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|FORM 114-7017D (01-10) REV.3 | |


|MEETING PLACE |Denny’s Restaurant Tempe AZ |MEETING TYPE |Business |


|GUESTS PRESENT |10-1 John Doran; 10-7 Catherine Harrach, Kay McBroom |


|COMMENC|Called to Order |1900 |

|EMENT | | |

| |Pledge of Allegiance |Kay McBroom |

| |Introduction of Guests |Flotilla Commanders introduced their guests |

| |Roll Call/Quorum yes | |



|REPORT |The next District Board and Staff meeting is scheduled for June 22nd which will be webcast again, invitations will go out via Everbridge broadcast|

| |email system to all District members. |


| |SABOT 2 training will be held Saturday July 13 at Bass Pro Shop and our West valley class will be held Saturday July 20. Please contact Karen |

| |Chapman to register. |

| |There has been a lot going on up at Lake Powell this year as well as down here in our valley lakes. Flotilla 10-2 was supporting NPS with a recent|

| |drowning with members from 10-7 and 10-8. They are currently supporting NPS providing picket patrols from a fatal boating accident reported last |

| |night at Lake Powell. |

| |July 4th is right around the corner with several patrols scheduled. For those members that need hours to get out of REYR this is a perfect time to|

| |get out on the water, get current and practice your new found skills learned at our SABOT Training classes. |

| |CWO2 Hutchinson was in town last week to teach several workshops as well as hold the annual QE workshop and patrol. This will probably be Mr. |

| |Hutchison's last visit to Division 10 before his retirement in mid August. We wish him well in his long awaited civilian life. |

| |A reminder that NACON 2013 is coming up August 21-25 at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego. A link to the NACON website is now on the home |

| |page of the Division 10 website. |


|#10-01 |Gordon Brown – absent – Nellie Doran IPFC present – 54 vessel inspections. Need to turn in VE forms |

|#10-02 |Karen Chapman – absent |

|#10-07 |Howard Bentley – present: report stands as submitted. July 13th ABS class |

|#10-08 |Pat O’Leary – present: report stands as submitted. Memorial Day Patrol had a couple SARs |

|#10-10 |George Hornbeck – present; Memorial Day Patrol – coxswain. Prescott Mobile 1 at Lake Pleasant for Memorial Day Patrol. Note AOM does not support |

| |the times people are putting for in for the evolution and double entries are being created. Also, have a concern about the 60 day limit for |

| |submitting hours since there is no limit for National, however, the district has imposed a limit. |

|#10-11 |Jack Isaacson – present: report stands as submitted |

|DVCDR | |



|AV |n/a |

|CM |Richard White – absent |

|CS |Chris Harshfield – absent |

|FN |Mike Doyle – present – presented Finance Report |

|IS |Sherry Fulcher – absent |

|MA |John Koutras – present; All materials have been ordered and on hand. |

|MS |Leon Artac – present; report stands as submitted |

|MT |Karen Chapman – absent |

|DV |Karen Novo – present: no word from DSO-DV. 2012 award deadline June 30th. Send a copy of the award to Karen and a copy to the DSO |

|OP |Mike Johnson – absent |

|PA |vacant |

|PB |Manny Romero – absent |

|PE |Suzanne White – present: 10-8 4 students and 3 members took the ABS class; 10-7 5 students ; 10-11 18 students May 18th; Suddenly in Command – |

| |flotillas need to get the word out about this course. |

|PS |Mary Jo Aleks – present; report stands as submitted |

|PV |Howard Bentley – present – report as submitted. Amended to add 2 more program visits. |

|SR |Lyn O’Leary – present –minutes distributed for review/approval. |

|VE |Jim Schmidlin – absent |

|OLD |COW – committee: 10-8 Mike Doyle and Karen Novo; 10-7 Rick Harrach |

|BUSINES|Awards committee: 10-7 Suzanne White and Rick Harrach; 10-8 Pat O’Leary |

|S | |

|NEW |none |


|S | |

|MEMBER |none |


|G | |

|SPECIAL|none |


|REMARKS|non |

|ADJOURN|Approval of Minutes |5/17/13 minutes approved 10-8 Pat O’Leary motioned and 10-10 George Hornbeck second |

|MENT | | |

| |Next Meeting |7/19/13 |

| |Adjournment Time |2015 |

| |Submitted by |Lynette O’Leary, SO-SR |


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