January 28, 2017 President Donald Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Mr. President, As a 4th generation Japanese American, I am writing you to say that your Presidency and your Administration absolutely terrifies me. In the time since you were elected into office, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in racially motivated vandalism and violence in our country. You chose to run on a platform of fear, divisiveness and hate and by some miracle, you managed to secure enough electoral votes to become the President of the United States. I’ve heard about, and witnessed first hand, attacks on Asian Americans, Latino Americans, African Americans, Muslim Americans, Women, and members of the LGBTQ community, all in your name. That you’ve yet to forcefully condemn these acts of violence and hate is unconscionable and completely unacceptable. I can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I am afraid to live in the country that my great-great grandparents immigrated to over 150 years ago. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to say that you are not my President. I will not stand behind a President who has nominated a bigoted racist and former secessionist to be our Attorney General. I will not stand behind a President who sees fit to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which will jeopardize the health and wellbeing of millions of Americans. I will not stand behind a President who does not recognize a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her body, and who has gone on record to say that there should be punishment for women who seek an abortion if their state prohibits it. I will not stand behind a President who sees nothing wrong with banning entry into our country based solely on a person’s religion or country of origin. I will not stand behind a President who seeks counsel from those who view the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II as a model for dealing with the problems in our country today. And I most certainly will not stand behind a President who has thus far failed to demonstrate any knowledge or understanding of the Constitution of the United States, a document that you are now sworn to uphold. There are many who say you should be given a chance. There are others who say the President of the United States demands our respect. To those people, I say: No. I will not give you a chance. We judge people on their words and their actions and thus far, both your words and actions have done nothing but stoke fear and division in our already divided nation. I have the utmost respect for our great nation and I respect the Office of the President of the United States, but I do not respect you, sir. Respect must be earned and as of the writing of this letter, you’ve done absolutely nothing to earn my respect. I am watching you. The people of this country are watching you. The entire world is watching you. And we will stand together to fight any decision you make and action you take that is in direct contravention of the the inalienable rights afforded to us by our Founding Fathers. In closing, my challenge to you is this: Prove me wrong. Prove all of your critics wrong. Show us that you can lead with compassion, dignity, and respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Do this and maybe, just maybe, I’ll come around. Sincerely, DaveLos Angeles, CA ................

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