

Worldwide Destruction

Background: A pandemic (from Greek pan "all" + demos "people") is an epidemic of infectious disease that is spreading through human populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide. Throughout history there have been a number of pandemics, such as smallpox and tuberculosis. More recent pandemics include the HIV pandemic and the 2009 flu pandemic. A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious. For instance, cancer is responsible for many deaths but is not considered a pandemic because the disease is not infectious or contagious. Pandemics are not solely cuased by viral infections but, can also be the result of bacterial or parasitic agents. Current pandemics include H1N1 influenza and HIV/AIDS. Some of the more notable pandemics through history were cholera, influenza, thyphus, smallpox, measles, malaria and tubercolosis. There are currently a number of possible pandemic threats that expert are looking at like viral hemorrhagic fevers, bacterial resistence to antibiotics, and many versions of the influenza virus.

Directions: You will be playing a game called Pandemic 2 it’s your job to infect everyone in the world with your disease. Your pathogen starts out in one country and you have to spread it around to other countries. Your ultimate goal is to wipe out the entire human population of the world.

Go to the following site and read all info for the game.

• You will play the game in realistic mode.

• Choose a pathogen between bacteria or virus.

• At the bottom of the play screen to the bottom right there is going to be a time clock to the left of that are three circles connected by lines click on these circles allows you the speed up or slowdown the game.

• As you play your pathogen will acquire evolution points which will allow you to purchase new characteristics.

o Evolution points are posted to the left of the game speed circles.

• The disease tab is where you can spend your evolution points.

• The world tab allows you to see the worldwide progression of your disease.

• The left side of the screen provides Breaking News that will be helpful to your game.

• Above the Breaking News is a world map view control.

• Clicking on different areas on the world map will give valuable information to that region.

You will be required to answer questions in this packet that will be answerable from the game. I would recommend playing the game once as a trial to find some of the answers to the packet questions and to figure out some of the quirks of the game. After you have the basics down then go for it and try and kill the world. (I do realize how twisted that sounds.)

Conclusion: At the end do a final write-up in the write-up you will be expected to list every step you have taken in the game and the reason for that particular maneuver, in order to be successful. Make sure you keep track of this while you play because you’re not going to be able to remember after you’re done. Play the game until you’re successful in winning; if after playing a number of times, you’re still not successful, analyze what you did wrong and why you weren’t successful.


1. What is a pandemic?

2. List one of each, a current, historical and possible future pandemic.

3. What are the three pathogenic agents of a possible pandemic? Include a description of each as far as there rate of evolution and how they are effected by the environment.

a. -

b. -

c. -

4. What pathogen did you choose and why?

5. What are the 4 ways of transmitting the pathogen? Give the description and effect of each.

a. -

b. -

c. -

d. -

6. What are the 4 types of resistence? Give a basic description of each of the categories.

a. -

b. -

c. -

d. -

7. What are some of the important things you need to take into consideration when choosing a symptom?

8. List the symptoms you used or sold in chronological order to your game. Give the description and effect of each. (If you need additional room add paper)

a. -

b. -

c. -

d. -

e. -

f. -

g. -

h. -

i. -

j. -

9. List 3 symptoms you did not use. Give the description of each and why you didn’t use them.

a. -

b. -

c. -

10. What efforts do the governments of the world take in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

11. What impact did the breaking news section have on your game play?

Going Further:

As a follow up to this assignment you are expected to find an article about either a past, present, or a possible future pandemic. Write a summary of the article that should include the following:

- Type of pathogen

- How it is transmitted

- What is its life cycle

- What does it target

- Where did it originate

- Was it cured (past)

- How was it cured (past)

- Is there a treatment (current)

- What is the outlook for success (current)

- Why is there concern about it becoming a pandemic (future)

- What steps are being taken to prevent it from becoming a pandemic (future)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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