The Most Commonly Asked Questions - eSpeakers

|The Most Commonly Asked Questions |

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|How is Chad unique as a motivational speaker? |

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|Chad’s message entwines humor and learning, by sharing unique personal experience.  He captures the audience immediately |

|with humorous stories and then teaches principles that will impact his audience for good.  It is a message that is not soon|

|forgotten. |

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|Is Chad able to adapt his message to meet the theme of our meeting? |

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|Prior to the meeting, Chad will request that a pre-meeting questionnaire be filled out.  This will provide all the |

|information that is necessary for Chad to weave your objectives and theme into his material.  Chad has several |

|presentations, which can be altered and changed to best fulfill the needs of your meeting. |

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|How will Chad’s message reach our audience? |

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|Chad’s message comes from the heart.  From the time he rolls on stage, Chad establishes instant credibility because ‘he has|

|been there!’    He takes his audience through a roller coaster of emotions.  By laughing at himself and his circumstance, |

|Chad brings the audience down to earth and makes them feel comfortable.    They will leave having felt things they will not|

|soon forget!  |

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|Will Chad’s products be available after the presentation is over? |

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|At your request, Chad’s material will be made available to your organization.  This is one way to ensure that the impact of|

|Chad’s message will continue after the meeting is over.  It is also an opportunity for listeners to receive a personal |

|autographed copy of Chad’s products. |

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|Does Chad study the overall objectives, purpose, and mission of your organization?  |

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|Once a pre-meeting questionnaire has been filled out, Chad requests that you send brochures, progress reports, a short |

|history, and any other information that can be useful.   Chad personally contacts your meeting planner, the president of |

|your organization, and prefers to interview a select few that will be in attendance for his presentation.  This gives him |

|an opportunity to have personal insight with regards to the needs and objectives of the target audience.  We also request |

|that you send any pictures and/or video coverage of your people while at work.  At the conclusion of Chad’s presentation |

|these pictures are used to create the understanding that your people can and have achieved the unachievable! |

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|Does Chad require any special arrangements due to his circumstance? |

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|A stage is preferred so that the audience may have a clear view.  A ramp is also helpful if available (Or two strong |

|men!!).  A wireless hands-free microphone and a big screen with LCD projector, adaptable to a DVD are needed.  An |

|accessible hotel room, where an overnight stay is required, is helpful, but not necessary. |


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