Twenty-Two International Crimes

Twenty-Two International Crimes

in the jurisdiction of the

International Court of Justice

1. aggression (crime against peace)

2. war crimes

3. crimes against humanity

4. genocide

5. unlawful use of weapons/unlawful emplacement of weapons

6. racial discrimination and apartheid

7. slavery and related crimes

8. torture

9. unlawful medical experimentation

10. piracy

11. aircraft hijacking

12. threat and use of force against internationally protected persons

13. taking of civilian hostages

14. drug offenses

15. international traffic in obscene publications

16. destruction and/or theft of national treasures

17. environmental protection

18. theft of nuclear materials

19. unlawful use of the mails

20. interference with submarine cables

21. falsification and counterfeiting

22. bribery of foreign public officials


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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