“The Sin God Won’t Forgive” March 20, 2022 Peter LaRuffa

"The Sin God Won't Forgive"

Peter LaRuffa Luke 12:8-12

March 20, 2022

Conversation Starter: What are you a complete wimp about? Vomit? Blood? Etc?

Outline I. You can't save yourself!

II. You can't "Unsave" yourself

III. You acknowledge Christ before people by living in daily obedience to Him

IV. You need to know there is a sin God can not forgive

V. God promises to protect, comfort, strengthen, teach and empower you to represent Him well when you

need it most!

Sermon Discussion 1. Eph. 2:1 doesn't say we were spiritually "sick" when we were saved. It says we were spiritually "dead."

What's the di erence between seeing yourself as spiritually sick and spiritually dead?

2. How would we much rather see ourselves than "dead"?

3. What impact does it have on Christians when we understand we were spiritually "dead" apart from

Christ? What impact does this have on your understanding of your salvation?

4. What is the meaning of "acknowledge"? How does your everyday life "acknowledge Christ" before


5. What does "blasphemy" mean? (Evil spoken of/slander).

6. Why do people go to hell? Why is this "the unpardonable sin"?

7. Why is "belief" such a big deal to God?

8. When has God met you with "in-the-moment" grace when you needed it most? How do you feel about

Christ's promise that the Holy Spirit will give you exactly what you need, even & especially in the darkest hour of persecution?

Prayer Focus: Hebrews 11:6

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.



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