Curriculum Vitae


MBBS (MD), MSc,FICS, FRCSC (general surgery)

FRCSC (Surgical Oncology),





DATE OF BIRTH : 10-6-1979


CURRENT ADDRESS : Alnakeel,abdulaziz althunain streat,

Bulding No. 47 ,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

350 Maisonneuve west

APT 1603

Montreal, QC ,Canada


MOBILE #: 01966552894444

Canada +15148144303

E. Mail : dr_aq1@



Al-Fawaz High School ( 1996 )

Grade : Excellent ( Awarded Prince Khalid Al-Faisal Prize as the Excellent student in South Region )


Faculty of Medicine & Medical Science Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah 2003-2004

• Residency in General Surgery, 2005 – 2010

o McGill University, Montreal, Canada.


Fellow of the Royal College of physician and surgeon of Canada (FRCSC ) 2010 general surgery

• FICS : Fellow of International College of Surgeons -2011

• FRCSC (Surgical Oncology) 2010-2012

o McGill University

• MSc: Master of Health technology assessment and management( HTA) University of Montréal 2011-2013 ( English Master )

• Laparoscopic and bariatric surgery fellowship 2012-2013

Laval University/Montreal University ,Quebec city/Montreal university



• August 2003

Department of Intensive Care Unit at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center , Jeddah.SA

Grade ( Excellent99%)

• September – October 2003

Department of Pediatrics, Al-Noor Specialist Hospital,Makkah,SA

Grade ( Excellent 98% )

• November – January 2003,2004

Department of Surgery , King Khalid National Guard Hospital, Jeddah ,SA

Grade : ( Excellent 100% )

• February – April 2004

Department of Medicine , Al-Noor Specialist Hospital .Makkah,SA

Grade: ( Excellent 98% )

• May - June 2004

Department of Obstetric & Gynecology

Al - Noor Specialist Hospital,Makkah,SA

Grade: ( Excellent 98% )

• July 2004

Department of Primary Health Care . Makkah,SA

Grade: ( Excellent 99% )


• (2004-2005) General Surgery resident,

At college of medicine king Saud University & king khalid university hospital (KKUH) Riyadh.

• ( 2005-2010)

Clinical fellow of General Surgery at McGill University.

• 2010- 2012:

Surgical oncology Fellow at McGill University

• 2012-2013:

Laparoscopic and bariatric surgery Fellow at Laval University, QC,Canada

HONOR & Prizes:

• Year 1989 – 1990 ( Prince Khalid Al-Faisal prize as the excellent Primary School Student on South Region )

• Year 1993 ( Prince Khalid Al-Faisal prize as the excellent intermediate School Student on South Region )

• Year 1994 (Prize of Research in South Region) .

• Year 2002 –2003 ( overall excellent performance through-out summer program assignment at Saudi Aramco Hospital )

• Year 2004 a scholarship for General Surgery and surgical oncology subspecialty training ,King Saud U. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

• Year 2004 Demonstrator position at college of medicine king Saud university & king Khalid university hospital (KKUH) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

• Year 2006-2012 Academic Success Award, Saudi Cultural Mission in Canada


07-2013-till Now:

1-Consultant of Laparoscopic Surgical Oncology and endocrine surgery at Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

2- Consultant of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Montreal University, Montreal, Canada.(replacement postion)

Teaching Undergraduate

2013- till Now   : Supervision of medical students rotating through General surgery and introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) 3rd & 5th year medical students:.  (Rounds, Teaching, Didactic Sessions, Operative Skills). King saud University

2009 - 2012   :      Supervision of medical students rotating through General surgery and Oncology Service.  (Rounds, Teaching, Didactic Sessions, Operative Skills). McGill University

2009 - 2010   : Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) 3rd & 4th year medical students: “Small Bowel Obstruction - Differential, Investigations and Management” McGill University

2009 - 2010 : Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) 3rd & 4th year medical students: “Large bowel obstruction - Differential, Investigations and Management” McGill University

2008 - 2009   : Supervision of medical students:  rotating in general surgery . (Rounds, Teaching, Didactic Sessions) McGill University

2006- 2010   : Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) Students - Knot Tying Skills .McGill University

Teaching Postgraduate

December 2010    Drian in GI surgery, evidence based medicine General Surgery Residency Program ,McGill University

January 2010        Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, General Surgery Residency Program,McGill University

2009 - 2011 Supervision of residents rotating through oncology department (Rounds, Teaching, Didactic Sessions, Operative Skills),McGill University

August 2009         Diagnosis and Management of Shock Core Surgery Program, Dept of Surgery, McGill University

July 2009 Airway, breathing and circulatory control for trauma, General Surgery Residency Program , McGill University


1 - Impact of supplementary pre-operative breast MRI on surgical decision-making

Armen Parsyan1, MD, PhD, MPH, Awad Al-Qahtani, MD1 and Sarkis Meterissian1,2,3,4, M.D.C.M., M.Sc., FRCSC, FACS , World J Surg. 2013 Sep;37(9):2134-9. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-2077-7

2- Parathyroid hormone levels 1 hour after surgery as an Early Predictor of Post thyroidectomy Hypocalcemia Awadh alqahtani, Armen Parsyan1Richard Payne, Rojer Tabah ,2011 oral presentation at CAGS accepted for publication in Canadian journal of surgery

3- Clinical variables related to small bowel obstruction: comparison of patients with and without Crohn’s disease .AlQahtani Awadh MD ,FRCSC*,Ryan Perlman MD*, Holcroft Christina A.ScD**, Gordon, Philip H MD,FRCSC, FACS* Szilagyi Andrew MD, FRCPC,Accepted and presented at ACG 2011 , poster presentation at CAGS 2011.

has been published in Gastroenterology Insights June 2012

4-Intracholecystic Fat Herniation in Traumatic Gallbladder Perforation: A Case Report , Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, Amr M. Ajlan, MD, Awadh Alqahtani, MD, and Zina Kellow, MD 2008

5-Evidence-based Value of Prophylactic Drainage in Gastrointestinal Surgery, general surgery grand round presentation at McGill University, 2008

6-Evidence-based Value of Ileal J pouch anal anastomosis in CD, IBD Round McGill University 2008

7-breast phyllodes tumors McGill experience and review of the literature

has been presented at MacLean research day at McGill university .Feb.2009

8-Management of colorectal cancer in pregnant pt known for UC, IBD Round McGill university 2008

9-Rectal Cancer and new adjuvant therapy presentation and literature reviews for oncology fellow of McGill University

10- Implementation of breast cancer screening program in Saudi Arabia :

Current master student project with Saudi Arabia Health ministry.

11- Implementation of Obesity guideline in Saudi Arabia:

current research project with Saudi Arabia Health ministry

12- Nora Trabulsi Md , Awad Al-Qahtani Md , Carol Ann Vasilevsky Md, Intussusception of the colon through a colostomy: A rare presentation of colonic intussusception." Case report has been published in World Journal of Colorectal

Surger 2012

13- Chalanges in neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advance breast cancer

SSO Surgical Oncology socity National Videoconference presentation April 2012

14- Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for triple negative breast cancer Oral case presentation and literature reviews at Canadian society of surgical oncology (CSSO )April 2012

15- Economic evaluation of a mammography-based breast cancer screening programme in Saudi Arabia, research project with Saudi Arabia Health ministry

16-Parathyroid hormone levels 1 hour after surgery as an Early Predictor of Post thyroidectomy Hypocalcemia Awadh alqahtani, Armen Parsyan1Richard Payne, Rojer Tabah , accepted for publication in Canadian journal of surgery 2013

17-Lapraroscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Morbidly Obese children below 14 years of age, submit for publication 2013

18- Changes in food preference and eating behaviour following Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy in adolescents. Grant project (National science & technology innovation plan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) 2013

19-Duodenal switch as rescue procedure for weight regain, Oral presentation at 3rd International Congress on Obesity Management & 2nd SASMBS Meeting 15-16 February 2014

20- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Morbidly Obese Children Below 14 Years of Age, Oral presentation at SAGES 2014


1. Public First Aid Course, April 2001, Makkah

2. Pediatric advanced life support provider (PALS) September 2003.

3. Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) September 2003, Jeddah, KFSH.

4. Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), August 2003, Jeddah.

5. Surgical Laparoscopic skill conference in the GCC Countries 25th January.

6. Second scientific conference in the GCC Countries 25th –28th January 2004.

7. Tropical Disease on Surgery (National Guard) Presenter.

8. Post Surgical Syndrome (National Guard) Presenter.

9. Multi Disciplinary Breast Care Symposium 7th –9th December 2003.

10. The new in the infectious disease 22/01/1424 (9CME) credit


11- Evidence based medicine Course 2004

12. Summer program in Surgical & Diagnostic SVCS department in Aramco Hospital 2001-2002

13. Saudi Council Medical Selection Exam, March 2004

14. FAST Scan Course in 2004

15. Medical council of Canada evaluation examination ( MCCEE) 2005

16. Advance trauma life support (ATLS) 2005

17. Principles Of Surgery Exam (POS), McGill U ,Canada , 2007

18. CAGS meeting Toronto 2007

19. Kung-fu (brown belt) 2008

20. General Surgery Board Review Course Toronto, Ca 2009

21. Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS ) may 2010

22. Fellow of the Royal College of physician and surgeon of Canada (FRCSC) 2010 general surgery

23 – College of physicians and surgeons of Nova Scotia License as general surgeon 2010,2011,2012

24- College of physicians and surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador License as general surgeon) 2010,2011,2012

24-Fellow of the Royal College of physician and surgeon of Canada (FRCSC) 2012 Surgical Oncology


1- Member of Canadian ass. Of surgery since 2005

2- Member of American ass. Of surgery since 2005

3- Member of World Journal of Surgical Oncology since 2008

4- Member of American society of breast surgery since 2008

5- Canadian society of surgical oncology since2008

6- American society of surgical oncology since 2008

7- Member of WeBSurg and EATS Newsletter since 2007

8- Member of BMJ Journals since 2008

9- Member of the ass. Of surgical education,USA since 2008

10- Member of American journal of surgery since2008

11- American society of surgical oncology since 2009

12- Member of American society of bariatric and metabolic surgery since 2012


• Participated with the Saudi Red Crescent during Hajj 2000, Makkah

• Participated in the organization of the first Medical Book Fair, Faculty of Medicine & Medical Book Fair, Faculty of Medicine & Medical Sciences, and Makkah 2002.

• Participated in study during Hajj for common diseases in Pilgrims, with the Faculty of Medicine Makkah 2000.

• Sports and social activities ,kung-fu, soccer.


Dr.Sarkis Meterissian

Ass. Dean of medical collage McGill U.

Royal Victoria Hospital

687 Pine Avenue West, S9.26

Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1

Tel.: (514) 843-1532

Fax:  (514) 843-1503

Dr. Paola Fata

General Surgery Program Director

Royal Victoria Hospital

687 Pine Avenue West, S9.26

Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1

Tel.: (514) 843-1532

Dr. Ronald Denis

Chief, Bariatric Surgery

Scare coure Hospital

Montreal University

Telephone:(514) 240-4240

Dr.Simon Biron

Chief of bariatric surgery

Chirurgie Générale, l'IUCPQ

Local D4312, pavillion Notre Dame

2725, Chemin Sainte-Foy, Québec city

Québec, G1V 4G5

Tel: 418.656.8711 x.5978

Fax: 418.656.4825



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