Name: _____________________________________Period: _____World Population Data – 2018PART 1Go to: In the upper right corner, click to display data as a TABLE.In the upper left corner, there is a blue button to SELECT INDICATOR. Use this to change the information displayed in order to answer questions 1-11.Fill out the table:RegionPopulation 2018Population 2050AfricaNorth AmericaLatin America & CaribbeanAsia EuropeOceaniaTOTALWhich region of the world is expected to have the greatest increase in population?Which region of the world is expected to decline in population between now and 2050?What region has the highest crude birth rate (births per 1000 people)? What is the rate and how does it compare to the rest of the world?What region has the highest crude death rate (births per 1000 people)? What is the rate and how does it compare to the rest of the world?Infant mortality is defined as the number of infant deaths (under one year old) in a given year per 1000 live births. Compare the infant mortality rate of Africa to that of North America and Europe.Life Expectancy at Birth is a statistical estimate for the length of time a baby born today is expected to live. In which region are women expected to live the longest at birth? Which region has the lowest life expectancy for women at birth?In which region are men expected to live the longest at birth? Which region has the lowest life expectancy for men at birth?Which region has the “youngest” population, that is, the highest share of population under age 15? What is the % and how does it compare to the rest of the world?Which region has the “oldest” population, that is, the highest share of population age 65 or older? What is the % and how does it compare to the rest of the world?The total fertility rate (TFR) is the average number of children women would have if they maintained the current level of childbearing throughout their reproductive years. Fill out the chart.RegionFertility rate (births per woman)AfricaNorth AmericaLatin America & CaribbeanAsia EuropeOceaniaLook at the data for % Women Using Any Contraception. How does this relate to the fertility rate?PART 2Refresh the page to clear all filters.In the upper left corner, there is a blue button to FILTER GEOGRAPHY. Use this to un-select all regions and instead, SELECT ALL COUNTRIES. Then use the SELECT INDICATOR button to change the information displayed in order to answer questions 12-15.Fill out the chart showing the top 10 most populous countries for 2018 as well as the expected top 10 in 2050. Use this data to answer the questions that follow the data.Most Populous CountriesCountry 2015Population (millions)Country 2050Population (millions) do you think China and India switch places on the list?What will happen to the U.S. population?What countries move up the list or are added to the list in 2050? What do these countries have in common?PART 3Go to: is an Interactive Infographic for the 2013 World Population Data Sheet. The data may be a little old, but the trends are still valid. Use this to answer questions 16-20.When working through this, remember this distinction:More developed = countries in Europe and North America, Australia, Japan, and New ZealandLess developed = all other regions and countries in the worldFill out the population data chart with info from slide 2.20132050World populationMore developedLess developedWhere will most of the growth be in the next 30+ years?On slide 3, click on Africa for a Regional Close-up. There are 5 countries listed there. Write a sentence or two in the space below that summarizes Africa’s population issue now and in the future.On slide 4, there are 3 factors of population growth. List them below and give a brief explanation of each one.a.b.c.Slide 6 illustrates a demographic divide between two countries:CharacteristicNigerNetherlandsPopulation 2013Population 2050Lifetime births per womanLife expectancyInfant mortality (per 1000)Summarize the situation presented in the data.Click through the most populous cities on slide 7. Describe the distribution of large cities throughout the world. Is there a pattern?PART 4Go to: down a little to a blue DOWNLOAD button on the left. Click to DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT.Use this to change the information displayed in order to answer question 21-23.Using Figure 1 on the bottom of page 5, explain how population growth varies between more developed and less developed countries.Draw Figure 2 from the top of page 5 in the space belowThe Classic Phases of the Demographic TransitionUse figure 2 to fill in the chart.PhaseWhat is happening?Examples of countries in this phase1234 ................

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