

System Center Service Manager Authoring Guide

Microsoft Corporation

Published: March 27, 2008


Anat Kerry

Applies To

Service Manager Community Technology Preview 2 Release


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Revision History

|Release Date |Changes |

|November 21, 2008 |Original release of this guide |


Service Manager Authoring Introduction 5

What’s In This Guide 5

System Center Common Schema 5

Changes to the Common Schema 6

Properties and Property Restrictions 6

Images 6

Enumerations 6

Relationships 7

Type Projections 8

Console Tasks 10

Resources 11

Forms 11

See Also 12

Creating a Service Manager Management Pack 12

Creating a Management Pack 12

The Manifest 12

Creating a Class 14

Creating a form 16

User Interface and Localization Elements 20

Categories 20

PresentationTypes 21

Presentation 21

Importing a Management Pack by Using the Command Line 28

Full Example 28

Class Extensions 36

See Also 38

Guidelines for Creating Service Manager Forms 39

Introduction 39

Form Implementation 39

User Experience Design 39

Code Behind 40

Data Sources 40

Data Validation and Error Handling 41

Form Lifecycle 42

Form Commands and Events 44

Forms customization and upgrades 46

Adding a form to a Management Pack 48

See Also 49

Service Manager Authoring Introduction

Welcome to the System Center Service Manager Authoring Guide.

System Center Service Manager integrates with Active Directory, Operations Manager, and Configuration Manager to build a single reconciled inventory of an organization’s assets called a configuration management database (CMDB). Service Manager can be customized and extended by creating and modifying management packs. This authoring guide describes the use and customization of management packs and management pack components.

What’s In This Guide

This guide includes the following topics:

|Topic |Description |

|System Center Common Schema |Describes Service Manager-specific additions to the management |

| |pack schema. |

|Creating a Service Manager Management Pack |Contains detailed information about management pack elements and |

| |how to use them. |

|Guidelines for Creating Service Manager Forms |Describes how to create and extend Service Manager forms. |

System Center Common Schema

System Center Service Manager includes an updated version of the System Center Management Pack Schema. This schema is now called the System Center Common Schema, and it includes a number of improvements and additions that are intended to enhance existing functionality and enable Service Manager features.

This prerelease document describes the changes between the previous version of the schema and the current Beta release of Service Manager. Complete documentation will be provided in future releases of Service Manager.


For more information about Service Manager management packs, including more XML samples, see Creating a Service Manager Management Pack.

Changes to the Common Schema

This section describes specific changes and additions to the System Center Common Schema.

Properties and Property Restrictions

The common schema extends classes with a number of new property types. These include binary types, enumerators, and autoincrement types.

You can now define restrictions on certain property values. For example, you can now define a regular expression restriction on a string property value. In the following example, the BuildingName property has a regular expression restriction that is defined so only a value that contains the word Building, followed by a space and then a number, is considered valid.


Images are no longer stored inside a management pack, and therefore the section of the management pack no longer contains the tags , , or . Instead, use an image resource.


The common schema now supports enumerations. Enumerations are a tree of values that can be used to restrict the value of a property or attribute.

Each enumeration has a required unique ID attribute and an optional Parent attribute.

In the following example, an enumeration called XBoxState is defined with three possible values: Running, Stopped, and Error:

In the following example, the Xbox class defines an enum property of type XBoxState:


The functionality of relationship definitions has been enhanced in the common schema. The RelationshipType type now has Source and Target subelements, with ID properties that can be used as display names. In addition, minimum and maximum cardinality for both the source and target can be defined (for example, 1-to-1 or 0-to-many relationships).

The cardinality is not enforced by the management pack validation process, but it is intended to help define user interfaces for the management pack. For example, the cardinality can be checked to determine whether a field can be represented in a form by a text box or a list.


Any MaxCardinality value that is defined as greater than 1 is processed as unlimited.

In the following example, a hosting relationship (called HasXBoxes) between the Lobby type and the Xbox type is defined. In this relationship definition, each Lobby type can have multiple Xbox types.

Type Projections

Type projections represent an aggregation of multiple related types in the management pack, similar to views that are defined in a SQL database that can return data from multiple tables. Type projections store and retrieve all the aggregated data in one operation to the database, and they can make it easier to define user interfaces for a management pack.

In the following example, a projection is defined for an incident management view. This projection combines several different components, related to an incident, into one unit that can be used more easily for forms and database operations.

Console Tasks

Console tasks have been extended in the common schema. Instead of being simple pointers to an application directory and executable file name, a ConsoleTask is implemented as handler code in a .NET assembly, with reference to the assembly housing the code, the handler name, and a list of named values that can be passed as arguments to the handler.

In the following example, a handler called Some.Handler.Name is defined in the assembly MyLibrary.Resources.Assembly. A list of handler parameters and their values is also defined.








Binary data is no longer stored directly in a management pack. Instead, metadata about the binary resource is stored in the management pack, and the actual binary data is stored externally in a resource file. The metadata includes a unique identifier, the file name, creation data, modified date, and accessibility.

Binary data can include generic resources, images, assemblies, report definitions, and forms. The following example shows a generic XML resource, an assembly resource, and a report resource.


Forms can now be defined in a management pack. Forms can be used to view and modify a single instance of a type or type projection.

Forms are based on the Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) and are defined in assemblies. The assembly and class that contain the forms implementations for a management pack are included in the resources section of the management pack. As with any binary resource in a management pack that uses the new common schema, the management pack itself does not contain the binary data for the form. Only the resource manifest is specified in the management pack.

You can specify your own configuration information for the form in the management pack. In the following example, the Configuration section contains a ShowXBoxes property. This configuration information is not evaluated by the management pack verification process; it is only interpreted by the form implementation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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