4 news headlines and blurbs about 4 major events of the 1990’s

News of the 1990’s!

Emily Feldstein, Danielle Bonsignore, Brian Larsen, Ariel Minoso





Major events of the 1990’s impacted the people in various ways; the positives and negatives of each situation left people with controversial opinions on their government, their country and their people. Here you will find a chart which gives a detailed explanation of the various impacts for each of the events discussed above.

| |Social Impact |Political Impact |Economical Impact |Relation to Pop |

| | | | |Culture of the 90's |

|World Trade Center |-The people of New York City |-The government was forced to |- The government was forced to |People were shocked by this |

|Bombing, 1993 |became extremely paranoid and |improve the security systems of |spend more money in order to |bombing because it was the first |

| |fearful. |major cities throughout the |heighten security. |act of terrorism in the United |

| | |country. | |States. They expressed their anger|

| |-It was the first real act of | |-The city of New York had to |and fear publicly through movies, |

| |terrorism in the United States and|-Politicians used terrorism as a |rebuild the area which had been |TV and print. |

| |many people didn’t know how to |political platform; they spoke of |damaged. | |

| |react. |improving the country’s defenses. | | |

|Oklahoma City |-People were fearful of attacks in| -The government was forced to |-The government was forced to |People were shocked by this |

|Bombing, 1995 |their own cities. |improve their security system |spend more money in order to |bombing because it was an internal|

| | |across the country. |heighten security. |act against the government; people|

| |-People became very paranoid; they| | |responded in various ways. Movies |

| |developed conspiracy theories | |-The people of Oklahoma and the |and TV shows depicted stories of |

| |which questioned the government. | |government had to rebuild the area|conspiracies and terror. The music|

| | | |and their lives. |of the early and mid 90’s was very|

| |-Victims and family members were | | |angry and personal. |

| |devastated by the bombing. | | | |

|Bill Clinton |-The public lost their trust in |-Government officials no longer |-The media profited off the |The scandal got a lot of public |

|Sex Scandal, 1998 |the president and the political |trusted the president. |scandal. |attention. Comedians and TV shows |

| |system. | | |used the story as a basis for |

| | |-People questioned Bill Clinton’s | |their humor and plots. |

| | |morals. | | |

|The Rise of |-Information was able to spread |-World leaders were able to |-People were investing money into |As people became more |

|Technology, |quickly through the computer. |communicate quickly and easily |new products like computers and |interconnected they were able to |

|mid-late 1990’s | |with newer phones and the |cell phones. |share their lives with each other.|

| |-There was better and more |internet. | |The music of the late 90’s was |

| |efficient communication between | |-Corporations were saving money |very upbeat and happy because the |

| |people, however, many people spent|-Politicians were able to become |because work could get done fast |country was flourishing. |

| |more time with their technologies |more in touch with the public. |and easy. There was a reduction in| |

| |and less time with their families.|People could call and email their |manpower. | |

| | |local governments. | | |


Bombing in Oklahoma City

April 19, 1995

A horrific bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City left 168 casualties. Ex-Soldier Timothy McVeigh was found guilty, along with his accomplice Terry Nichols who built the bomb. McVeigh’s motive was reported to be revenge against the government after their deadly attack on a cult, whose leader McVeigh supported, exactly two years prior. The Oklahoma City bombing has been the deadliest act of terrorism, within the United States, so far.

Bill Clinton Sex Scandal

August 18, 1998

Seven months ago the American public was told by President Bill Clinton, himself, that rumors of an affair with White House intern, Monica Lewinsky were not true. Today however, the President has admitted to his scandal as he said, "I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate.” His affair has caused great embarrassment and humiliation for wife Hillary and daughter Chelsea, as well as officials of the Democratic Party and the White House. This was not President Clinton’s first affair, though he says many factors such as protecting his family, were what motivated him to deny his affair.

The Rise of Technology

November 24, 1996

Just a few years ago, you were running through your town with a beeper in your pocket and spending hours grueling over your work and school assignments. However the times are changing for the better! Mobile phones are one of the newest trends and are available for sale throughout the United States! They’re portable and great for keeping in contact with friends and family while you’re away from home. Computers are a new necessity as well. They make paperwork, hours of spreadsheets and handwritten essays a thing of the past! Computers are also great for communication and information. The internet and chat rooms can help you stay in touch with friends, meet new people and learn about anything and everything you can think of.

World Trade Center Bombing

February 27, 1993

We thought it could never happen here, a terrorist attack from another country attempting to destroy one of the most magnificent cities in the world! Just yesterday, a bomb went off in the basement of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The terrorists, a group of Middle Eastern men, intended for the North Tower to fall into and destroy the South Tower. Although this did not occur, there were six casualties and hundreds were injured. The men behind the attack have been charged with conspiracy, explosive destruction of property and interstate transportation of explosives among other things.


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