Heart Disease by Country Statistics:

Heart Disease by Country Statistics:

New Providence High School Physiology Course

Web Sites: Think of organizations that would compile statistics on Heart Disease by Country: World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control,

You can also search the country’s official web site for health information or link to health organizations within that country.

Bellevue College American Heart Statistics Sheet

Bellevue College in Washington State posted a PDF by the American Heart Association. At the bottom of the PDF are links to other sites that may have heart disease statistics for countries.

British Heart Foundation -- Coronary Heart Disease Statistics

This site includes European cardiovascular disease statistics. Click on “statistics” under HeartHealth to download their latest PDF publication.

Center of Disease Control and Prevention: Heart Disease

There is a link to Heart Disease statistics in the United States only.

Global Cardiovascular Infobase (does not load well)

This site includes epidemiological data and statistics for cardiovascular diseases for countries throughout the world. However, the focus is on developing nations. The data are not complete and may not be consistent as to the type of data and years available.

World Health Organization’s The Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke

An online PDF publication from the World Health Organization that has information on risk factors for heart disease and stroke, research, and data tables.

World Health Organization Data Repository

World Health Organization’s World Health Statistics 2008:

Download the PDF publication by the World Health Organization. There is heart disease statistics in the report.

List of World Health Organization Databases

Library Databases: Use periodical (journals, magazines, newspapers) to locate articles and charts on heart disease statistics. You can add country to search terms or just search world wide and look for charts that list many countries or regions of the world.

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Journal articles (Journal of Biomedical Science) and other scholarly publications. Select all databases to search to find all relevant articles. Use magnifying glass to read abstract of article to see if it is relevant to your search.

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