“Would You Rather” Questions

[Pages:22]"Would You Rather" Questions

for Journal Writing and Classroom Discussions

Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet

your great-great grandchildren?

Would you rather have more time or more money?

Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?

Would you rather win the lottery or live twice

as long?

Would you rather be without internet for a week, or without your iPod/iPad/phone/tablet

for a week?

Would you rather be Batman or Spiderman?

Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel?

Would you rather be a singer or a movie star?

Would you rather stuck Would you rather read

on a broken ski-lift or in an awesome book or

a broken elevator?

watch a good movie?

Would you rather spend the night in a luxury hotel room or camping

surrounded by beautiful scenery?

Would you rather explore space or the


Would you rather go deep sea diving or bungee jumping?

Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an

adult your whole life?

Would you rather eat a cow tongue or octopus


Would you rather be stuck on an island alone

or with someone who talks constantly?

Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize


Would you rather spend the day with your

favorite athlete or you favorite movie star?

Would you rather live where it is constantly winter or where it is constantly summer?

Would you rather live in Would you rather go

Antarctica or the without TV or junk food

Sahara Dessert?

the rest of your life?

Would you rather not brush your hair for a month or shower in cold water for a month?

Would you rather change your eye color

or your hair color?

Would you rather sing like an opera star or cook like a gourmet


Would you rather be locked in an amusement

park or a library?

Would you rather be on a game how or on a survival reality TV

show? (Family feud vs Survivor)

Would you rather be a stand-up comedian or a

concert musician?

Would you rather win an Olympic gold medal

or an Academy Award/Oscar?

Would you rather eat a small can of cat food or

eat two rotten tomatoes?

Would you rather have Would you rather have

to skip everywhere or hands instead of feet or

run everywhere?

feet instead of hands?

Would you rather have Would you rather have

a horse's tail or a

a pig nose or an

unicorn horn?

elephant trunk?

Would you rather have a giraffe's neck or fish


Would you rather have you grandmother's/

grandfather's hairstyle or first name?

Would you rather always talk in rhymes

or sing instead of speak?

Would you rather wear clown makeup every

day for a year or wear a tutu every day for a year?

Would you rather not be allowed to wash your hands for a month or your hair for a month?

Would you rather be a police officer or a fire


Would you rather go to the school only for 4 months in the winter and have the rest of the year off or go to school in the summer and have the

rest of the year off?

Would you rather eat a bowl full or worms or a

live frog?

Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?

Would you rather jump into a pool of

marshmallows or a pool of Jell-O?

Would you rather have the head the size of an orange or the size of


Would you rather have one eye in the middle of

your forehead like a cyclops or have two


Would you rather not be

Would you rather live in the 1980's or the 2050's?

allowed to eat your 5 favorite foods for an entire year or only eat your 5 favorite foods for

an entire school?

Would you rather live Would you rather meet

without music or live a visiting Alien or travel

without TV?

to outer space?

Would you rather meet Would you rather go an Alien or Bigfoot? skiing or go surfing?

Would you rather be only able to whisper or

only able to shout?

Would you rather be a doctor or a dentist?

Would you rather live forever (immortal) or be the richest human


Would you rather have a pet elephant or a pet



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