W-3, Exercise 1—Commonly Confused Words Multiple Choice Select the correct term to fill in the blank.1. Ask your next-door neighbor to _____ a package for you if you’re not home.a.acceptb.exceptANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3. <. Who ______ the story “The Christmas Carol” into play form?a.adaptedb.adoptedANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. How much does it cost to get a lawyer’s ______ about estate planning?a.adviseb.adviceANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. An absence of sunshine in the winter can _____ people’s moods.a.affectb.effectANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Choosing _____ the six candidates will be difficult.a.amongb.betweenANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Did you notice the instructor’s _____ to Hamlet?a.illusionb.allusionANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. She feels _____ about losing the race.a.badlyb.badANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Wisconsin’s _____, Madison, boasts a top-notch university.a.capitalb.capitolANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Salad, mashed potatoes, fried chicken, and dessert_____ the birthday dinner.posedANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. How many _____ must you meet for admission to graduate school?a.criteriab.criterionANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<, Exercise 2 — Commonly Confused WordsMultiple Choice Select the correct term to fill in the blank.1. It’s unlikely that you’ll find a(n) _____ judge in that liberal community.a.disinterestedb.uninterestedANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Who were the first of your ancestors to _____ to the United States?a.emigrateb.immigrateANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Juan’s new house has _____ windows than his previous home.a.fewerb.lessANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. From his speech, we can _____ that the governor intends to seek the nomination.a.implyb.inferANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Amanda played the Mozart sonata extremely _____.a.goodb.wellANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. The director of the theater claims that _____ best reviews were for Via Dolorosa by David’sANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. After a grueling day at the office, Monty decided to _____ down and take a nap.a.lieb.layANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. The tour guide _____ us into the gloomy, damp cave.a.ledb.leadANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. To _____ the game by only one point was heartbreaking for the team.a.looseb.loseANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. A basic _____ of American democracy is that all people are created equal.a.principalb.principleANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<, Exercise 3 — Commonly Confused Words Multiple Choice Select the correct term to fill in the blank.1. Why don’t you _____ over there until the music starts?a.sitb.setANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Lucia runs two miles ______ of the week.a.every dayb.everydayANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. After searching for hours, Sam found the perfect _______ for the end of his speech.a.quoteb.quotationANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. The bride and groom need to select the _______ for the wedding invitation.a.stationary b.stationeryANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. We plan to take the back roads rather ______ the interstate highway.a.thenb.thanANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Georgia likes working ______, but she deserves a higher salary. a.there b.their ANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. It is a big mistake ______ accept this information without checking all the ANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. _______ conditions are a crucial factor in the success of some businesses.a.Weatherb.WhetherANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. Mom thinks _______ the prettiest girl at the’re ANS: bREF: The correct answer is b. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<. The question of _______ responsible requires a comprehensive investigation.a.who’sb.whose ANS: aREF: The correct answer is a. In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see W-3. < The Little Seagull Handbook, see L-3.<; ................

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