Worthington School District

Worthington School District




Purpose of the Grade Level Guide

( Provide parents a general overview of the content taught at each grade level

( Provide information regarding the district instructional materials used to teach the content

( Provide parents a general overview of the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional characteristics of a child in this grade level

( List resources that can be used to gain additional information regarding the Ohio Common Core State Standards in ELA and Math and the Ohio State Standards in Science and Social Studies

( Provide resources to assist parents in supporting their child’s learning

( Provide district contacts to whom questions can be directed

Communication with Parents

Communication regarding a student’s program and progress in learning comes in many different ways and forms throughout the year. The chart below best describes the total “Communication Pie.” The Grade Level Guide is one “slice” of the pie. It is intended to give you a snapshot of what to expect at each grade level and resources to help you gain more information about both the Common Core State Standards for ELA and Math and the Ohio State Standards for Science and Social Studies.

Worthington Schools – Grade Six Guide

|Language Arts | |Their writing reflects attention to detail, | |Social Studies |

|The Common Core State Standards in English Language| |mechanics, spelling, and organization. Students | |Regions and People of the Eastern Hemisphere |

|Arts, adopted by the Ohio Department of Education, | |also use their listening and viewing skills to | |In grade six, students study the Eastern Hemisphere|

|are K-12 standards that provide the basis for a | |compare and contrast, make inferences, distinguish | |(Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe), its |

|rigorous education in the Worthington Schools. | |fact from opinion, and identify cause and effect | |geographic features, early history, cultural |

| | |relationships. They transfer that information into| |development, and economic change. Students learn |

|The board adopted approach to comprehensive | |other types of thinking such as taking notes, | |about the development of river civilizations in |

|literacy instruction is the Strategic Balanced | |paraphrasing, summarizing, and critiquing. | |Africa and Asia, including their governments, |

|Literacy Framework (SBLF) adopted by the | | | |cultures, and economic systems. The geographic |

|Worthington Board of Education in April 2006. The | |District Instructional Materials: D’Nealian | |focus includes the study of contemporary regional |

|SBLF Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document | |Handwriting; Sitton Spelling Program; Write Source;| |characteristics, the movement of people, products |

|provides more information on the guiding principles| |and a variety of literature and nonfiction | |and ideas, and cultural diversity. Students |

|of this framework. | |materials | |develop their understanding of the role of |

| | | | |consumers and the interaction of markets, |

|The sixth grade Language Arts curriculum continues | | | |resources, and competition. |

|to build on skills learned in fifth grade and | | | | |

|prepares students for middle school literacy. | |Mathematics | |District Instructional Materials: Teachers |

|Students demonstrate their understanding of a | |Sixth grade students will experience the following | |Curriculum Institute: Ohio: Regions and People of |

|variety of genres through discussions, assessments,| |concepts: understanding ratios and rates and | |the Eastern Hemisphere |

|activities, and projects. They read critically and| |solving problems involving proportional | | |

|learn to support alternative views of a text with | |relationships; dividing fractions and solving | | |

|information from their reading. Students select | |related word problems; using positive and negative | | |

|reading material to extend and support specific | |numbers together to describe quantities; | |Science |

|learning including reports, special topics and | |understanding the ordering and absolute values of | |Sixth grade science focuses on helping students use|

|themes, projects and reading for pleasure. Reading| |positive and negative numbers; working with | |scientific inquiry to discover patterns, trends, |

|independently for a sustained period each day, | |variables and expressions by generalizing the way | |structures, and relationships that may be inferred |

|students further develop their vocabulary through | |numbers work; understanding the process of solving | |from simple principles. These principles are |

|their knowledge of phonics, word patterns, word | |simple equations; writing equations to solve word | |related to the properties or interactions within |

|derivatives, affixes, and syllabication. They use | |problems; describing relationships between | |and between systems. In Earth Science students |

|these skills to decode unknown words and determine | |quantities; and reasoning about relationships | |will study rocks, minerals and soil, which make up |

|their meanings. Students work to convey a sense of| |between shapes to determine area, surface area, and| |the lithosphere. |

|personal involvement in their writing by choosing | |volume. | | |

|words to create mood, rich descriptions, humor, and| | | | |

|impact. | |District Instructional Material: Everyday | | |

| | |Mathematics | | |

|Classifying and identifying different types of | |Visual Arts | | |

|rocks, minerals and soil can decode the past | |Art History | | |

|environment in which they formed. In Physical | |( Becomes familiar with the historical placement of| | |

|Science students will study foundational concepts | |artwork, musical pieces and inventions | | |

|of the particulate nature of matter, linear motion,| | | | |

|and kinetic and potential energy. In Life Science,| |Communicating Through Art | | |

|sixth graders will study the basics of Modern Cell | |( Uses elements and principles of design | | |

|Theory. All organisms are composed of cells, which| |( Plans, reflects and revises | | |

|are the fundamental unit of life. Cells carry on | | | | |

|the many processes that sustain life. All cells | |Art Criticism | | |

|come from pre-existing cells. | |( Practices methods for evaluating and/or | |Wellness 4 Life |

| | |interpreting works of art | |Value of Lifetime Fitness |

|District Instructional Material: Harcourt Science | | | |( Engages in regular physical activity inside and |

|and Gizmos | | | |outside of school to meet national recommendations |

| | | | |for daily physical activity |

| | |Music | |( Creates and monitors a personal plan for physical|

| | |Historical, Cultural, and Social Contexts | |activity. |

|Health | |( Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a | |( Meets or exceeds criterion-referenced |

|Sixth grade students begin developing a philosophy | |variety of music styles, cultures, and musicians | |health-related physical fitness standards |

|of life and goals. The students are discovering | |both past and present | | |

|their personal strengths and weaknesses. Peer | | | |Sport Skills and Strategies |

|pressure continues to influence decision making | |Creative Expression and Communication | |( Demonstrates movement skills and patterns in a |

|regarding health choices. The abstract reasoning | |( Sings, plays instruments, moves, reads, notates, | |variety of physical activities |

|skills begin to develop but emotional issues remain| |improvises, and creates music | |( Demonstrates critical elements of specialized |

|paramount for this age learner. The human growth | | | |manipulative skills in a variety of settings |

|and development unit taught in sixth grade focuses | |Analyzing and Responding | |( Applies tactical concepts and performance |

|on the circulatory system and human sexuality. | |( Listens to a varied repertoire of music and | |principles in physical activities |

|Also in the curriculum are safety and risk | |responds by analyzing and describing music using | | |

|reduction; exercise and nutrition; and an awareness| |correct vocabulary | |Character Development |

|of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. | |( Evaluates the creating and performing of music | |( Develops and applies rules, safe practices, and |

| | | | |procedures in physical activity settings |

|District Instructional Material: Teen Health | |Valuing Music/Aesthetic Reflection | |( Communicates effectively with others to promote |

|Course 2; and Health Resource Guide – 6 | |( Develops an understanding of why people value | |respect and conflict resolution in physical |

| | |music and is encouraged to respect diverse opinions| |activity settings |

| | |regarding music preferences | | |

| | |( Expresses the significance of music in his/her | |Wellness Connections |

| | |life | |( Understands and applies the mental, physical, and|

| | | | |social benefits of physical activity |

| | |Connections, Relationships, and Applications | | |

| | |( Identifies the similarities and differences and | | |

| | |recognizes the relationship between music and other| | |

| | |arts disciplines, as well as other curricular | | |

| | |subjects | | |

| | |( Develops a desire for lifelong learning in music | | |

Worthington School District Grade Level Six Guide

General Characteristics of Grade 6 Children

| Intellectual | Emotional |

|( become more analytical |( are preoccupied with self |

|( can deal with abstract |( begin to have models other than parents |

|( are able to see dimensions of problems |( become more self-conscious |

|( can conceptualize other’s thoughts |( search for self-definition through friendship |

|( are able to apply logic to verbal and hypothetical problems |( establish values |

|( are sensitive to their place in time |( wish to no longer be viewed as a child |

|( are concerned with end product |( change moods unpredictably |

| | |

|Physical |Social |

|( develop at a rate which varies from peers |( are sensitive to attitudes of peers with an emphasis on peer group |

|( grow rapidly preceding the onset of puberty (girls about two years ahead |and a sense of belonging |

|of boys) |( need to be noticed |

|( have rapid muscular growth |( show increased interest in opposite sex |

|( are awkward and restless because of uneven growth of different body parts|( deliberately exclude others |

| |( select leaders who are often precocious intellectually and |

| |physically and are popular with the opposite sex |

| |( begin to challenge parental and school authority |

| |( participate in family activities |

| |( develop a sense of justice and concern for others |

| |( want to develop independence |

District and State Assessment Schedule

To view the District Assessment Calendar, log on to the district website , select the “Our District” tab, click on “Calendars,” and select “2013-2014 Assessment Schedule.”


For additional information regarding our curriculum and programs, please refer to the following resources:

|Worthington Schools Website: | |Ohio Department of Education Website: |

| | | |

| | | |

If you have questions, please feel free to discuss them with your child’s teacher, the building principal, or contact any of us in the Department of Academic Achievement. You can also use the district website to contact any administrator in the district through email.


Individual Communications

( Phone Calls

( Student Plan Books

( Email

( Assessed Student Work

Program Information

( Ohio Academic Content Standards

( Graded Courses of Study

( Grade Level Guides

( Course Handbooks

( Strategic Balanced Literacy Framework

( Newsletters

( Websites




( Goal Setting

( Progress Reporting

( Intervention Plans

Formal Progress Reports

( Quarterly Reports

( Interim Reports

( Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

( Grade Cards

( Electronic

This Grade Level Guide is intended to give you an overview of the content in the core academic courses, materials used, and resources to help you gain more information about both the Ohio Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Math and the Ohio State Standards in Social Studies and Science.

NOTE: This document contains hyperlinks connecting you with samples of the resources used in Worthington Schools if the document is read electronically. These hyperlinks are meant to be a representative sample of the resources and not a comprehensive list of the materials used in our classrooms.






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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