
August 20, 2020 History AssignmentI will not be with you in class next Thursday, August 20. Mrs. Jen Wilson, the FHST U.S. History teacher for high school students, will substitute for me. I am confident that you will DTRT (do the right thing) for her, be attentive in class, and respectfully friendly. Because of my absence I have posted notes for what we did in class today (Thursday) as well as notes dated for August 20, material that you will cover in class. This assignment will be a bit longer than normal, so I trust that you persevere through the work. I apologize for missing the 2nd class meeting and for the long assignment. I look forward to seeing you again on August 27! Mr. P ABOUT HOMEWORKRead your assignment completely and carefully each time a reading assignment is given. Do not skip the special information provided in ‘boxes’ that are not part of the regular text. For example, a ‘box’ of information on Columbus is included in the lower left portion of page 9 and another special box on Aztec Indians is included in the upper right portion of page 10. It is important to do your best to thoroughly answer questions assigned as homework. Thorough answers will help you understand and remember material better. Also, you will occasionally be given permission to use your homework when taking a quiz, so doing a good job will insure better grades. (Thoroughly does NOT mean your answers have to be long; short answers are sometimes best.) When you are asked to identify people, places, or concepts, write only 1 complete sentence about each item in the list. Make sure that your sentences contain pertinent, important information. (This exercise offers you a great opportunity to develop your skill in writing complex sentences.) THE ASSIGNMENT IS FOUND ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES I. READ Chapter 1, pp. 2 – 14 from your book AMERICA: Land That I Love.II. PREPARE TO DISCUSS IN CLASS ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS TAKEN FROM “CONCEPTS TO CONSIDER”, P. 15: 1, 2, and 4. (You should be able to answer these questions orally, but you may write your answers if you so desire.) III. IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING: (1 good sentence about each person or place)Johann GutenbergLeif EricsonAmerigo VespucciBalboaMagellanCortezPizarroCoronadoHernando de SotoSt. AugustineIV. Watch the following short videos about Christopher Columbus and the discovery of America. They are posted on your web page. Just click on the links. Then, write short answers to the questions below after watching the videos. VIDEOS to watch:Christopher Columbus Sailed WestChristopher Columbus' Last VoyageVikings vs. Christopher ColumbusLeif Eriksson: the First European in North America QUESTIONS TAKEN FROM THE VIDEOS:1. What was Columbus’ personal reason for sailing west from Spain in 1492?2. According to archaeologists, what Europeans arrived in North America ahead of Columbus and when did they arrive.3. Since there was no written record of these early discoverers of America, how can archaeologists be so certain that Columbus was not first? 4. If he wasn’t first, why does Columbus get credit for discovering America? V. Per our discussion in class today, a common thread among all people and cultures from all periods of history is that humans engage in ECONOMIC activity (they must provide food, clothing, and shelter for themselves). Another common thread is the ‘universal’ practice of RELIGION.You have been asked to think about why most all people, including those without scriptural knowledge, feel a need to identify and worship some kind of god. Why is this? Why do people feel the need to worship a ‘higher power’? You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to discuss this matter with a parent or other trusted adult. Be ready to share your thoughts or ask unanswered questions when you come to class on Thursday, August 20. VI. World Map AssignmentThis map exercise is intended to review your knowledge of basic world geography. Knowledge of major earth features is essential to understanding history. Label the following on the outline map you received in class: CONTINENTSAsiaEuropeAfricaNorth AmericaSouth AmericaISLANDSIceland GreenlandOCEANSAtlanticPacificIndianCOUNTRIESSpain ItalyCanada (Although Canada was not yet a country, it was into this portion of North America that the French concentrated their exploration and settlement.)VIII. Read through both sets of class notes.* Pay attention to people, places, and concepts that are written in bold print or UPPER CASE LETTERS. Also pay attention to yellow highlighted vocabulary words. *Most students will find it necessary to read through class notes more than once in order to be prepared for class. ................

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