
Primary 5 - 7Home Learning Pack Name____________This pack has been created to guide learning for the following few weeks. If schools are closed for an extended period of time, teachers will use Google Classroom to provide weekly learning opportunities and activities. Google Classroom can be accessed via Glow. Your child’s login details have been sent home. To access, simply type in ‘Glow’ to Google and select Glow RM Unify.The screen below should appear:When you login you should see a screen like this:From this launchpad you can also access a variety of other useful programmes to aid learning.Literacy ActivitiesOver the course of a week, your child should complete a range of reading, writing, spelling, and grammartasks. It is recommended that your child completes 5 literacy tasks a week. They should follow a similar routine as in class which involves a minimum of:Daily spelling practice (20 mins)Daily reading (2 x 30 mins, minimum)1 writing taskPunctuation or grammarReadingChildren can use a school book if this has been provided or any age-appropriate book they have at home. This can be fiction or non-fiction.In class the children are familiar with the following reading strategies and should be able to complete them independently:Predicting – Look at the front cover and blurb and use the clues to help make a prediction on what the book is about.Visualising – What image is created in your head when reading?Questioning–Literal, inferential and evaluative questions.Self – questioning - Ask questions to help us better understand the text. (BLOOMS Taxonomy)Summarising – Pick the main points from the book to summarise the story.Paraphrasing – Restate the text in your own words.Connecting – Connect what we already know with what we are reading. Make connection with yourself, other texts and the world.Scanning–Locate specific details in a text.Skimming – Quickly find out what the text is paring – Compare things and consider how they are different or similar.Inferring – Find out what the author wants us to know but doesn’t directly tell us (read between the lines).Determining Importance – Think about what the most important thing in the text we have read.Children can use which is a great free tool with full literacy lessons provided. This is also a good stimulus for writing.SpellingChildren should use the spelling patterns already covered for the spelling activities and strategies belowSpelling GridSpelling ActivitiesSpelling StrategiesLook, cover, write, check.Write words in alphabetical order.Write a rhyming partner for each word.Test your shoulder partner verbally.Test your shoulder partner. (written)Use a thesaurus to find synonyms (online).Count the vowels and consonants.Highlight phonemes.Write your words in a compound or complex sentence.Write a mnemonic to help you remember challenging words.Find a word within a word.Look for a familiar phoneme.Look for familiar patterns.Make use of syllabification.Think about the tricky part of the word.WritingPlease find below a list of possible writing ideas that your child can complete:Keep a diary and update it daily.Write an extra chapter for your novel.Read a chapter, write a paragraph predicting what will happen next.Create a book or comic strip.Write a letter to a friend or teacher.Write instructions for something you have made at home.Write an imaginative story.Remember the following when completing any piece of writing:Up – levelled vocabularyWide range of connectivesVariety of openersPunctuationNeat handwritingCorrect spelling of common wordsNote: Twinkl is a great resource and has lots of writing templates with related success criteria that the children will be familiar with using. Twinkl is free to parents in the event of a school closure, further information can be found on their website. children have now been taught all joins. They should try to join up their handwriting with speed when writing. Numeracy and MathsWe would recommend that the children work on numeracy/maths daily. Below are a range of ideas of activities that your child can complete with a list of useful websites to play numeracy/maths games. It would be beneficial if your child revises the concepts already taught. These are in the homework diaries. Children can also revise using Sumdog or RM Easimaths– this can be tracked by their teacher (logins have been provided).In the event of the school being closed long term, new concepts will be taught via Google Classroom after Spring Break.Helpful WebsitesThere are lots of brilliant resources to be found online for maths and numeracy. Please find below a list of websites the children could use to help them:Sumdog - Marks - - Academy- – Curricular AreasThe following websites can be used to ensure your child is kept active if they are confined to indoors:Cosmic Kids Yoga - Noodle - InformationDear Family,Every child in primary 5 – 7 has a login for the Glow learning platform. Each child has access to: email, Google Classroom, RM Easimaths, Topmarks and Primary Resources through their launch pad. We will send children tasks and communicate with them through Google Classroom. Below is a list of educational websites and apps to help support your child’s learning at home. Some of the websites are subject specific and some are based on the English National Curriculum. The equivalent year group for P7 is KS2, Year 6, P6 is Year 5 and P5 is Year 4. The American grade equivalents are: 5, 4 and 3. Not all of these websites are free but most offer limited resources and a few are completely free. During this period, many of these websites have created free packs to help support learning at home. They are available to download should you require further resources.Please encourage your children to sign into Google Classroom regularly in order to keep up to date with their learning. All children should continue to revise concepts already taught, using their homework diaries. Kind regards,Primary 5-7 teachersAll Areas Topmarks??(Educational Online Games)TED Ed?? (Educational Online Games)BBC Learning Bitesize Course course kids (for younger pupils) Owl Literacy and Numeracy find out online Ya! K12 Write Think Secrets and Languages Phonics Play? online Council phonicsplay.co.ukSpelling spellingplay.co.ukSpelling spellingframe.co.ukStorynory – Duolingo , Google Translate (French/Spanish)Apps – Spelling and GrammarNumeracy and MathsSumDog on us Maths Games Week Scotland Maths Rose Maths Academy Arts The Artful Parent Tree Art Imagination Tree and Wellbeing Go Noodle Yoga you know Safety Food Blockly computer programming skills - fun and free.SCRATCH?? Awards enterprise award scheme you can complete online.Mystery Science Awards awards you can complete from home.Wow Science Science Learning/History/Geography Nature Detectives Geographic Kids History Project Games Muddy Puddle Teacher? This is an idea of how you could split up your day. This will allow time for learning, eating and fun. This is not set in stone and can be adjusted to suit your needs. We have attached a blank timetable so you can make your own. 9.00-10.0010.00-11.0011.00-12.0012.00-1.001.00-2.002.00-3.00MondayLiteracy SnackFree timeNumeracy/mathsLunch Free timeOther Areas Life Skills/ Outdoor activityTuesdayNumeracy/mathsSnackFree timeOther AreasLunch Free timeLiteracyLife Skills/ Outdoor activityWednesdayLife Skills/ Outdoor activitySnackFree timeLiteracyLunch Free timeLife Skills/ Outdoor activityNumeracy/mathsThursdayLiteracySnackFree timeNumeracy/mathsLunch Free timeOther AreasLife Skills/ Outdoor activityFriday Numeracy/mathsSnackFree timeLiteracyLunch Free timeOther AreasLife Skills/ Outdoor activity ................

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