AP Human Geography The World Population Data Sheet Activity Mr. Stepek

(using statistical tables and analyzing data)

Directions: Using the chart below, answer the following questions. Some questions require you to make connections between sets of data and to draw conclusions. I’m not giving you the answer, I want YOU to think about why these statistics might be related.

1. Calculate the NIR for the following global regions (in order to differentiate between MDCs and LDCs, the following chart uses Brandt’s interpretation, except for Central Asia which is being classified as LDCs and Japan which is grouped with East Asia)?

Region |Crude Birth Rate


(# of births/1000 pop.) |Crude Death Rate


(# of deaths/1000 pop.) |Natural Incr. Rate (NIR)

(NIR = CBR – CDR divided by 10 to convert to %) |Total Fertility Rate

(TFR) |Infant Mortality Rate

(IMR) |GNI per capita |% urban | |MDC Regions |Anglo-America |12 |8 |.4% (or .004) |1.8 |6 |$54,620 |81 | | |Northern Europe |12 |9 |.3% |1.8 |4 |40,340 |79 | | |Western Europe |10 |10 |0.0% |1.7 |3 |44,790 |77 | | |Eastern Europe |12 |13 |-0.1% |1.6 |8 |21,130 |69 | | |Southern Europe |9 |10 |-0.1% |1.4 |4 |29,730 |68 | | |Oceania |18 |7 |1.1% |2.5 |22 |31,600 |70 | |“LDC” Regions |Northern Africa |29 |6 |2.3% |3.4 |29 |9,740 |51 | | |Sub-Saharan Africa |38 |12 |2.6% |5.4 |64 |3,480 |38 | | |Latin America and the Caribbean |18 |6 |1.2% |2.1 |17 |15,260 |80 | | |Southwest Asia |22 |5 |1.7% |2.9 |22 |25,130 |71 | | |Central Asia |25 |6 |1.9% |2.9 |37 |9,930 |47 | | |South Asia |22 |7 |1.5% |2.5 |45 |5,870 |33 | | |Southeast Asia |20 |7 |1.3% |2.4 |28 |10,720 |47 | | |East Asia° |12 |7 |0.5% |1.6 |11 |16,040 |59 | |° please note that Japan is included in these figures for East Asia, otherwise according to Brandt’s Line all others are considered LDCs for this exercise

2. What is significant about a TFR of 2.1 (see de Blij p 49)? How does the TFR compare between MDC and LDC regions and the replacement rate of 2.1 (3)?

A Total Fertility Rate of 2.1 is the replacement level needed to keep a population stable over time (1).

TFR is greater than replacement rate in LDCs (except in East @ 1.6 and Latin America @ 2.1) while in MDCs it is less than replacement rate (except for Oceania) (2).

3. What demographic problem is being faced by the MDC regions of Eastern and Southern Europe? (1 point)

Eastern and Southern Europe have a negative NIR which means their populations might be decreasing.

4. What is the TFR and the NIR for Anglo- America? What does this imply about the population growth in Anglo-America? Based on that rate Anglo-America’s population should grow about 40 million by 2050, why do you think Anglo-America’s population is projected to grow by almost 90 million over the next 30 years? (3)

For Anglo-America, the TFR is 1.8 and the NIR is .4% (2)

Since Anglo-America is not growing through natural increase most of its population growth must be coming from net in-migration (1).

5. Which region has the highest fertility rates? Which region has the highest infant mortality rate? Why are these two demographic statistics related? (4)

Sub-Saharan Africa (1) has the highest TFR. Sub-Saharan Africa (1) also has the highest IMR. These statistics are related because if the infant mortality rate is high, women will be encouraged to have more children because children are seen as economic assets (2), which will then increase the TFR.

6. How does the urbanization rate in Latin America compare to that of most other LDC regions? How does Latin America’s NIR compare to most other LDC regions? Explain the correlation/relationship between these two factors (4).

The urbanization rate for Latin America is higher (1) than most other LDC regions. Latin America’s NIR rate is lower (1) than other LDC regions. (2 additional points for any two of the following) NIR goes down as people move to cities because people begin to realize that children are no longer economic assets like they were in a subsistence farm setting. In addition, traditional values such as religion are weaker in urban areas as people are exposed to more secular and often anti-natal values. Women enjoy more empowerment in urban settings and can access items like birth control more readily.

7. Which LDCs regions have a GNI per capita greater than the world average? How does the NIR in these regions compare to the NIR in regions where the GNI per capita is below the world average? Explain the relationship between GNI per capita and NIR. What region is an exception to this relationship, why (10)?

Latin America and the Caribbean, Southwest Asia and East Asia (3) have GNI per capita greater than the world average. The NIR for Latin America and East Asia is much lower (2) than the NIR for other LDC regions. This would imply that as gross income goes up NIR goes down (1).

This is largely due to female empowerment, in wealthier countries, more women are choosing to stay in school, work on careers, and marry later, delaying childbirth (2). Southwest Asia is an exception to this pattern largely because of low female empowerment in fundamentalist Muslim countries (2).

8. What “LDC” region has the lowest NIR? This region includes two countries that reduced their population growth rates in different ways. Compare and contrast the methods used by South Korea to lower its NIR in the 1960s and 1970s and China’s policy which began in the late 1970s (see “Anti-natalist policies in South Korea and China” article on website under Population Articles in Unit 2) (8)?

East Asia is an LDC region that has the lowest NIR (1).

South Korea reduced its birth rate through a program of information, basic maternal and child health services, and the provision of family planning supplies and services (3).

China reduced its birth rates through the one-child policy (1). Methods used to enforce the policy ranged from the wide distribution of diverse contraceptive methods; financial sanctions; and forced abortions and sterilizations for those who did not comply (3).


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