Letter To Self Assignment Sheet

“Letter To My Future Self” Assignment Sheet

Your letter will include six parts. You can do any part in any order, but the entire letter must be completed and turned in with an envelope by September 9th. You will have time in class to work but you may also work at home. You may include photographs or other items in your letter, but keep in mind that they must fit in an envelope and you will need to provide enough stamps for the size of your package.

Think of this letter as your personal time capsule from your first few weeks of middle school.

The goal of this letter is to:

1. To provide a record of your life and who you are now

2. To anchor in time your current views, attitudes, philosophy, and outlook

3. To explore your feelings and opinions about a variety of issues

4. To create a document that, years from now, will have significant value to you

The six parts of the are:

MY FIRST WEEK OF MIDDLE SCHOOL: What I liked, what I didn’t like. Is it what I expected, harder/easier, do I like my classes?, What are my favorites….

ME, NOW: my hopes, fears, dreams, intentions, goals, problems, concerns, likes, dislikes, joys, frustrations; what I like about myself; what I don’t like about myself; what I’m proud of; what I think about; what bothers me; who I am, what do I want my future self to remember about me now?

MY WORLD: a description of my home, bedroom, school, neighborhood, town; my favorite places to go; chores, allowance, pet(s), possessions, clothes, religion, current events; FAVORITES – books, music groups, movies, TV, etc. You may want to include a photo or map of your room, street, etc.

WHAT I DO: my hobbies, pastimes, sports, school activities; what I do when I’m alone; what I do with friends; favorite snacks and foods; chores; how I spend my weekends and vacations; special activities I do, organizations I belong to, etc.

PEOPLE IN MY LIFE: my family, siblings, aunts & uncles, grandparents, friends, best friend(s), teachers, my “crush”, who I like, people I’d like to know better, people I admire and respect, important people in my life, people who annoy me, etc.

MY FUTURE: predictions, what I want to do, my long range intentions, what I’m looking forward to; what I’m dreading; my goals, my hopes and fears for the world; summer vacation, high school, college, marriage, employment, etc.

When writing, you do not have to answer every suggestion under the major topics – they are only suggestions to get you started. You should write at least two (2) paragraphs for each part to fully cover the topic. You may also want to write about something important to you that isn’t mentioned above. You may create your own categories as long as you include the ones I have given you as well. This letter is for you, and it should deal with the elements and aspects that are important and real in your life – the good, the bad, and the ugly! The more honest you are with yourself, the more you will appreciate and value your letter when you receive it in a few years.

Please take time to proofread your letter and make sure you have included all of the necessary items. Your letter will be mailed to you when you are a senior in high school.

No one will read your letter except you and those you choose to share it with. Have fun! Create something memorable that captures your life today and who you are!

Please handwrite your letters. Bring pictures or other things you want to include by the due date.

You will need to turn in:

Your letter

An envelope

A stamp (additional stamps for letters that are in large envelopes or that include several items)

**The envelope needs to be addressed with the stamp attached and the letter inside when you turn it in**

Letter to Self

Ideas & Activities for Enhancement

As you work on your LTS, consider the following suggestions. They could improve and enhance your project:

1. Include photographs of you, your family, and friends.

2. Draw a map of your community and mark special locations.

3. Create a personal montage/collage with quotes, souvenirs, pictures, clothing, labels, candy wrappers, etc.

4. Record an audiotape or videotape of you, your family, and friends.

5. Cut out articles from newspapers or magazines about significant current events and issues important to you and your world.

6. Create a new section of your letter called “Favorite Memories.”

7. Ask your friends to sign a sheet of paper to include with your letter

Reflective Questions for your “Letter To Self”

Think about all the writing you did for your LTS and the many thoughts that went through your mind as you created it. Then respond to the following questions:

1. How do you feel about your completed LTS and the overall LTS project?

2. How many pages did you write for your LTS?

3. Which part of the LTS was most difficult for you to do? Why? Be specific in your explanation.

4. Which part of the LTS was easiest for you to do? Why? Be specific in your explanation.

5. What did you learn about yourself while doing your LTS? Be specific in your response.

6. What special attributes did you do to enhance your LTS (secret letter, collage, videotape, etc.)? Be specific in your response.

7. What suggestions do you have for me so the LTS can be a better project for next year?

8. What else can you tell me about the process of creating your LTS?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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