Conestoga High School Name Date Period Practice with Scientific Notation

Chemistry 1 Conestoga High School

KEY Name_______________________________________________Date_________Period______

Practice with Scientific Notation

Review of Scientific Notation

Scientific notation provides a way to hold the zeroes that come after a whole number or before a fraction, so it is used to write very large or very small numbers. A number in scientific notation is written as the product of a number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10 and a power of 10. The power of 10 indicates how many places the decimal point was moved.

The line below shows the equivalent values of decimal notation (the way we write numbers usually, like "1,000 dollars") and scientific notation (1 x 103 dollars).








Decimal notation






Scientific notation 1 x 10-2

1 x 100

1 x 102 1 x 106

Practice With Scientific Notation

Section A: Write out the decimal equivalent (regular form)

of the following numbers that are in scientific notation.

Model: 1 x 101 =


1) 2.0 x 102 = ___2__0_0_________ 4) 2.0 x 10-2 =__0__._0__2_0_____


3.56 x 104




7.68 x 10-5 =___0_._0__0_0__0_7__68

3) 5.621 x 107 = _5_6__,_2_1__0_,__0_0_0__6) 4.5 x 100 =___4_._5________

Section B: Convert from decimal form into scientific notation.

Model: 1,000 = 1 x 103

7) 20 = ___2_.__0___x__1__0____1_____10) 0.156 = _1_.__5_6___x___1_0___-1 8) 3300 = __3__._3___x___1_0____3______11) 0.00079 = _7__._9___x___1_0____-4 9) 800,000,000 = 8_.__0___x___1_0____8_ 12) 1 = __1___x___1_0____0_____


Conestoga High School

More Practice With Scientific Notation

Chemistry 1

Perform the following operations in scientific notation. Refer to the introduction if you need help.

Section C: Multiplication (Remember that you just need to multiply the main numbers and add the exponents).

Model: (2 x 102) x (6 x 103) = 12 x 105 = 1.2 x 106

Remember that your answer should be expressed in two parts, as

in the model above. The first part should be a number less than

10 (eg: 1.2) and the second part should be a power of 10 (eg: 106). If the first part is a number greater than ten, you will

have to convert the first part. In the above example, you would convert your first answer (12 x 105) to the second answer, which has the first part less than ten (1.2 x 106). For extra

practice, convert your answer to decimal notation. In the above

example, the decimal answer would be 1,200,000.

scientific notation

decimal notation

13) (1 x 103) x (3 x 101) = _3___x___1_0____4___ ___3__0_,__0_0_0_________

14) (3 x 104) x (2 x 103) = __6___x___1__0___7___ _____6_0__,_0__0_0_,__0_0__0_

15) (5 x 10-5) x (11 x 104) = _5_.__5___x__1__0___0_________5_.__5_______

16) (2 x 10-4) x (4 x 103) = _8___x___1_0____-__1_ _____0_.__8____________


Conestoga High School

Chemistry 1

Section D: Division (Remember that you just need to divide the main numbers and subtract the exponents).


(12 x 103)

----------- = (6 x 102)

(3- 2)

2 x (10

) = 2 x 101 = 20


final answer (in scientific notation)

17) (8 x 106) / (4 x 103) = _____2___x___1_0____3________________

18) (3.6 x 108) / (1.2 x 104) = ____3___x___1_0____4________________ 5.0 x 10_-3 (0.005)

19) (4 x 103) / (8 x 105) = ________________________________










3 x 10_2



Conestoga High School

Chemistry 1

Section E Addition The first step is to make sure the exponents are the same. We do this by changing the main number (making it bigger or smaller) so that the exponent can change (get bigger or smaller). Then we can add the main numbers and keep the exponents the same.

Model: (3.0 x 104) + (2 x 103) = (3 x 104) + (0.2 x 104) = 3.2 x 104

= 32,000

First express the problem with the exponents in the same form, then solve the problem.

final answer

21) (4.0 x 103) + (3 x 102) = _4__._3___x___1_0____3___=___4_,_3__0_0_____


(9 x 102) + (1.00 x 104)


1.09 x 10_4 = 10,900










4.0 x 10_7 = 40,000,000


24) (1.32 x 10-3) + (3.44 x 10-4) = __1_.__6_6_4___x___1__0___-__3___=__0__.001664

Section F Subtraction Just like addition, the first step is to make the exponents the same. Instead of adding the main numbers, they are subtracted.

Model: (3 x 104) - (2 x 103) = (30 x 103) - (2 x 103) = 28 x 103 = 2.8 x 104

final answer

25) (2.00 x 102) - (4 x 101)=__1_.__6_0___x___1_0____2___=___1_6__0________


Conestoga High School

Chemistry 1

26) (3.0 x 10-6) - (5 x 10-7) =___2_.__5___x__1__0____-_6_______________

27) (9 x 1012) - (8.1 x 109) = __8_._9__9_1__9___x__1__0____1_2___________

28) (2.2 x 10-4) - (3 x 102) = __-_3__._0__0__x___1__0___2_____________

And for Even MORE Practice, check out these websites!!



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