right-64008000Year One Learning – Theme: Race to Space - Astronauts and Rockets WB 27th April 2020 Text: Man on the Moon (A Day in the life of Bob) Text: Aliens Love Underpants Text: The Way Back Home Peake:Cbeebies message: off: reads a story from space: facts: Pig Space Facts: of LearningMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayLanguage, Literacy and CommunicationWriting a ListWatch the YouTube video of the story: Man on the Moon: A Day in the Life of Bob If you were going up to space, what would you take with you? Write a list!Bronze?LevelWrite four things you would take up to space.Silver LevelInclude 6 items on your list.Gold LevelInclude 8 items on your list.DiaryThe story tells us what Bob does at different times of the day, like a diary. Can you write a diary today? Bronze?LevelWrite about what you did today.Silver LevelImagine that you are Bob in the story. Can you write your own version of a day in the life of Bob?Gold LevelImagine that you are one of the aliens in the illustrations: can you write a diary for an alien? What do they do in a day?Writing PostcardsWatch the YouTube video of the story: Man on the Moon: A Day in the Life of Bob Imagine you are a moon tourist and write postcards from the Moon!Bronze Level?Write two or three sentences to describe your trip to the moon:What did you see?What did you do?How did you feel?Silver?LevelUse adjectives and different sentence openersGold?LevelExtend your sentences with connectives such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘because’ etcHandwriting Practise the tricky letters v,s and r. You can use the website Letter Join to help or just pen and paper!: Alien WordsListen to Tim Peake read The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home, from Space! The story features some strange creatures with alien names.Design and name your own aliens! Bronze?LevelDraw and name an alien.Silver LevelDraw and name three different aliens.Gold LevelCan you make your three alien names rhyme? Mathematical DevelopmentTimePractise telling the time!Make a simple clock face out of paper or draw one with chalk.Alternatively, download worksheets from the class story. Bronze level:Tell the time for ‘o’ clock’ on an analogue clock.Silver level:Tell the time for ‘o’ clock’ on a digital clock and an analogue clock.Gold level:Tell the time for ‘o’ clock’ and ‘half-past’ on a digital clock and an analogue clock.Revision of Counting in 2’sPractise counting in 2's up to 30. level:Can you count in 2’s using a number line up to 30?Silver level:Can you count in 2’s up to 100 using a hundred square?Can you spot the pattern? Write or video your ideas and upload your portfolio on dojo.Gold level:Group objects such as pennies, dried beans, pasta shapes, pencils etc in twos before counting. Take a video or photo of your work. You could use ten frames to help you organise your objects into groups.MoneyIn the story ‘Man on the Moon’, there is a souvenir shop on the moon. You can set up your own role-play shop at home, selling items from around your house or if you are feeling creative, you could make moon souvenirs! This activity will help to recognise the value of coins and to count in 2s. You could also make a price list and label items.Bronze level:Pay for items up to 10p with penny coins or 2p coins (practise counting in 2s!)Silver Level:Pay for items up to 20p with 1p coins, 2p coins or a combination of both. Make sure to practise counting in 2s as part of your play.Gold level:Pay for items up to 50p with 1p, 2p and 10p or a combination of these coins.Practise counting in 2s and 10s as part of your play.You could keep your shop open for longer than today – it is a great opportunity to use maths within play!Aliens Love Underpants Number BondsWatch the story: Underpants have two leg holes because humans have two legs!If an alien with 10 legs wore the underpants, how many legs would he have to put in each leg-hole?e.g. He could put 5 legs in one hole and 5 legs in the other.You could draw pictures or use your ten-frames to help you. Bronze level:Find three different ways the 10-legged alien could wear the pants.Silver level:Find four different ways.Gold level:Find 5 different ways. Counting backwards 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ....BLAST OFF! counting backwards before blast off. You can use number lines and hundred squares to help you at first... then see if you can do it without them!Bronze level:Count backwards from 20Silver level:Count backwards from different numbers (up to 30).Gold level:Count backwards from different numbers (up to 50)Extension: You have been practising counting in 2s – can you count backwards in 2s? .Physical Development Space Yoga!Yoga can be a great way to improve flexibility and coordination: it is good for your body and mind! Mike and Muttnik on The Moon - A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!Fine Motor SkillsFine motor activities help children develop good handwriting and drawing skills!Trace space topic words:You could write out words for children to trace using grease-proof paper as an alternative to tracing paper.Gross Motor SkillsPractise your throwing skills! Make asteroids out of foil and make a cardboard/bucket target Fine Motor SkillsMake playdough aliens -below is a short clip for ideas. and LeapingThis clip shows take off, landing and astronauts jumping on the moon. out first step on the moon!Topic Fun – Including Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Creative Development Personal and Social DevelopmentHwb Turtle ProgrammeLog on to Hwb to use the Turtle programme within Jit5.Select the space background and see if you can navigate the rocket to land on each planet! Take a screenshot of your work to upload to your portfolio or send us a message to say you have saved your work in Hwb.Make a Rocket DenMake your own rocket den and use as a reading corner! Have a photo taken of youreading inside your den or listening to a story.You could use your den for some role-play fun this week.Maybe you could have a space snack inside your den!Making a rocketIf you fancy making your own rocket or even a spaceship, here is a link you could look at to help you. about making a balloon rocket!Design Underpants for the AliensDesign some alien underpants. Think about your pattern and colours. Upload a picture to your portfolio or send in a message!Or Create a Space Scene with Chalk outside!Junk Modelling Make a space helmet and jet pack!Use these with your Rocket Den or to practise acting out the moon landing – see above! ................

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