Over to You -------------------------------------------------? The "Happiness Habit"-L ----------------------------------246 Chart Your Happiness ---------------------------------246 Fostering Closeness in Your RelaWonships- L ---------248 Developing the Habit of GraWtude ? L -----------------249 Keeping Track of Your GraWtude AcWviWes-------250 Lejer of GraWtude-------------------------------------251 Discovering CreaWvity --------------------------------------252 CreaWve Awakening, CreaWve Growth ------------253 SWmulaWng CreaWvity: SWmulaWng External Factors ----------------------------------------253



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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