
Table of ContentsIntroduction 1Allin One SEO 2Akismet 3Google XML Sitemap 4Google Analytics 5Simple Facebook Connect 6Contact Form 7 7Gravity Forms 8BackupBuddy 9Comment Luv 10Traffic Getting SEQ Plugin by Jeff Johnson 11CBnet Ping Optimizer 12Flowplayer 13WordPress backup 14Digg Digg 15Easy WP SEQ 16Exclude Pages 17Audio Player 18AWeber Web Form Plugin 19DigitaiAccess Pass (DAP) 20Fast Secure Contact Form 21Raw HTML 22Amazon S3 for WordPress 23Google Analyticator 24Bulletproof 25Commentluv Premium 26HeadSpace2 SEQ 27AddThis 28Live Slogging 29ClickBump SEQ 30Digi Auto Links 31wp-Member 32Disqus Comment System 33Duplicate Post34Easy Video Player 35MaxBiog Press Affiliate Ninja 36W3 Total Cache 37Table of ContentslnfusionWP38Jetpack 39JWplayer 40Add To Any 41List Rank Dashboard Widget 42Conditional Captcha 43Antispam Bee 44Auto Blog Buddy 45Auto Link Juicer 46Auto Blogged 47Automatic WordPress Backup 48WP Autoresponder and Newsletter Plugin 49Backlinks Rotator 50Backup creator 51WP Super Cache 52cforms II 53Chennai Central 54Clean-contact form 55Facebook comments for WordPress56Date Exclusion SEO 57Display Buddy 58Easy AdSense 59Editorial Calendar60Efficient Related Posts 61EZPZ One Click Backup 62Feedburner63Flash video player 64Follow Widget 65Free Traffic Getting SEO 66Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps 67XML Google Maps 68Hana Flash Player 69Exploit scanner70Like 71Thank Me Later 72WP Email Capture 73Clicky 74Table of ContentsSimple Social SEO Smart Links SociableViper's Video QuicktagsAdSense Manager Ad Injection Wptouch Redirection pageMashSimple Social- Sharing Widgets and IconsSocial Media Widget WP Security Scan WP NewsletterTinyMCE Advanced LinkWithin WordPress ImporterSEO Friendly Images Secure WordPress MaxBiogPress Ninja Affiliate FeedWordPressWP OptimizeWP-DBManagerReally Simple CAPTCHA WP-PollsSearch and ReplaceBroken Link Checker75767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101IntroductionWordPress is arguably the greatest thing the Internet has seen since the emergence of Google. Intro? duced in 2003, this free, open source CMS has taken website ownership away from tech-heads and cor? porations and brought it to the hands of everyday people. It's fun, customizable and easy to use, making it appealing to everyone from bored teens to mommy bloggers across the world.And while WordPress is an awesome thing right out of the box, it's the open source nature of this PHP and MySQL-based CMS that give it its greatest strength: truckloads upon truckloads of plugins that extend its functionality and make it one of the most powerful content management platforms out there. These plugins provide a wide range of extra features to WordPress, ranging from simple site mainte? nance, SEO, design enhancement and more.Today, it's hard to imagine running a successful WordPress site without using several plugins to make things easy for you. Some plugins can be downloaded for free, some can be used on a limited trial basis, while some have to be paid for in order to acquire a license to use. As you may guess, it didn't take long for plugins to be made with Internet marketing in mind and today, we have thousands upon thousands of plugins out there that are ready to help us turn a profit from our WordPress sites.The only problem with having so many plugins out there is choosing which ones exactly to use. It's not very smart to install them all, so I did a survey involving as many Internet marketers as I can reach and I came up with the Top 100 WordPress plugins for Internet marketers.This list was ranked using a voting system that measured a plugin's popularity, usefulness and impact on Internet marketing processes. The result is a collection of plugin perfection that's sure to help you gain that competitive edge to stand out in your niche. Here we go:ALL IN ONE SEQType of plugin: SEQ/Site optimizerFeatures:All in One SEO is no stranger among WordPress users because many appreciate the multi-function purpose it serves in optimizing your site. It has everything to help you populate and optimize those data fields such as title tags and meta descriptions, keywords and more. It's user friendly and has always been a reliable tool in helping people rank for keywords they're targeting.Why Internet marketers love it:A lot of Internet marketers are in the dark when it comes to SEO and the more technical aspects of the industry, and this plugin is a true godsend for those who don't want to spend hours and hours trying to figure out how to best optimize their site from the code level. It's so easy to use that it works right out of the box after installing it.Our recommendation:This one gets a definite thumbs up in my book. If you aren't too tech savvyand don't really have a good idea how to best optimize your WordPress site, then you definitely need this tool. On the other hand, this plugin also caters to advanced users since it helps you tweak the finer points of your site and its features extended functionality with other plugins and themes that you might have installed.AkismetType of plugin: Slogging/Comment moderationFeatures:A very handy plugin, especially if you hate spam- spam comments, that is. Akismet screens any du? bious comments posted on your blog, allowing you to review them before they go live. With Akismet, you're protected from desperate link builders and malicious posters who want to erode what you've worked hard to build.Why Internet marketers love it:Spam can become a big issue for your site, especially when it starts to affect the quality of user experi? ence you provide to your readers. You'll want to make sure that only real comments from real people who participate in on-topic discussions get posted. Anything outside of that is either an attack on your credibility, a troll who pesters your community or a sorry attempt to drain away your site's link juice. Akismet helps you stay on top of your marketing game by keeping your blog post pages squeaky clean and malice-free. Spam can become a big issue for your site, especially when it starts to affect the qual? ity of user experi-ence you provide to your readers. You'll want to make sure that only real comments from real people who participate in on-topic discussions get posted. Anything outside of that is eitheran attack on your credibility, a troll who pesters your community or a sorry attempt to drain away your site's link juice. Akismet helps you stay on top of your marketing game by keeping your blog post pages squeaky clean and malice-free.Our recommendation:If you don't want to waste time sifting through all your comments and trying to figure out which ones are spam and which ones aren't, then I say go aheadand download it. It has a small requirement of down? loading the API key from the Akismet website, but other than that it's pretty easy to install and use once you have it up.Features:Another plugin to help you optimize the inner workings of your blog, Google XML Sitemap allows you to easily generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engine spiders to crawl through your web- site and evaluate its content more efficiently. With this plugin, you won't have to learn XML and do an audit of all your pages- the software does all of that for you. In addition, it automates the process of letting bots know that you've got new content up, so new pages can be ranked and indexed as soon as possible.Why Internet marketers love it:When you've got thousands of pages up and running on your WordPress site, trying to organize a de? cent sitemap for it can be overwhelming. I don't even want to imagine trying to do this manually. Bottom line, a task that may take technical expertise, supreme attention to detail and days of hard work can be done within seconds using a simple plugin and a couple of mouse clicks.Our recommendation:Keeping a dynamic and technically sound sitemap is a synergy to your site's content and architecture. If you need instant sitemaps that are 100% accurate, there's no question- this one's the best out there.Google AnalyticsType of plugin: Analytics/Data and site traffic analysisFeatures:Outside of WordPress, Google Analytics is a name everyone should be familiar with. This particular pl? ugin helps integrate the Google Analytics service into your site or blog. All the data that you can get from it will be instantly redirected to your blog's admin panel where you can take a look at the data and decide how to best use it for your marketing initiative. All it takes is uploading the plugin and it should take care of installing the proper Javascript codes to integrate the service to your site.Why Internet marketers love it:If you're mad for numbers and traffic data, then there's no reason to turn this plugin down. Google Ana? lytics has always been a reliable source of information to base your marketing campaigns on and im? prove your conversions. Of course, it's up to you how to interpret this data. In any case, it's a definitely good way to monitor how well your site is doing and make some smart decisions based on this informa? tion.Our recommendation:Even if you aren't skilled in data analysis, this is still a good plugin to have since it can easily compile all the necessary information regarding your site traffic. You can always get someone to take a look at it for you and give you some recommendations regarding it. This way, you can always have the final word on what's best for your site and how you want to act on the data you get out of this service.Simple Facebook ConnectType of plugin: Social mediaFeatures:Simple Facebook Connect creates a framework that integrates various Facebook features into your blog. It's a quick way to implement various functionalities into your site without a lot of coding while still giving you the freedom to customize it exactly the way you like.Why Internet marketers love it:Since Internet marketers have realized the role social media has played in today's industry, many have been switching to Facebook as an easy platform to deliver their campaign. With such a large network at their disposal, it's no wonder why plugins like these have become so popular these days.Our recommendation:Instead of bringing your site to Facebook, you can easily bring Facebook to your site instead. The level of integration this plugin has is simply amazing, since it virtually captures all of the essential features from Facebook and fuses it seamlessly with your site.Contact Form 7Type of plugin: Contact form generation/managementFeatures:This plugin is a simple yet flexible tool that you can use to generate and manage the forms that you plan on using for your marketing campaign. This includes forms for email capture or opt ins, taking down customer information and many more. You can even manage multiple forms on the same page or across several pages. In addition, it also includes support for AJAX submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet and other useful plugins..Why Internet marketers love it:Generating forms to capture your leads are essential for any e-business site. You'll need all manner of forms for your opt ins, landing pages or sales pages, so it's almost impossible to do without a proper contact form plugin to help you generate your forms.Our recommendation:If you're looking for an easy to use plugin to generate your forms without sacrificing flexibility, then Con? tact Form 7 is the plugin for you. One of the best things about this plugin is that supports multiple lan? guages, so you're able to style them in your native language if you prefer.Gravity FormsType of plugin: Contact form generation/managementFeatures:Simply put, Gravity Forms has a lot in common with other contact form plugins out there but with a little more kick added to it. Aside from the usual contact form generation and management, this plugin in? cludes additional features that help you extend its functionality. These features include a lot of cool stuff like dynamic field population to even user created posts.Why Internet marketers love it:While other contact form plugins can easily serve the purpose of form generation, Gravity Forms pushes the limit and does more than that. If your projects ask for more than a simple comment field or email capture, then you'll be interested to know that this plugin has a host of other functions that will suit your needs. It's also highly customizable since you have the ability to tweak stuff from the backend, so Inter? net marketers who are looking for a little more bang for their buck will definitely appreciate this plugin.Our recommendation:If you believe that a free WordPress site is best used with free plugins, then you might want to recon? sider using Gravity Forms. However, if you don't mind paying the piper for a bit of added functionality, then this is the plugin for you. (Yes, Gravity Forms is a premium/paid plugin) Need to create forms which can access the database for your client to view, edit or delete? Gravity Forms can easily do this and more. It's highly recommended for those who don't mind shelling out a little dough for that added kick.BackupBuddyType of plugin: WordPress backup/restoration/migrationFeatures:This plugin has three main features and implements it all quite well: backup your data, restore it when you need it and migrate your site to another server. It also integrates itself with a lot of other applica? tions, such as DropBox and Rackspace, to improve its functionality. In addition, the latest version that rolled out now offers multisite support as well.Why Internet marketers love it:Of course, even with the most sophisticated web security tools at your disposal, you can never tell when something might happen to the data you keep online. This is why it's always a good idea to backup your files and what better way to do this than with a convenient plugin which does all that.Our recommendation:There's no reason to risk your data by not storing a back? up of it somewhere, so I'm all for this plugin. Even if you have to pay a premium to be able to use this plugin, it's definitely a better alternative than having someone hack into your site and irrevocably mess it up.+BACKUPBUDDYComment LuvType of plugin: Slogging/Community buildingFeatures:A very interesting plugin that automatically creates a title link to the last article or blog post of an author whenever they leave a comment on your own blog. It can create a very organic link building schemeby allowing visitors to link back to your site through the linked posts and create a solid network. There's even an option to choose from the last 10 posts ofthe commenter instead of the latest one. This allows you to tweak the relevance of the comment or the post where the author left you a message.Why Internet marketers love it:Community building and networking is a growing trend that has become a very important aspect of blogging nowadays. Not only does it encourage more people to visit your site, but even Google willlook kindly upon sites that draw in organic traffic in this way. This is a great tool to build a good network across blogs and establish a real community between bloggers.Our recommendation:If the nature of your blog relies on building a solid community, then go ahead and try this free plugin out. Even for more conventional e-business sites it has its uses by allowing visitors to promote their own site or products upon leaving a comment.Traffic Getting SEQ PluginType of plugin: SEQ/Traffic conversionFeatures:If you're still in the dark about how to convert all that traffic on your site into actual sales, then you might be interested in this handy plugin from SEO guru Jeff Johnson. It's more or less a one touch "magic but? ton" that automates the process of optimizing your site for traffic conversions and more.Why Internet marketers love it:Translating traffic into conversions is one of the biggest goals every Internet marketer has in mind when setting up their site. This tool does all of that and more, with little fuss on the part of the user. It's a very simple plug and play software that you can easily install so you don't have to be a tech savvy SEO guru like Jeff to get it to working for you.Our recommendation:The only requirement Jeff asks of you to get this great plugin is to leave your email on his site. He'll then email you the plugin along with some helpful SEO tutorials to maximize your download.ttow To.-.,..,_,lUFI=IC I?MMCEl-INKSCBnet Ping OptimizerType of plugin: Site optimizationFeatures:It's a little known fact that every time you edit one of your blog posts, WordPress sends out a ping to search engines, inviting them to crawl and index the changes. However, abuse this too many times and your site might be flagged for ping spamming. CBnet Ping Optimizer reduces the amount of unneces? sary pings coming from your site and only does so when you post a new entry on your blog.Why Internet marketers love it:When you're trying to rank on the search engines, you definitely don't want to take a sudden hit for un? necessary ping spamming. Getting penalized for "unnatural" site behavior can mean lower income and revenues, and this plugin minimizes the risk of inadvertent search engine penalties.Our recommendation:This plugin works quietly in the background as soon as it's installed on your site, so you don't have to worry about anything else as soon as you have it set up. Bottom line, it's a nifty little addition that gets your site that much closer to SEO perfection.FlowplayerType of plugin: Flash video playerFeatures:Based on the free GPL license of the popular video player of the same name, this plugin allows you to host and stream your own videos on your WordPress site.Why Internet marketers love it:While it's easier to simply upload your videos on YouTube and embed it on your site, having direct con? trol over every aspect of your videos is vital in putting together the best campaigns possible. Having no restrictions in length, size, quality and content will allow you to freely implement whatever strategy you feel will yield the most returns. You'll also be in charge of your own security and you'll definitely call the shots on who gets to watch your videos and who doesn't.Our recommendation:While there are a lot of other video player plugins available out there, Flowplayer is a pretty reliable choice for WordPress users since it has direct support and good customization options. You can even embed it into your pop-ups and opt-in baits to make the capture process more dynamic and appealing.WordPress backupType of plugin: Site backupFeatures:Another useful plugin that regularly backs up your WordPress themes, images and plugins online. It also has the option to send your backups to an email where you can easily download the necessary files in case you need to revert to previous version of your site. You can even set the frequency of how oftenthis plugin backs up your files.Why Internet marketers love it:Apart from the obvious security reasons for backing up your site, it's also a good idea to save a copy of your site if you plan on switching back to an older version should you or your users be unsatisfied with any changes you do to your WordPress site. WordPress backup does a good job of saving the most es? sential front end elements that you can easily revert to whenever needed.Our recommendation:If you love changing up your site for testing purposes or just plain vanity, then you'll definitely want to make use of this plugin to store some backup versions. You'll need to play around with your WordPress code a little bit to get things up and running, but it shouldn't be too complicated as long as you follow the instructions found on their site.Digg DiggType of plugin: Social media integrationFeatures:This plugin gives users easy access to their favorite social media networks by integrating popular social buttons on your site like Digg, Linkedln, Google +1, Reddit, Twitter and more. You're free to customize how these buttons appear and you can even put in scrolling effects to it like the ones you see on Mash? able.Why Internet marketers love it:Internet marketers today know how important the value of social media is for their marketing cam? paigns. That's why a lot of them try to include as much integration as they can to the most popular social media networks out there. Popular content that people find cool on a site is usually given a shout out on the typical social media channels and thus give sites the potential for more incoming traffic to come in.Our recommendation:The best type of promotion is the kind where other people do it for you at no cost. Having visible and easy to use social media buttons makes your content easy to share. Social traffic is easy to convert into revenue, so go out there and be more proactive in acquiring it.EasyWPSEOType of plugin: SEQ/Site optimizerFeatures:This plugin touts two features that aren't found in most other SEO extensions for WP. First, its keyword density counter factors in both keywords and phrases. Second, it has a way of requesting search en? gine bots to pay attention to the entire HTML code of each page and not just the <body> section. It also implements other proven on-page optimization factors to help optimize your page.Why Internet marketers love it:The lack of SEO skills lead Internet marketers to rely on plugins like these to optimize their sites auto? matically. It's definitely one less headache to worry about, so you can focus more on running a success? ful business rather than trying to rank better for target keywords.Our recommendation:If you don't want to go through all the fuss of optimizing your page yourself, then go ahead and get this plugin to do all the dirty work for you. It's got a couple of features that other SEO site optimizers don't have, so you'll be sure to get enough bang for your buck should you decide to buy this plugin.Exclude PagesType of plugin: Site managementFeatures:A no-frills plugin that gives you the option to exclude certain pages from your site navigation so they don't appear in any page listings. The process itself is quite simple: all you have to do is uncheck these specific pages that you wish to exclude and you're done. In addition, you can easily keep track of any excluded pages as well as parent and child pages that were excluded inadvertently.Why Internet marketers love it:Having easy and direct control over your site's navigation paths is valuable in promoting good usability and higher conversion rates. This plugin answers this need directly and gives you the power to create the exact user experience that you had in mind for your site.Our recommendation:This plugin easily integrates into the navigation screen while editing your site, so it's quite simple to take out a page temporarily if you wish to work on it. It certainly beats going into the more detailed menus to place the page on hold in case you need to work on it. In the same way sausage manufacturers don't want to show the public how their product is made, you as a marketer shouldn't let people see pages that are half-finished and haven't passed your QA process.Audio PlayerType of plugin: Embedded audio playerFeatures:A relatively simple yet flexible streaming audio player that you can easily embed into your site. It offers customization options for the color of the player and the default volume any audio file will initially play. In addition, the latest version is also able to embed itself in the comments section of your blog or site.Why Internet marketers love it:It's usually a great idea to mix up the media types you use in marketing your site and products. Person? ally, we all know I'm a video guy. However, podcasts are great for people who like listening in while doing other things or traveling. If you want to record your own audio and have a player up on your site that people can fire up straight from their browsers, this plugin I the solution you're looking for.Our recommendation:This plugin integrates pretty well into the default editor and provides you with the correct audio code once you choose the audio file you want to embed on your site from the WordPress media library. It's easy, hassle-free and a lot of fun for your audience.AWeber Web Form PluginType of plugin: AWeber registration/lead captureFeatures:You can easily integrate any web forms you've created in AWeber directly to your site with the use of this plugin. Opt-in forms are easy to create and the emails captured are integrated directly to your mailinglist.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin is another homerun from AWeber, one of the most popular and reliable mailing services out there. It takes away the burden of coding your own online forms and integrating the leads you've cap? tured to your mailing list database. With the AWeber form plugin, all you have to do is create the fields you want users to fill out and watch your list grow fat with leads.Our recommendation:I'm one of the guys who believe that setting up a site and its parts should be as easy as easy and non? technical as possible. This plugin is one of the best I know about because it does exactly that with form creation and mailing list integration. This means you'll have more time to market to your list rather than setting up forms and filling up your database.DigitaiAccess PassType of plugin: Membership site platform builderFeatures:This content delivery platform provides users with an easy to manage system that handles membership security, timed/dripped content, adding buyers to an autoresponder and more. DigitaiAccess Pass also comes with a built-in shopping cart, protection for downloadable content and even an affiliate program. This also happens to be the recommended plug-in for handling membership for optimized press.Why Internet marketers love it:It seems they threw in everything but the kitchen sink into this plug-in and it shows. Having just one plug?in to handle a huge chunk of your processes is awesome since you minimize compatibility issues and only have to update one plugin.Our recommendation:In terms of sheer versatility, this is a pretty solid contender and is a good choice for anyone looking to get their feet wet when setting up a membership site and selling stuff online. However, if you already have plugins which do this for you, there's no big reason to switch to this one.I C IIFast Secure Contact FormType of plugin: Contact form generationFeatures:This plugin is another standard fare plugin you'll see on most blogs since it allows you to create simple yet flexible contact forms which allow people to send you a message when visiting your site. It supports multiple forms and it even has the option to redirect your visitors to a specific URL once they're done sending you their email messages. In addition, it sports the usual anti-spam features such as CAPTCHA and Akismet to keep the bad guys away from your inbox.Why Internet marketers love it:Contact forms come in all shapes and sizes Getting feedback from your audience gives you the best kind of insight on how you can improve your site. With this plugin, you can make it easy for visitors to hit you up with real messages. The added CAPTCHA security keeps most spammers away, making manag? ing your inbox that much easierOur recommendation:This one is just about as reliable as other contact form generators such as Contact Form 7. This prob? ably ranks lower since it doesn't have language localization options, but if that doesn't bother you then you can always give this one a try.Raw HTMLType of plugin: Meta HTML code postingFeatures:This is a pretty interesting plugin which allows you to use HTML code and tags in your posts without hav?ing WordPress disable it using smart quotes and other automatic formatting schemes. The free version of the plugin works mainly in the HTML editor while the premium version allows users to switch between HTML and the WordPress visual editor.Why Internet marketers love it:Sometimes it's necessary to post a block of code in your articles. Unfortunately, WordPress sometimes messes up this process by implementing some automatic formatting into such posts. This plugin creates a clear cut boundary for WordPress and implicitly tells it not to touch the tags in the page's body.Our recommendation:If you plan on posting custom Java Scripts or CSS blocks in your content, then feel free to give this one a try. It's very easy to use since all you have to do is enclose the piece of code in between a pair of tags. This is perfect for tech sites, but if you don't see yourself writing content about code, you probably shouldn't bother with this.Amazon 53 for WordPressType of plugin:Remote site storage serviceFeatures:This plugin allows you to make use of Amazon's Simple Storage Service to host your media files for your WordPress site. Any media files can be easily uploaded through this plugin and is subsequently hosted and delivered from the Amazon servers instead of your web host. The user-friendly interface also allows easy browsing and management of all the files you've uploaded here.Why Internet marketers love it:Not only is a remote storage service good for backing up your media files, it's also a great way to ensure that your site scales properly to easily handle large spikes in traffic. You don't have to bother with setting up a complicated infrastructure for the content delivery work since Amazon does this for you once you've installed the plugin. Finally, the fact that your site loads from your main hosting service while your big, clunky media files are coming from a fast, reliable remote server like Amazon S3 increases site perfor? mance by putting less stress on the host. This results in faster load times, which promotes better user experiences and better Google rankings.Our recommendation:If you're running a media-rich website, having Amazon S3 servers to support your infrastructure is a must. This plugin bridges the gap between Amazon S3 and your WordPress interface, making file man? agement a breeze.Google AnalyticatorType of plugin:Google Analytics integrationFeatures:Google Analyticator syncs up your blog and allows seamless integration with the Google Analytics. The plugin adds the necessary Java Script code to automatically set up the service for verification. It also includes a widget that displays all the pertinent information, which you can view from the admin panel or on the blog itself.Why Internet marketers love it:Monitoring and studying the information presented by any analytics service is a good way for Internet marketers to know how their site is doing and what steps they can take to improve it further. Embedding JavaScript into your site's back end, however, is something that not all of us are confident about. This pl? ugin makes this step of Google Analytics setup very easy, and easy is exactly how most marketers want to do things.Our recommendation:Analytics is an integral part of any Internet marketing campaign and this plugin makes setting up the service a no-brainer. However, its functionality isn't exactly unique and a lot of other plugins can do what it does. The choice of which one to use then becomes a matter of reliability and subjective preferences. In terms of reliability, though, this one does what it's supposed to do ALL the time.BulletproofType of plugin:Website securityFeatures:It installs secure anti-hacking measures through the .htacess security protection. It proofs against hack? ing attempts from XSS, CSRF, Base64_encode and SQL Injection, among other things. In addition, it implements other security checks such as DB error checking, folder permissions and so on.Why Internet marketers love it:Investing in a little security for your WordPress site will definitely go a long way. You never know whatwill happen to your online data, so installing a layer of security around your online data is way better than blindly hoping that you'll never be targeted by online crooks. This plugin handles all of that and gives you peace of mind about your online business.Our recommendation:Building your site is hard work. Making that site succeed commercially is even tougher. Don't risk waking up one day to find out that some hacker took out what you've worked hard for. Bulletproof gives you the resistance you need to protect yourself against creeps who want to take away what you've worked very hard mentluv PremiumType of plugin:Biogging/CommunityFeatures:More than just an upgrade to the basic Comment Luv plugin, it's actually a compilation of eight plugins which help out your blog in a number of ways. It adds in support for social media, SEO and anti-spam features.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin saves you money by being versatile enough to perform several functions all by itself. Add to that the fact that you'll have fewer plugins to manage and you'll take up less space on your server with Commentluv premium and you've got a real winner right here.Our recommendation:Premium plugins come at a cost, but this one more than justifies what it charges for. It's perfect for sites that are just starting out, so grab it today if you're in that category.HeadSpace2 SEQType of plugin:SEOFeatures:Billed as the "AII-in-one meta data manager," HeadSpace2 SEQ optimizes your site in several ways. It can configure meta data for posts, categories, the home page and more. You can also customize many of the back end elements present on your blog. In addition, it also features integration for a lot of useful web services like Google Analytics, CrazyEgg heat map, etc.Why Internet marketers love it:Having to go down to the HTML level to fix on-page of your site's SEQ is a pain in the bee-hind. Fortu? nately, HeadSpace 2 SEQ does most of the work in an easy-to-use interface. Just enter titles, descrip? tions and keywords and you're all set. It also installs analytics services to boot.Our recommendation:It's worth it if you have something against our number one entry here.AddThisType of plugin:Social media/content publishingFeatures:AddThis Social Bookmarking allows visitors to bookmark and share your content over multiple social networking and bookmarking sites. It also supports address bar sharing in newer browsers. You can even see statistics on what social networks your visitors are sharing your content if you sign in for a free account.Why Internet marketers love it:With social media as dominant as it is today, users can get a surprisingly huge boost from having their content shared on it. This plugin provides connectivity options to 330 different sites and facilitates the sharing of content in a quick and easy manner.Our recommendation:With connections to 330 social networking and book? marking sites, this plugin ensures that audiences can easily share your content to their friends and ac? quaintances. Being able to track the stats on the data being shared is great because it's valuable insight that can help you target your content towards very specific communities outside your domain.Live SloggingType of plugin:Micro blogging/Live blogging supportFeatures:This plugin allows you to insert a micro or live blog as a post to keep your own blog updated about any live events that the blog-in-blog post is covering. Live Slogging also supports Twitter, where the first 139 characters of the live blog entry will be posted on Twitter as soon as they are made.Why Internet marketers love it:Liveblogging keeps your audience glued and engaged in what you're covering. Sporting events, con? certs and even festivities are great opportunities for liveblogging. This plugin makes pulling off a live text feed easy and fast- all within your WordPress console.Our recommendation:We stress the importance of valuable content all the time, and there are very few types of content more valuable than blogging about something as it happens. If you want your site to gain notoriety for bringing in fresh news, Live Slogging is theClickBump SEQType of plugin:On-page SEQ implementationFeatures:This premium plugin ranks each page on a site according to a set of on-page SEO criteria. It then makes appropriate suggestions on how you can maximize the level of each page's SEO elements.Why Internet marketers love it:On-page optimization is a fine art that not all of us have the time and patience to learn. With this plugin, you don't have to. It automatically assesses the on-page quality of every webpage you have so you can take appropriate actions without having to research all the principles of SEO.Our recommendation:Despite the price tag on this plugin, it does its job of optimizing a site quite well. Compared to similar premium plugins, it's actually cheaper so you won't feel as guilty purchasing this plugin.Digi Auto LinksType of plugin:SEO/Backlink generatorFeatures:Simply put, this plugin constantly tries to find backlinks which can point to you blog. It does all of this automatically as soon as you install the plugin, so even if you don't have a lot of technical knowledge re? garding off-page SEO you can easily set this up by following the step-by-step configuration instructions.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin pretty much takes care of the off-page side of SEO. Building proper backlinks for your site can be a real chore, so having a plugin to do this for you definitely gets it a lot of love from Internet mar? ket-ers.Our recommendation:Having backlinks auto-generated for your site is a real treat because link building is never an easy job. The developers say that this plugin uses 100% Google Panda friendly methods, but with algorithm and penalties being updated all the time, there's really no guarantee it stays that way forever. Bottom line, it's a great tool but it has its risks.wp-MemberType of plugin:Membership site platform builderFeatures:This plugin is designed to create a members only platform on your WordPress site. It works right out of the box with no modifications to your theme, so you can quickly set up your own membership site as soon as this plugin is installed. It also includes payment support via PayPal, and Google Checkout.Why Internet marketers love it:The usability of this plugin makes it well-loved for designing membership sites. It's still scalable for those who are looking for a little customization, so Internet marketers are free to play around with it as muchas they want.Our recommendation:For those who are looking for a quick and easy way to set up their membership sites, this is definitely the plugin for you. It does require you a one-time payment of $29.99 for single site users, but it should bewell worth it for the simple yet versatile functionality that it offers.Disqus Comment SystemType of plugin:Comment moderation/managementFeatures:Disqus provides the flexibility of other comment moderation plug-ins and ups the ante with a few more interesting features. Aside from the basic real time comment system, automated notification and reply, inline media embedding, anti-spam, and mobile options; users of this plug-in also get community pro? files, social media integration, a community board and even the ability to like and share on their favorite social media sites such as twitter, Facebook, etc.Why Internet marketers love it:The community is the lifeblood of any website and Disqus makes it easier for you to handle the interac? tion your audience needs in order to remain hardcore followers of your site. The social integration is excellent and makes running social media campaigns a lot easier.Our recommendation:Like the previous plugin, if you've already got a system handling everything mentioned, then it may not be worth switching to this. However, if you're starting up, or haven't gotten to setting up a good system for handling comments and social media integration, then you might want to take a serious look at this one.Duplicate PostType of plugin:SEOFeatures:This plug-in is very specialized in its function but it has proven to be invaluable to people who are setting up new WordPress sites by allowing webmasters to create duplicate posts in order to test if everything is working according to spec. It also copies tags, categories, custom fields, and featured images.Why Internet marketers love it:If you're a marketer who's building your own site, you probably know that even some of the most simple processes can take a lot of time. Testing post pages across two different domains or theme setups can be time consuming. This plugin provides you with a nice shortcut that frees you up to do more with your time.Our recommendation:If you're going to put up multiple WordPress sites and you need to test them to make sure that every? thing displays properly on the themes you're using, grab this plugin. Otherwise, leave the testing to your web developer.Easy Video PlayerType of plugin:Streaming video playerFeatures:Easy Video Player allows users to embed "buy now" buttons directly inside videos, add email opt-in forms inside videos, implement clickable overlays, have buy buttons and cue up content to appear at designated times. It even has provisions for split testing with instant redirection of viewers to a website or shopping cart, allowing you to gather conversion data that can be leveraged for better optimization.Why Internet marketers love it:Being able to do your Internet marketing activities from within the frames of your videos makes generat? ing conversions that much easier. There's no need to position buttons and forms above or under videos when you can have them within the video where the viewer's visual focus is centered. Add to that the fact that you don't need fancy video editing skills to pull it off and you have a real winner here.Our recommendation:I'm hard pressed not to recommend this to anyone. Those without coding knowledge to be able to im? plement any of the features mentioned and will definitely want to pick this up. If you're looking for even more functionality than what is offered in this plugin, then you will probably want to go the custom route and code it.MaxBiog Press Affiliate NinjaType of plugin:Affiliate Marketing ToolFeatures:Adds affiliate links automatically based on keywords you define and corresponding products they should point to. Also tracks key metrics such as click-throughs to help you stay on top of your campaign.Why Internet marketers love it:This is a great timesaver if your site makes money off of affiliate marketing. You won't have to individu? ally link keywords in order to point to product pages that you want customers to buy from. All you have to do is store the information on which keywords you want to link and define the URLs they should serve as anchors to.Our recommendation:This one is a must-have especially if you're running multiple sites. Sure, you can pay people to do this for you, but this plugin is a one-off investment that just keeps on giving back.W3 Total CacheType of plugin:UtilityFeatures:A simple plugin that allows users to cache the site's pages, enabling faster load times and less CPU and bandwidth usage.Why Internet marketers love it:Part of a good website experience is having pages load quickly and without issue. This plugin makes visitor browsers save up your page data so that they won't have to load entire pages in their next visits. The result is a smoother experience that your audience is sure to appreciate.Our recommendation:Get it. The function is simple, but the impact goes a long way.Features:This handy plugin easily converts your WordPress site into a membership site complete with member? ship levels, payment status, passwords, subscriber data, etc. It also offers a method for controlling con? tent access to insure that content can only be seen by those authorized to do so.Why Internet marketers love it:Internet marketers love this plugin because it does what it was made to do and does it well. lnfusionWP offers a no-frills, simple way of creating a membership site. If you have an existing WordPress site and you're looking to integrate memberships, and are happy with the rest of the functionality offered by your existing plug-ins, be sure to check this one out.Our recommendation:There's quite a few plugins that do what this one does, but it does a very solid job and keeps all its prom?ises. A nice buy if you're looking to set up a walled garden on the Web.JetpackType of plugin:SEO plugin suiteFeatures:This plug-in provides users the ability to take advantage of certain cloud features of the WordPress network even if you're hosted by a different provider. Among the features include: website stats with no additional load on your server, access to the URL shortener, Hovercard popups for your com? menters via Gravatar, embedded media from popular sites like YouTube, Digg, and Vimeo, a widget for displaying recent tweets and more.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin is essentially an amalgam of some of the popular plugins that have been on the market for some time now. Most of the functions are useful if you're used to the functions offered on WordPress hosted websites.Our recommendation:I'm still on the fence about this one. While it has proved popular, there are also a number of people who have reported problems with this plug-in. If you can get it to work, it'll be a good addition to your arsenal of plugins. However, if you're not willing to tinker around with it, you might want to pass it up.JWplayerType of plugin:Streaming video playerFeatures:JWplayer provides full support for JW Player for Flash and HTML5. It also comes with a suite of features including the ability to manage multiple custom players, full skin and plugin support with a plugin custom? ization interface, full integration into the WordPress media library, the ability to add external video to your media library from YouTube and RTMP streams, a playlist manager and a shortcode system.Why Internet marketers love it:The integration with HTML5 makes this one of the more popular video plugins for WordPress sites. It doesn't offer the same amount of customization you can get from other applications but it does provide a quick and easy way to get your content up and organize it on the fly.Our recommendation:Those who just want to get videos up and organize them, this is a must have app. The full HTML5 sup? port is also very useful for the developers as it ensures compatibility without having to do any messy workarounds. However, if you're looking for more robust features, you might want to look for something else with more oomph.Add To AnyType of plugin:Social mediaFeatures:This plugin gives users the ability to share, bookmark, and email posts and pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Google+, Digg, Delicious, and more. It also offers Google Analytics integration and WordPress optimized with asynchronous script loading.Why Internet marketers love it:Social media marketing is an integral part of any online campaign and this provides an easy way to share content to different sites easily. The ease of use that the whole package provides, combined with the prebuilt methods of interfacing with the various social media websites have made this a fan favorite among beginner and intermediate marketers alike.Our recommendation:If you're new to social media marketing, then this is the plugin for you. Advanced users who will need more can customize it further but for most of us, the features should be enough to handle their daily tasks.List Rank Dashboard WidgetType of plugin:Site rankingFeatures:This plugin shows the rankings of a WordPress blog from various sources such as Google PageRank, Google Backlinks, Alexa, and Delicious in a dashboard widget. It also includes a shortcode to display individual rankings in a post, a page, and on the sidebar widgets.Why Internet marketers love it:This handy plugin provides a quick view of how a WordPress site ranks up against the best of them. This both lends legitimacy to the site (for those visiting) and gives the owner an overview of the general health of the website in terms of rankings.Our recommendation:Plugins like these are pretty useful but limited in scope. Unless you know what to do with the information, it's really not going to help you much. In addition, having your ranking on your site may negativelyaffect your reputation as well if you don't have a good enough score. So while this can be a good addition, make sure you have a good idea of what you're going to do with the info you get.Conditional CaptchaType of plugin:Anti-spamFeatures:This plugin will help cut down on false positives in you spam queue by asking a commenter to complete a Captcha (i.e. type in the words you see here) If the commenter or spammer fails to do this, the com? ment automatically goes to the trash folder. If successful, it's either added to the spam queue or even approved depending on how the plugin is set up.Why Internet marketers love it:Anyone who has ever had to clean up their spam queue and separate the actual commenters from spam knows how mind numbing this task can be. This helps speed the task up by providing an additional layer of protection that filters out most if not all spambots.Our recommendation:This is a must have if only for the convenience that it provides in trimming down your spam folder size. Setting it up is easy without a lot fiddly controls and it does everything it's advertised to do.Antispam BeeType of plugin:Anti-spamFeatures:This plugin provides a ton of anti-spam features including limiting comments to a specific language, dashboard history stats, the ability to block comments and pings from specific countries, e-mail notifica? tions about new spam comments, trackback and pingback check, automatic cleanup of the spam folder, and more.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin provides a ton of features that will all but block spam from infesting your WordPress site. It gives users the flexibility to control the amount of spam protection they get (to prevent misidentifica-tion) as well as easy clean up of your spam box. It even comes with a counter to help you track how much spam your site has been getting.Our recommendation:With an impressive array of options, this is definitely one of the best anti spam plugins in the market today. However, it can be a bit overwhelming to newer users. Be prepared to put in some time in learning all the functions to make the most out of this in case you do decide to pick it up.Features:This plugin grabs relevant articles from content sites, primarily Traffic Kaboom, and automatically posts them to your WordPress sites. It also handles on-page SEO for all the articles it puts on the website.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin provides an easy way to populate WordPress sites with content. It's great if you're running sites that aren't exactly keen on original content and quality. I see it working for people running affiliate or PPC campaigns, but don't have the time and resources for content development.Our recommendation:While the temptation to become over reliant on this plugin is there, I won't recommend banking your online business on it. If you just want some extra posts, fine. But do yourself a favor and throw in more original posts. I probably won't use this myself, but a lot of people swear by it.Features:The Auto Link Juicer system is a combination of 4 different plugins that promise to boost your website traffic and increase your rankings. Auto-Link Juicer itself identifies the keywords that are resonating with your audience (i.e getting you traffic) and interlinks your blog to those pages with those keywords. Auto Social Buddy builds links in social networks automatically and creates an RSS feed linked to social ac? counts as well. NoSee Links makes affiliate links invisible to search engines without doing anything that may get your website penalized. Finally, Total Control allows users to display specific elements only on specific posts and pages which the developers claim will boost clickthrough rate and conversions.Why Internet marketers love it:Most of Auto Link Juicer is automated which frees up a lot of time used up in optimizing their site. Re? views on this product have been good. Purchasing it allows users to use it on multiple websites and it's even backed up by a 60 day money back guarantee.Our recommendation:This seems like a good addition to any website looking to further boost their traffic and rankings (i.e pretty much every website not in the number 1 spot of search engines). Once the plugins are set up and you learn how it works, you can leave it alone and it'll go on autopilot for you.Auto SloggedType of plugin:Content aggregator/generatorFeatures:Auto Blogged imports content from RSS feeds and drops it into your site. This plugin creates posts con? taining short excerpts, links, and credit to the original article from the content it digs up. It automati- cally adds tags and categories to each post as well. Users can also define the format for the posts such as extra custom data to ensure that it is compatible with your current theme.Why Internet marketers love it:While automated content is still frowned upon by some, it has always been a part of Internet market? ing and this plugin makes it really easy to get new content into your blog. If aggregation is really your site's motif and you want your site to be a melting pot of content that belong to a specific genre, go right ahead.Our recommendation:In terms of ease of use, it is very easy to get this up and running. Functionality is a little sparse but if all you need is a plugin to handle automated content, then you should definitely look into this one tofulfill that role.Automatic WordPress BackupType of plugin:Backup UtilityFeatures:This plugin allows users to automatically back up the database, themes, plugins, uploaded files and set?tings oftheir WordPress installations to Amazon S3.Why Internet marketers love it:Complete data loss is the equivalent of being bombed back to the stone age for Internet marketers. This backup utility ensures that your data is regularly kept safe so you can revert back to it in case something awry happens in your back end.Our recommendation:While an automatic backup is extremely useful, this plugin is held back by the requirement of your Word? Press blog having to be hosted on a Linux server with PHP 5. If you have all the requirements for run? ning this plugin, you probably should do so. For the rest of us using Windows servers, we'll probably have to keep doing our manual backups until a better solution comes along.WP Autoresponder & NewsletterType of plugin:Email autoresponderFeatures:This plugin sends out emails containing newsletters to users who have subscribed to your blog. Emails are regularly sent in specific intervals after the initial subscription. In addition, the plugin includes a widget that can capture emails and add them to the autoresponder list.Why Internet marketers love it:Setting up a solid email list is something that every Internet marketer should try to accomplish. Emails allow you to reach out to your audience even when they're not in your domain. WP Autoresponder and Newsletter Plugin helps you accomplish that, making it easier to establish a trust-infused relationship with your prospects.Our recommendation:If you don't want to rely on a third party autoresponder, then it might be a good idea to make use of this plugin. It has all the basic functions most autoresponders in the market have, plus it's free!Backlinks RotatorType of plugin:SEO/Backlink generatorFeatures:Backlinks rotator automatically builds backlinks for your WordPress site which should boost your rank? ings (and your traffic) if done right. It has a Ping module which calls back search engines to index mem? ber sites that link back to you. Marketers who want quick ways to build links are the kind of people this plugin will appeal to.Why Internet marketers love it:Easy to install and use, this plugin makes building backlinks a lot easier than doing it manually. A lot of people have found Backlinks Rotator to be effective in boosting their rankings on search engines as proven by its position on this list and the number of positive reviews it has received. Support for it is also good with the developer rolling out updates for it and responding to people having problems with it on various forums and in the support section of its website.Our recommendation:This is a pretty sweet deal considering how important backlinks are to one's site. I'd give this a thumbs up as long as the developer keeps providing support and regular updates to his plugin. Just one dis? claimer: nobody can guarantee that the methods used by this plugin will remain compliant with Google's guidelines forever.Backup creatorType of plugin:WordPress backupFeatures:Another plugin for backing up WordPress sites, this allows users to instantly backup their site and send it to the destination of their choice. It also allows users to clone their website and deploy pre-configured copies quickly. Finally, Backup creator also allows users to restore their WordPress anywhere they want making migration to a new server or host a lot easier.Why Internet marketers love it:The flagship for every marketer's business is his website. Those hundreds or even thousands of work hours put into developing it can easily be lost in case the server goes down or an update breaks your website. Backup Creator can speed up the recovery process, allowing you to restore your website or set it up on a different server quickly.Our recommendation:If you're too busy to constantly back up your website and you don't have a plugin to do it for you, then you might want to grab Backup Creator. This is also useful for those deploying multiple sites on multiple servers as you can easily duplicate your entire site and haveit up and running in a very short time.WP Super CacheType of plugin:Static HTML site cachingFeatures:WP Super Cache is a plugin which produces static HTML files and lets your web server use them to process the normally long loading WordPress PHP scripts instead. This considerably lowers site load? ing times by serving these static pages to users who have not logged in, posted a comment or haven't viewed a password protected post.Why Internet marketers love it:One of the factors which affect search engine algorithms nowadays include site load times. This plugin ensures that load times are kept to a minimum and can help handle any sudden spikes in traffic.Our recommendation:This is a great plugin when it comes to optimizing your site, especially if there are a lot of scripts running on your pages. Every little bit helps when it comes to reducing site loading times and this one fits the bill perfectly.cforms IIType of plugin:Contact form generation/managementFeatures:Another useful tool featuring the use of contact forms for your website, cforms II is a basic variant ofthis particular type of plugin. It covers all the necessary bases for a contact form plugin such as multiple forms support, an anti-spam feature via CAPTCHA, API functionality to capture user data and fully cus? tomizable messages for your email forms.Why Internet marketers love it:Simply put, it's a no frills plugin that does what it was made for: create useable and fully functioning forms for your site. Contact forms are an important element in any affiliate marketing site, so to be able to set these up as quickly as possible is something that Internet marketers appreciate.Our recommendation:If you aren't looking for anything fancy when you set up your contact forms, then you can give this one a try. It doesn't have as much flexibility and anti-spam features as the other contact form plugins, but it does get the job done in a simple but efficient manner.Chennai CentralType of plugin:Bandwidth saverFeatures:Chennai Central is a plugin that ensures search engine crawlers and feed readers don't eat up unneces? sary bandwidth on your site when they go through it. It does this by enforcing conditional get param? eters to these crawlers, especially if none of the content on the site has been changed since their last visit. This problematic behavior is most prevalent in CMS platforms like WordPress, so the plugin solves this by checking the http headers which monitor when a site was last modified.Why Internet marketers love it:For affiliate marketers who host their sites on domains that offer limited bandwidth, this is a good pl- ugin to keep in handy just in case they experience a sudden site shutdown. This sometimes happens in the case of sudden spikes in traffic where a hot lead or content you posted turns viral. In instances like these, it's better to have some kind of safety net to cover for the excess bandwidth.Our recommendation:If you're only allotted a certain amount of bandwidth per month for your site, then it's definitely a good idea to get this plugin. Even if it only saves you a little bit of bandwidth per crawl, in the long run it will extend the running bandwidth that you are allowed for your site.Clean-contact formType of plugin:Contact form generation/managementFeatures:Contact forms don't get any simpler than Clean-contact. This plugin provides a clean and simple contact form that users can use right out of the box. While it avoids using the clunky interface of CAPTCHA to filter spam, it does implement Akismet instead for this function. Due to its simple nature, it requires no additional JavaScript libraries while still supporting custom CSS and XHTML platforms.Why Internet marketers love it:For Internet marketers who don't rely on complex forms for their campaigns, Clean-contact is a perfect fit to simply capture emails or set a customizable comment box. It's very easy to understand and doesn't require a lot of complicated steps to install and manage.Our recommendation:If you're not interested in using complex or fancy contact forms for your site, then you might want to give this one a try. It's a no frills plugin with an easy to use interface for both users and webmasters.Facebook comments for WordPressType of plugin:Facebook integrationFeatures:This plugin integrates the Facebook commenting system directly into your site. Any users logged into Facebook while viewing a comment enabled post or article can immediately leave a comment using their Facebook profile. It has a lot of adjustable features for those who want to customize its look, such as setting the number of viewable comments, compatibility with the default WordPress comments, Face? book and WordPress email notifications whenever something is posted and more.Why Internet marketers love it:Facebook comments for WordPress acts as a direct link to your community if you've been nurturing the social networking aspect of your marketing campaign. This also saves you the trouble of having to manu- ally implement a comment system on your blog.Our recommendation:If you're as mad for Facebook as the next guy, then you won't regret installing this on your blog. This plugin is a great way for you to create an actual link between your campaign with itssocial media aspect.Date Exclusion SEQType of plugin:Biogging/Date hiding toolFeatures:Date Exclusion SEO cunningly hides the date posted on each of your blog entries up to a user speci? fied number of days to give your posts a feeling of freshness. There are options to remove the date from category and tag pages, as well as the front page of your blog. It's also possible to exclude dates from specific posts that are defined by the webmaster.Why Internet marketers love it:Some Internet marketers like to repost old blog entries as a way to give hot topics of the past a different spin. However, some readers might find resurfaced old posts unappealing. This is where Date Exclusion SEO can help by cleaning up those old posts and keep them looking fresh by hiding the original date from its readers.Our recommendation:While some people may find this plugin a bit controversial, if most of your traffic comes from old blog posts that search engines consistently draw in, then you can easily use this Date Exclusion to avoid having your posts look outdated or too old. If these posts aren't about current events or news, then it should give yourposts a cleaner and less than "antique" look as well.Display BuddyType of plugin:Site visual improvementFeatures:Ramps up the visual quality of your site by showcasing images, videos and text in variously unique and pleasing manners. Display Buddy is actually a collection of 10 plugins that improve the visual elements of your site and the way you present them to your users. Plugins in this collection include: Accordion, Billboard, Carousel, Copious Comments, Featured Posts, Rotating Images, Rotating Text, Slideshow, Tipsy and Video Showcase.Why Internet marketers love it:Webmasters who love beautifying their respective sites will enjoy tinkering with the various tools in this visual suite. Each plugin has highly customizable elements, so the outcome of each site depends on the creativity of its owner.Our recommendation:The bundled price of $150 might seem a little steep for some people, but considering that this is a col? lection of 10 different plugins, this amounts to $15 per plugin- not a bad deal if you were to price them individually. Also, if you like tweaking the visuals of your site, then you'll love playing around with all the different tools at your disposal should you decide to get this plugin.Features:True to its name, Easy AdSense offers users an easy way to implement their online ads across their site. It strategically places the ads across each page while enforcing the Google policy of having three ads blocks per page. The interface is quite simple so even novice users with little knowledge of Google AdSense can easily integrate this plugin on their site.Why Internet marketers love it:Those who aren't technically inclined will appreciate the ease of setting up their online ads across their site. For advanced users, this plugin also gives them a good sense of customization by giving them a simple yet flexible way of arranging ads across each page.Our recommendation:If you're looking for a quick and easy plugin that can evenly distribute your ads across your blog, then Easy AdSense it a good choice. The ad placements are quite intuitive even if you let the plugin work on its default settings. This eliminates the time consuming and tedious task of seeing if all ads and their cor? responding codes are in the right place.Editorial CalendarType of plugin:Biog post scheduling/managementFeatures:This plugin makes use of a visual calendar which reminds you to post any scheduled content that you've noted down for your site. You can also use the calendar to drag and drop your posts to change its date and to make it easier to see the status of your posts. Used in this way, it functions as an extension to the inherent content managing features that WordPress has.Why Internet marketers love it:Aside from being able to schedule your posts through the calendar, it also functions as a visual content manager for a blog, making it easier to edit posts and other content. For Internet marketers that rely on scheduled posts for their campaigns, this is one invaluable tool to help them makesure that their content is delivered in a timely fashion.Our recommendation:This plugin is most useful for people who have time sensitive content on their blog. For instance, if you have a weekly blog column that runs on your site, this plugin is a great way to remind you about those regularly scheduled posts.Efficient Related PostsType of plugin:Biogging/Related Posts alternativeFeatures:Efficient Related Posts offers a more streamlined alternative to the default WordPress related posts fea? ture at the end of every blog entry. Instead of wasting the user's time waiting for the related posts list to come up, the plugin puts all this effort into the admin section and finds a related post as it saved rather than when the user views it. It saves up on a lot of CPU power and gives users a faster experience when viewing your site.Why Internet marketers love it:Anything that basically optimizes a given site is always a good thing, and this is one aspect of a goodsite that Internet marketers always look out for. This plugin does a good job of offering the users alterna?tive content to browse through and thus increase the traffic of a site considerably.Our recommendation:Giving the users a better browsing experience is a good way to earn their trust. If they think your site is efficient and reliable, this is a good reason for them to come back and continue to keep an eye on what you have to offer them. This plugin fill in this rolequite well and it would be in your best interest to con?tinue fostering this kind of atmosphere for your site.EZPZ One Click BackupType of plugin:WordPress backupFeatures:EZPZ One Click Backup lets user back up their website and offers a number of features including auto? matic backups, backup transfer via FTP, multiple redundant backups to ensure your data is safe, and even a Dropbox extension in case you want to be able to access it from anywhere you want.Why Internet marketers love it:Any plugin that keeps your data secure is bound to be a fan favorite among the Internet marketingcrowd. The features of this plugin are pretty robust if you take full advantage of it. This definitely caters to the more advanced users who prefer to keep their backups in cloud storage.Our recommendation:If you're a fan of cloud storage, then this is the backup solution for you. However, if you don't need all the features, a more lightweight program would probably be a better choice.FeedburnerType of plugin:RSS feederFeatures:This plugin redirects the main feed to , a webfeed manager provider. Feedburner pro? cesses your blog's feed data then comes up with a new URL which delivers everything from this feed to your readers. It can also be setup to redirect the comments as well.Why Internet marketers love it:Getting your content out to more people is always a good thing, and that's what Feedburner does. With the Feedburnerplugin , you don't have to manually add each one and you can be sure that when you publish something it will be automatically submitted to Feedburner.Our recommendation:I'm a bit hesitant to recommend this since Feedburner is still Web 2.0 technology and has a number of glaring flaws. On the upside, it is owned by Google now and is still being used by a number of people. For now, it might be good to add this to your site, but how long it stays there is very much dependant on how popular Feedburner will remain in the near future.Flash video playerType of plugin:Streaming video playerFeatures:This plugin allows users to integrate Flash video and uses open source JeroenWijering's FLV Playerand Geoff Stearns' SWFObjectJavascript Library to do so. A full options menu is available with post-level overrides for customization. It also offers full support for skinning the player, integration with Google Ana? lytics, and the capability to display ads from LongTail Solutions.Why Internet marketers love it:For the less tech inclined, this is a good choice for their flash video needs. Installation does not require any coding or PHP knowledge and it creates no tables in your database thus uninstalling cleanly. The addition of player skinning allows users to customize the look of the player to make it match with their chosen WordPress theme.Our recommendation:As far as simple players go, this is pretty much near the top of the list of must haves. However, the fea?ture set leaves much to be desired, especially for advanced users with coding knowledge.Follow WidgetType of plugin:Social media/Facebook integrationFeatures:Follow Widget displays image links (icon buttons) to various subscription services and social networking sites on your page. It helps users find links to subscription services like RSS feeds, email subscriptions, podcasts, etc. It can also follow the website's Facebook and Twitter pages and connect directly to these sites.Why Internet marketers love it:Internet marketers love this because it provides a quick and easy way to add social media links to their website. The widget can only show 5 icons at a time but can be extended or you can even place multiple copies of it to spread the buttons over different areas.Our recommendation:It's hard to recommend this plugin with all the other offerings on the market which provide more features, supports more sites, and is easier to use. I'd pass on this one unless you only need a very basic social media presence on your site.Free Traffic Getting SEQType of plugin:SEO plugin suiteFeatures:Designed for stand-alone WordPress blogs, this plugin pre-configures a set of existing plugins to maxi? mize traffic and SEO. The plugins it configures are: All-ln-One-SEO Pack, Google Sitemap Generator, Sociable, Ping Optimizer, Akismet, Database Backup, Sl CAPTCHA, Google +1 Button, Google Analyti? cator, and Facebook Like.Why Internet marketers love it:Not everyone enjoys fiddling around with settings as well as tweaking and testing plugins to optimize their site. This takes out the guess work and pre-configures it for you, thus saving time and potentially money.Our recommendation:Well, there is a market for this service but I cannot recommend it since every site will be different and what applies to one will not necessarily work for another. Regardless, you could give it a shot and see ifit works for you, but you will probably need a bit of coding experience to get this to work. You'll also need to manually fix some parts if you decide to uninstall it so you might want to back up your site before try? ing to use this.Better WordPress Google XML SitemapsType of plugin:SEO/Sitemap generatorFeatures:It basically functions in the same way as its more basic counterparts- it creates a sitemap for spiders to crawl through and evaluate your site's architecture. The big difference here comes from the fact that the sitemap generation is much faster and it comes with comprehensive support for sitemapindex and multi? site websites.Why Internet marketers love it:Organizing your site map for proper indexing is really important in terms of site optimization. If your site supports a multi-site format, then this plugin should fit you perOur recommendation:While it does sport more features compared to other Google XML sitemap plugins, it's not the most user friendly of plugins in terms of its features and interface. Most people would be able to get by with the basic version, but if you love reading about more statistics and analyzing tons of numbers then go ahead and knock yourself out with this one.XML Google MapsType of plugin:Google Maps integrationFeatures:XML Google Maps acts as an extension for you to insert Google Map or Google Earth Plugin Mapsinto your blog. It has support for GPX files and with GPS Tracks you can even display speed, elevation charts and checkpoints. This plugin also has support for several Google apps such as Google Earth Plugin, Open Street Map and Open Cycle Map.Why Internet marketers love it:While this is a very niche plugin, it does provide the ability to easily access Google maps and Google Earth. It's easy to use and allows Internet marketers to point out their brick and mortar store or direct them to a live event easily.Our recommendation:If you need Google maps on your WordPress site, this is the one to get. It provides the same amount of data as the Google Maps site, but integrates it directly into your blog for your convenience.Features:Now you can easily embed your favorite FLV Flash videos in your WordPress Blog using this plugin. This is packaged with three FLV Flash player namely: OS FLV, FlowPiayer v2 and v3, and FLV Player Maxi.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin provides users with an easy method to put their video content on their blog. It can also be used for commercial purposes which makes this an attractive plugin for those trying to save their cash.Our recommendation:While this is a good plugin for video embedding, you may need to do a little coding magic to get it towork and to optimize it for your site. So if you've got the coding skills, this is a good addition to your web?site.Exploit scannerType of plugin:WordPress securityFeatures:This plugin goes through your database to check the file integrity of the essential WordPress files to see if they have been compromised. It also checks the post and comments tables as well as your list of ac? tive plugins for anything suspicious filenames.Why Internet marketers love it:Different types of security measures should always be in place for different types of hackers. This one relies on an extensive search through your database for suspicious files or entries that any hacker might have left behind, so you can never be too careful when it comes to ensuring the safety of your site.Our recommendation:Another security measure or two never hurt anyone, since you never know if you might become the vic? tim of a vicious attack by a hacker. I suggest adding this one to the list of security plugins that you should run regularly to safeguard your site.LikeType of plugin:Social media/Facebook integrationFeatures:Likes lets readers quickly share your content on Facebook Access. It also gives you direct control over your Facebook Pages to manage them, send updates to your Fans. It has support for asynchronous or synchronous loading of the JavaScript and complete support of the Open Graph protocol.Why Internet marketers love it:Sometimes Internet marketers just want to connect their site to Facebook and nothing else. Because it isn't loaded with a lot of the bells and whistles other social media apps have, it is pretty quick and will hardly affect loading times.Our recommendation:If connecting with Facebook is your only goal, then this is the plugin for you. It may not be as full fea?tured as other social media solutions, but it gets the job done when Facebook is concerned.Thank Me LaterType of plugin:Comment autoresponderFeatures:A very polite plugin which allows you to send a "thank you" message for those people who left a com? ment on your blog. Thank Me Later allows you to fully customize the message that you want to send as a reply. You can also line up several different emails as replies, all of which can be sent at regular time intervals of your choice.Why Internet marketers love it:Building trust between one's customers is an important rule any marketer should always try to foster. By sending a polite reply their way, this allows you to continue engaging with your readers and encourage them to come back to your site for more of the same content that they read.Our recommendation:As unassuming as this plugin may seem, you'd be surprised of the kind of message it really sends to your readers when they receive a personal thank you from the author. You can build a very strong sense of community just by showing that you care enough to send them a reply, albeit automated, to their com? ments.WP Email CaptureType of plugin:Email captureFeatures:WP Email Capture creates a double opt-in form that you can use to capture emails for your subscribers list. Upon subscribing, you can redirect them to an appropriate landing page of your choice. The form itself is very simple and can be integrated into a widget for easy use.Why Internet marketers love it:Sometimes the best way not to get on your potential subscriber's nerves is to present your opt-in forms in as simple a manner as possible. This plugin fits that description quite well and, with the help of the widget option, stay as unintrusive as possible to those visiting your site.Our recommendation:If you're going for the subtle approach for your opt-in forms, then this is the plugin for you. WP Email Capture presents things straight up to your site's visitors while serving its function as an email capture form quite ad? equately.ClickyType of plugin:Web analytics integrationFeatures:This plugin integrates the Clicky web analytics service, which provides real time web analytics, into a blog. It includes an option to track posts and pages as goals, assign a revenue to specific pages and posts as well as an overview of your site's statistics on your dashboard.Why Internet marketers love it:There are Internet marketers that love statistics about their blogs, and this feeds that hunger. It provides users with a significant amount of data that they can use to further tweak various elements oftheir site to get the results they want such as increased traffic, better retention, or even a higher conversion rate.Our recommendation:While this only aggregates data from one source as compared to other plugins, this is still a solid choice as it works exactly as advertised. So if you don't have a plugin that handles your analytics yet, you might want to consider this one.Simple SocialType of plugin:Social mediaFeatures:Simple Social allows visitors to bookmark and share your content over multiple social networking and bookmarking sites. It also supports address bar sharing in newer browsers and you can even see statis? tics on how and what social networks your visitors are sharing.Why Internet marketers love it:With social media as dominant as it is today, users can get a surprisingly huge boost from having their content shared on it. This plugin provides connectivity options to a lot of different sites and facilitates the sharing of content in a quick and easy manner.Our recommendation:With connections to various social networking and bookmarking sites, this plugin ensures that audiences can easily share your content to their friends and acquaintances. Being able to track the stats on thedata being shared is also awesome as you can produce content targeted to your growing audience and more. This gets a thumbs up and is a great addition to any blog or website.SEQ Smart LinksType of plugin:SEO Smart LinksFeatures:SEO Smart Links can be used to automatically link keywords and phrases in your blog's posts andcom- ments with other related posts, pages, categories and tags. It also allows users to set up their own keywords and set of matching URLs, set nofollow attributes for links, and open links in new window.Why Internet marketers love it:Optimizing a site is a very time consuming task, so any shortcut one can take by automating certain processes is a godsend. This plugin cuts down on certain tasks users had to once do manually such as linking keywords and phrases to posts and comments.Our recommendation:While SEO Smart Links is not as robust as some of the other plugins in the marketplace, it is simple to use and easy to configure. Newbies to SEO will probably want to use this while more advanced Internet marketers should look elsewhere for a more versatile suite of SEO tools.SociableType of plugin:Social mediaFeatures:Sociable automatically adds links on your posts, pages, and RSS feed to your choice of social book? mark-ing sites. In addition, it continually receives regular updates from the developers. The latest ver? sion of this plugin features some great visual enhancements like larger buttons, as well as some other useful features for hardcore and casual social media buffs alike.Why Internet marketers love it:Adding links to social media sites is a good way to get your name out into the masses, and this plugin does a good job of that. It also doesn't lack from developer support as regular updates are rolled out which remove defunct sites, add new ones and improve the performance of the plugin.Our recommendation:This plugin is simple to use and is continually improving so it gets the thumbs up from me. You can use it effec? tively without any coding knowledge, which is alwaysa plus, and as of the latest update, it barely makes an impact on the loading times of er's Video QuicktagsType of plugin:Video streamingFeatures:Viper's Video Plugin allows easy and XHTML valid posting of videos from various websites such as YouTube, Google Video, DailyMotion, Vimeo and more as well as Flash Video Files, QuickTime as well as generic video files like AVI, MPEG, WMV, etc. You can fully configure the dimensions of the videos displayed on your site and more. Finally, another great feature it has is the ability to remain XHTML valid even if the links from the source video aren't.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin makes it easier for marketers to put video content on their site. With support from the biggest video sharing site as well as compatibility with most video formats, Viper's Video Quicktags can pretty much handle both basic and intermediate video needs of most sites on the market.Our recommendation:If you are using video from any of the major sites and have a need to keep your website XHTML compat? ible, then look no further than this plugin. Viper's Video Quicktags can easily find a place in any video marketer's stable of tools.AdSense ManagerType of plugin:Ad placement/managerFeatures:AdSense Manager helps your organize all our WordPress ads and includes support for most ad net? works such as AdSense, AdBrite and AdRoll, Project Wonderful and even plain HTML code. Despite the age of this plugin, it has been recently updated to work with the latest version of WordPress due to popu? lar demand.Why Internet marketers love it:A lot of marketers use multiple services for ads and AdSense Manager provides the convenience of managing your ads from just one interface. It simplifies and speeds up the task of checking on each one making it a fan favorite among Internet marketers.Our recommendation:Every Internet marketing website needs a way to manage their ads in an efficient way. As the website grows, you'll probably be tapping more and more providers to do this for you. This plugin helps you man? age all the ads and allows you to focus on other things such as providing content for your site and met? rics. Because of the ease and convenience this plugin provides, it gets a nod from meAd InjectionType of plugin:Ad placement/managerFeatures:Just as the plugin's name implies, Ad Injection injects advertisements from Google AdSense, Amazon Associates, ClickBank, TradeDoubler, and other advertising programs into the WordPress posts or widget area. Users have the ability to restrict the visibility of ads by post length, age, referrer, or even IP address. It also throws in support for A:B split testing and ad rotation.Why Internet marketers love it:Ad Injection has a robust feature set that will satisfy all but the most discerning users. The restrictions it can place on ads, as well as split testing and ad rotation functions, have made this a mainstay in a num? ber of Internet marketer plugin libraries.Our recommendation:This is a good solution for running split tests and better targeted ad coverage. While I would easily rec? ommend it to more advanced marketers, beginners might want to stay clear of this and stick to simpler plugins.WptouchType of plugin:Mobile phone supportFeatures:Wptouch integrates an iPhone application styled theme with AJAX loading articles and effects into your blog, which can be viewed from most smartphone devices. It features a flexible customization option through the admin panel, which allows you to change its visuals without affecting the appearance of your main site.Why Internet marketers love it:Wptouch allows Internet marketers to tap the mobile users' niche without having to completely overhaul their existing site. This plugin cuts down of develop? ment time by providing a mobile version of your site almost instantly without any coding.Our recommendation:This is perfect for Internet marketers without any cod? ing experience looking to tap the mobile space. How? ever, if you have the resources or coding experience, it's still better to get an actual optimized custom coded site for mobile users.8 -·-Ell \\'PtcudJ Pro 2.19atDi: Now ???T, ......--.....RedirectionType of plugin:SEOFeatures:Redirection manages 301 redirections, keeps track of 404 errors, and cleans up various issues that may happen when migrating pages from an old website to a new installation of WordPress. Other features include custom "pass-through" redirections, statistics and logs of any redirection activity, full regular ex? pression support and more.Why Internet marketers love it:It's sometimes hard to keep track if some of your pages might have dropped off the radar. As a result, you might end up losing valuable link juice in the process. That's why it pays to have a handy tool which checks for 404 errors across your site, especially if you know that your site contains a lot of pages and sub-pages.Our recommendation:It's quite useful to be able to rely on a plugin which can do a little cleanup across your site and with mini? mum fuss in the process. Redirection is a simple plugin which fits perfectly for the task it was named to do.pageMashType of plugin:WYSIWYG content managerFeatures:pageMash allows users to manage their content using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) AJAX interface. It provides a drag and drop interface to organize the parent structure of your site with an option to hide any unnecessary pages from users.Why Internet marketers love it:Anyone who's ever had to revamp the arrangement of their pages on the site knows how grueling it can be sometimes. The plugin lets users do this quickly and easily by just dragging and dropping their con? tent where they want it.Our recommendation:While not a necessity, it's a nice tool to have around in case you change your site design often or con? stantly rearrange your articles on your site. While some may find that this plugin is extremely useful, most should probably just pass until they have to mix things up a bit on their site.Simple Social - Sharing Widgets & IconsType of plugin:Social mediaFeatures:This plugin adds icons and widgets at the end of each post which gives users the ability to share their articles on their favorite social media channels. Compatible social media sites include Twitter, Facebook, Google+ with their respective widgets supporting small and large icons.Why Internet marketers love it:Simple Social simply does what it was created to do: adding a social media element underneath site content. The simplicity of it will appeal to those who want to keep their sites lightweight.Our recommendation:There are many other social media widgets and plugins available and this doesn't really do much to differentiate itself from the pack. If you're looking to really maximize your social media campaign, then steer clear of this because the basic options available with this plugin just won't cut it.Social Media WidgetType of plugin:Social mediaFeatures:Social Media Widget adds links to all of your social media and sharing site profiles. The icons this plugin uses are available in various sizes, styles and animations. It also features a simple sidebar widget that allows users to input their social media website profile URLs and other subscription options to show an icon on the sidebar to that social media site. It can then open a separate browser window and view the selected social media site once an icon has been clicked.Why Internet marketers love it:While making sure that all the proper social media channels are in place for your site, some people find the blatant spamming of social media buttons quite annoying at times. Thankfully, widgets give us an unintrusive yet informative way to present something and this plugin does exactly that.Our recommendation:If you're sick and tired of seeing social media buttons spammed all over the place, then you might want to install this widget plugin instead.WP Security ScanType of plugin:WordPress securityFeatures:This plugin checks your WordPress blog for any security vulnerabilities and gives helpful suggestions on how to correct for such. Some of the plugin's standard security measures include: updating passwords, limiting file permissions, improving database security, hiding the version of your WordPress and even WordPress admin protection/security. This also removes the WP Generator META tag from the core code.Why Internet marketers love it:Site security is a major issue for anyone running their own website. While this won't replace good secu?rity practices, it will flag the major deficiencies of your site's security so that you can act on it.Our recommendation:This is a very good plugin as it provides beginners with an idea of what they should be securing while providing more advanced users with reminders on how they can secure their online investment. That said, the owner of the website will still have to act on the warnings of the plugin so they may have to do some research on how to plug those security holes.Features:This plugin streamlines all your image files by optimizing them in terms of file size and indexes any unused colors off them. This is mostly seen in JPEG files where their compression rate is further opti? mized and any meta data is stripped off them to save on file size. In addition, certain GIFs are converted into PNGs for the same purpose.Why Internet marketers love it:Since site loading times have become one of the known factors for page ranking, Internet marketers have seen how essential it is to streamline the images on their site. This plugin was created for this spe? cific purpose and it does it quite well with minimal effort on the webmaster's part.Our recommendation:Some people might be worried that the optimization process might compromise the quality of the im? ages, but from what I've seen I can barely tell the difference. The more important backend changes that have been done on them are the more important things to consider, especially if you want to make sure that all the elements of your site are as optimized as they can possibly get.Features:Creates simple forms for the express purpose of using them as opt in forms which simulate a newsletter subscription process. You can set this plugin for either a single or double opt in subscription. Each step of the process is also fully configurable and the text can be modified to fit your specific purposes.Why Internet marketers love it:Like the name implies, you can use it to sign up users for any newsletters you want to send them as part of your marketing campaign. It's streamlined yet flexible design helps keep things simple for both the us? ers and the webmaster.Our recommendation:If you don't want to use long and overly complicated contact forms, then you can easily use this one to fit your needs. Granted it doesn't offer you anything past two multiple forms, but you can always look for other plugins should you want to use more than two linked forms.TinyMCE AdvancedType of plugin:WYSIWYG content editorFeatures:This is basically a series of plugins which aims to improve the functionality and the ease of use of the default TinyMCE content editor for WordPress. The most notable features added to TinyMCE are ad? vanced CSS options, creating and editing tables, search and replace options while editing and specific XHTML tags and div layers support.Why Internet marketers love it:Internet marketers, who don't want to rely on third party software just to add in the necessary additional content into their blog, find that TinyMCE Advanced covers them for most of the part. It adds a whole lot of functionality to the default content editor without the actual interface becoming too unwieldy or difficult to navigate.Our recommendation:If you feel that the default content editor for WordPress just isn't hacking it, then you might want to look into this particular plugin suite. It definitely gives you more editing options similar to what you might find on an offline text editor. In addition, the new features are still fairly easy to understand and something that you can immediately dive into once it's installed.LinkWithinType of plugin:Biogging/Related posts alternativeFeatures:A plugin that adds a small widget after each post, linking it to other related articles on your blog. It es?sentially indexes and retrieves any related articles to keep readers engaged and to increase traffic. Asfor the widget, it is minimally styled so it doesn't become obtrusive to any users who are reading through your site. Downloading LinkWithindoes require you to leave your email on their site, but other- wise it doesn't cost a thing and it's ad-free as well.Why Internet marketers love it:Related posts sections are a great way to keep visitors engaged even after they finish reading an article or blog post. This increases the time spent on the blog and draws additional traffic as they hop from one article to another as directed by the plugin's recommended posts.Our recommendation:The added functions given by this plugin make it worth the download. Its biggest advantage is making use of an interface which is new yet familiar. This gives users an easier time of customizing and editing their content.WordPress ImporterType of plugin:Data migrationFeatures:A simple plugin that essentially retrieves all the important content on your WordPress blog and prepares it for migration purposes. The imported information includes: posts, comments, custom fields and post meta data, categories, tags and authors.Why Internet marketers love it:Exporting data from WordPress is usually done either to backup any important data or to migrate every? thing into a newer version ofWordPress. Either way, this tool helps speed up the process and ensures that nothing is lost when importing your data.Our recommendation:If you needed to migrate from an older version of WordPress, then you'll definitely need this to make sure that all the important data can be successfully transferred into the new platform. However, it does have a limitation in terms of the amount of memory dedicated to creating an xml import file (especially if you run a large site). Should this happen, it might be a better idea to look at other plugins which can han? dle a larger load.SEQ Friendly ImagesType of plugin:SEO/Image optimizerFeatures:A plugin which helps improve the SEO qualities of any images on your site. It conveniently adds alt and title attributes to these images to make it easier for search engines to find them. It automatically assigns these attributes based on the options you set after installing this plugin. The image tags assigned are all W3C and xHTML compliant and will be recognized by most browsers.Why Internet marketers love it:A lot of webmasters sometimes forget that search engines don't have an innate mechanism for sorting out images on a given site. This is why it's important to assign proper alt and title attributes to these im? ages to help identify them. Having a plugin do all of this automatically greatly helps in optimizing a site.Our recommendation:If you're having trouble assigning names for each and every image you want to place on your site, then you can simply download this plugin and have it do this task for you. You might also want to consider signing up with Google Webmaster Central and enable the enhanced image indexing option for your website to help facilitate the process of optimizing your site further.Secure WordPressType of plugin:Website securityFeatures:Secure WordPress helps in beefing up the security of your WordPress installation by removing any erro? neous information on your login pages. It also includes other security features such as adding an index. HTML file to plugin directories, and hiding the WordPress version. It does all of this as well as other backend security measures to reduce the risk of hacking or security breaches.Why Internet marketers love it:Webmasters can never tell if they could be the target of an online attack or hacking attempt. That's why it's better to be safe than sorry by implementing some form of security measure to prevent this possibil? ity from happening. Considering that the plugin is free of charge just sweetens this deal even more.Our recommendation:This plugin makes use of the most basic anti-hacking security measures that are commonly used for WordPress blogs. Of course, this doesn't ensure an absolutely hackproof site after installing this, but it's definitely better than nothing.MaxBiogPress Ninja AffiliateType of plugin:Affiliate link generatorFeatures:An interesting plugin which scans your site for your keywords and converts them into money-making affiliate links after. It also organizes all of your affiliate links by categorizing them into specialized groups and helps manage them across your site. MaxBiogPress Ninja Affiliate even assigns appropriate redirect and no-follow links to any necessary pages that need them.Why Internet marketers love it:Considering that Internet marketers rely on the affiliate links as a way to make a profit, this is a plugin which is immensely useful for this purpose. It's easy to use interface also makes novice marketers ap? pre-ciate it more. At the same time, more advanced users can also tweak a lot of on-page and off-page SEO customization options to further optimize their site.Our recommendation:While this plugin does help you generate some income for your site, it does ask you for a one-time fee of$37 to download this plugin. However, if you're confident with your products then it shouldn't be a prob?lem to make up for the initial investment that you plugged into this handy tool.FeedWordPressType of plugin:RSS feed aggregatorFeatures:This plugin helps compile content from any feeds that you choose to put into your WordPress blog. The content then appears as a series of special posts in your blog's database. By doing this, you can eas?ily create an aggregate site which compiles all of the feeds that you have been running so far. It takes a page off the Planet feed reader, turning any site into a giant news feed for users to sift through.Why Internet marketers love it:Some people might rely solely on traffic to generate income from their site. A specialized site which falls under this category is the aggregator site. Webmasters can easily organize all the updates coming from other sites and set them up as posts through this plugin to gain revenue for anyone who happens to visit the site.Our recommendation:If your site relies on monitoring posts from other sites and keeping yourself updated all the time, then this is one plugin that you shouldn't pass up on. Your site can effectively become a veritable "crossroad" for all the potential traffic from searches that will lead to these source sites on your feed.WP OptimizeType of plugin:Database cleanup and optimizationFeatures:A simple yet effective plugin that cleans up and optimizes your WordPress database without having to use the PHPMyAdmin feature. It allows you to quickly remove post revisions, spam and unapproved comments. In addition, it also has a user renaming feature which can be used to help organize your user list.Why Internet marketers love it:Some consider the cleanup feature of PHPMyAdmin quite heavy handed at times with its clunky in-ter- face. This is why WP Optimize is a good alternative with its easy to use and intuitive menus. This is especially beneficial for those without advanced knowledge in MySQL while being able to use most of the optimization commands necessary to clean up a given site.Our recommendation:A lot of spam and unnecessary post revisions can easily pile up aftera while. That's why it's always a good idea to have a plugin which can clean up all the backend trash, so to speak. If your site has a very ac? tive community, then you might want to try this plugin to help keep the spam queue down to a minimum.1m ..!\ppearancePluginsUserslTools[ll] SettingsWP-DBManagerType of plugin:WordPress database managerFeatures:Just as the plugin's name implies, it allows you to make use of several administrative functions to help organize your site's database. Its numerous functions include: optimizing, repairing, backing up and re? storing your database. In addition, it can also help organize any tables in the database and run selected queries on them. WP-DBManager makes use of the mysqldump application to generate the backup and then follows this up by allowing the MySQL application to restore any function via shell.Why Internet marketers love it:Online e-business sites that sport a huge database consider this plugin an essential tool to help organize the data in it. It has essential MySQL functions that can be used to quickly tweak the database without actually using a specialized program to do so. This makes it easy to do any necessary modifications to the database without the added fuss.Our recommendation:This is a plugin which mostly caters to the technical crowd. It involves a lot of backend work that might confuse the average WordPress user. If you don't really have a deep technical background of how an SQL database works, then you might want to leave this plugin in the hands of the experts instead.Really Simple CAPTCHAType of plugin:CAPTCHA contact form moduleFeatures:Originally designed for use with Contact Form 7, Really Simple CAPTCHA is an anti-spam module that can be easily integrated with other plugins. It makes use of a temporary file storage system rather than the more traditional session saving method that its PHP counterpart makes use of. This allows it to be embedded into other plugins without worrying about any possible conflicts. It works by generating two files- an image file of CAPTCHA and a PHP file which returns the correct answer- and uses the latter to confirm whether the user was able to enter the correct answer.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin is all about flexibility. It can be used with any form or comment section on a given site with? out any fear of incompatibilities. For Internet marketers who like to use multiple customized forms on their site, this is a plugin that can help reduce the amount of spam that might arise as a consequence.Our recommendation:Since Really Simple CAPTCHA stores the procedure as a temporary file, it's somewhat less secure than its standard PHPcounterpart. While it does offer a lot of flexibility, you might want to look at other similar plugins if security is a higher priority on your list.WP-PollsType of plugin:Poll system generatorFeatures:Allows you to make use of an AJAX based poll system for your blog. It is extremely customizable by al? lowing you to change the text and the number of entries which can be voted on to fit your specific needs. This can be done through either templates or by editing CSS code. In addition, it also supports multiple answers for the poll options.Why Internet marketers love it:Sites that are community based find that polls are a great way to interact with its users. It's a simple yet effective way to get feedback regarding your site and any topic that you wish to discuss with your site visitors. It can also be used as a way to link any promos you want to run for your marketing campaign.Our recommendation:Fostering an active community means always inter? acting with them and this is a great plugin to help you in doing so. It can be easily integrated into your site and you can tweak it according to your needs.Search and ReplaceType of plugin:Find and replace string toolFeatures:A very simple plugin which greatly aids in database management. It allows you to find a specific stringin your database and replace it. You can search for the given string based on a given attribute (ID, post? content, GUID, title, excerpt, meta-data, comments, comment-author, comment-e-mail, comment-URL, tags/categories and categories-description) and easily replace them with another string. It is also possi? ble to replace the user ID on all tables as well as the user login as an added security measure.Why Internet marketers love it:This plugin saves webmasters a lot of time for doing the simple task of tweaking a few details inside the database. Instead of opening the database through the CMS interface, Search and Replace can easily get inside and make those few simple adjustments for you instead.Our recommendation:If you only need to do minor adjustments to your database entries, you might as well pick up this plugin for the ease and simplicity it accomplishes its function. It definitely beats opening the CMS interface and dashboard just to adjust a couple of erroneously named user IDs.Broken Link CheckerType of plugin:SEOFeatures:A very basic plugin which checks your posts, comments and other content to see if there are any broken links or missing images on your site. It then informs you via the dashboard or through email if it found any so that you can take the appropriate steps to fix them. Another convenient feature is that it alsoprevents search engines from following any broken links (similar to the nofollow tag). These broken links can be edited directly through the plugin without having to manually edit each post.Why Internet marketers love it:It's basically a no frills plugin which does one task in an efficient manner. Blogs which constantly update themselves will find this one quite useful since obsolete posts can easily get lost in the backend and end up wasting some valuable link juice that could have been directed elsewhere.Our recommendation:While there are a lot of other plugins which can do the same thing, Broken Link Checker is a fast and simple tool to accomplish this singular task. It could be used to do some quick checkups should your blog undergo some major changes or updates. ................

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