
Engaging Questions for Social Media: Fill in the Blank: My favorite Food is __________Fill the Blank: My Favorite Store is ________Fill in the Blank: My Favorite Book is _________Fill in the Blank: My Favorite Romantic movie is?Fill in the Blank: I am so old that I remember ___________Music/movie: RelatedIf you could only listen to one genre of music what would it be?Name your favorite song of all time__________If you could sing like any singer who would it be?Name a song that makes change the station every single time you hear it playing________What is one move you have watched several times?Name a song that makes you get up and dance every time__________WorkIf you could retire tomorrow what would you do?Name one thing that you LOVE about your job?Name a co-worker that makes your job worth going to every day?Name a task you do at your job that someone else probably doesn’t do in theirs.How long have you been at your current job?Ruin your work day in 4 wordsWhat was your first Job?TravelWhat is the best thing to do in your home town?What has been your most favorite vacation?Fill in the blank: Traveling with your kids is like _______________. Name a Travel Game that drives you crazy. Ruin your Vacation in 5 wordsWould you rather hike a mountain or lay on the beach?Crafting: A tool I just can’t live without is ____________Show me your last project you completed. What is your favorite color to paint with right now?If money wasn’t an object what would be one tool you would buy right now. Show me your work spaceShow me the last picture on your phone of you workingWhat do you listen to when you are working?Food/Drink/DietSalty Snack or Sweet Treat?Coffee or Tea?Name Fad diet you did that no one talks about anymore.Post a GIF of what you look like ExercisingWhat is one food you could not live without?Games: Let’s play a game: You have to post a food that starts with the letter of your name. Post a drink that starts with the letter of the person who commented before you. GIF: Post a GIF of how Monday’s make you feel. Post a GIF of how Friday’s make you feel. Post a GIF of what you look like driving to work. Post a GIF of what you look like trying to get your kids ready for school. Post a GIF of how your house looks like right nowPost a GIF of how the school drop off line makes you feel. Funny: What makes you laugh and probably shouldn’t?Name the best Knock Knock joke you have heard….Who is your favorite comedian?When was the last time you laughed until you cried?Tell the Truth… Do you snort when you laugh? OR what makes your laugh stand out in the crowdHere are several engagement post for your pages. Take these ideas and make your own meme’s or post some without pictures to test out your pages to see if it works. Happy 1 year Anniversary Connectors! Hope this helps you not to have to search for fillers for a month or two! ~Ashley ................

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