Social Psychology

World War II: World History Crash Course #38

Available at or just youtube/google “Crash Course World History 38”

1. What are some of the potential “beginning” events of World War II?

2. In the beginning, war was characterized by a new style of combat known as blitzkrieg. This was a devastating tactic combining quick movement of ______________________, ________________, and massive use of ______________________________ to support __________________________________.

3. What were some of the major events of the war that occurred in 1941?

4. In 1942, the Battle of _______________ effectively ended _____________’s chance of winning the war and the Battle of ___________________________ was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of war, with more than ___________________________ dead. Stalingrad turned the war in Europe.

5. By 1944, the American strategy of “______________________________” in the Pacific was taking GIs closer and closer to Japan and the successful British, Canadian, and American “D-Day” invasion of ________________________ was the beginning of the end of the Nazis.

6. What two events marked the end of World War II?

7. How did food play a role in the causes and events of the war?

8. How were death camps different from concentration or

labor camps?

9. Which of the statistics given by John Green at the end of the

video did you find most disturbing? Why?



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