August 20, 2018Dear Students and Families, Welcome to 10th grade! We are excited for this school year and truly believe that we will have a strong year if we work together, adopt policies of honest and open communication, most importantly if we remain committed to our goals. In the next few days students will be developing these goals together and we will send them home after they are finalized. This year we hope to truly prepare 10th graders for future success in AP History classes and in college. In order to do this, we must have a high set of standards. The most important thing to us as educators is for students to feel prepared to participate and engage in each lesson. This means having homework completed, annotated texts, and not just being in class on time but also actively participating while here. There is more information regarding expectations, course details, and Roosevelt’s grading policy in the Course Syllabus attached. Please read the syllabus and sign the last page to be returned by _______________________. If you have any questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out to us. Sincerely, Mrs. Abebe Ms. Collins10th Grade World History II 10th Grade World History II Elleni.Abebe@ kathryn.collins@ Course: 10th Grade World History IIRoom: B317Course DescriptionThe 10th grade year is a study of world history and geography during the modern era, beginning with the Industrial Revolution and ending with the breaking down of boundaries via globalization. Students will study the changes over time of complex groupings of people locally, regionally, and globally. Major themes of the course include nationalism, the struggle for power between empires and colonies, the major balance of power shifts during and after the World Wars, and the emergence of the modern world.Major Skills and CourseworkStudents will read and analyze major literary works including primary and secondary sources and pages from the textbook: Glencoe World History Modern Times. Glencoe, 2005.Students will write effectively through the use of Brief Constructed Responses (BCRs) and essays that expertly use argumentation skills with text based evidence. Students will make oral presentations multiple times throughout the year.Students will increase their academic and content related vocabulary.Classroom Expectations1) Students are expected to arrive to class on time and ready to learn.2) Students will use academic language in class.3) Students will respect themselves, their peers, and their school community.4) Students will bring the required materials necessary to participate in class.Student AchievementThe DCPS Grading Scale is used in all courses at Roosevelt High School. The scale is as follows:A 93-100A-92-90B+87-89B 83-86B-80-82C+77-79C 73-76C-70-72D+67-69D 64-66F 0-63Assignment Categories and WeightsClass ParticipationOn time arrivalCompletion of Do-Now(s) and Exit TicketsDiscussion of material Attentiveness Thoughtful contribution to class discussionPractice and ApplicationMastery of standards demonstrated through:Cornerstones and related assignmentsGuided Reading/Practice ActivitiesOral PresentationsHome AssignmentsCooperative activitiesAssessmentsMastery of standards demonstrated through:Performance TasksQuizzesUnit ExamsSelf-AssessmentsPeer Evaluations 10%50%40%Make Up and Missing AssignmentsIf a student has an excused absence, he or she can make up missed assignments for full credit. Students will receive the same number of days absent to make-up the work, unless another date is given by the teacher. If a student has an unexcused absence, late work is accepted however the grade will be lowered by 10 points if turned in by the end of the day and 10 more points for each day late. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16985Teacher, Student, and Parent Agreement STUDENT: I have read my entire World History II course syllabus and pledge to do my best with an ethic of excellence._______________________________________________________________ Student Name Student SignatureCell Phone Number Student Email Address______________________________________________PARENT/GUARDIAN: I have read the entire World History II course syllabus and pledge to ensure my child’s success with an ethic of excellence._______________________ ______________________ _____________________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent SignatureCell Phone Number Parent Email Address_____________________________________________TEACHER: With an ethic of excellence, I will: Provide a safe and supportive environment for students to master the skills and content of this course. Provide students and parents with clear and concise expectations. Input at least 4 grades per week in the ASPEN gradebook.______________________ elleni.abebe@ ___________Teacher Signature Teacher Email Address Date______________________ kathryn.collins@ ___________Teacher Signature Teacher Email Address Date ................

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