Mrs. Wright's Class Website

Photosynthesis STUDENT NOTES B-3.1| Date:

|What | |

|do we |We all need a constant source of energy! |

|need | |

|to |What is the ultimate source of energy for most life on Earth? _________________ |

|surviv| |

|e? | |

|Introd| |

|uction|What is the purpose of photosynthesis? |

|to | |

|Photos|Photosynthesis uses ________________________________ to convert ______________ and ________________ into chemical energy for the plant. |

|ynthes| |

|is |The “food” is a sugar, glucose What is the byproduct of photosynthesis? |

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| |In which organelle does photosynthesis take place? |

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|Parts | |

|of a |Label the Parts of a Chloroplast. |

|Chloro| |

|plast | |

| | |

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|Photos| |

|ynthes|Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis below: |

|is | |

|Equati| |

|on and|Write the equation for photosynthesis using words: |

|Stages| |

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| |Photosynthesis has 2 parts: |

| | |

| |_______________________________________________________ |

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| |_______________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |AKA: Light Independent Reaction |

| |AKA: Dark Reaction |

| | |

| |Light Dependent Reaction takes place in the _______________________________ of the chloroplast |

| |Specifically within the thylakoid membrane |

| | |

| |Calvin Cycle takes place in the ___________________________________ of the chloroplast |

|What |2 Stages of Photosynthesis: Label the overall process on the diagram below: |

|is | |

|photos| |

|ynthes| |

|is? | |

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|LDR= |What is required as the primary source of energy for the LDR? |

|Light | |

|Depend|What is the main reactant for the LDR? (remember a reactant is the molecule that enters a reaction) |

|ent | |

|Reacti| |

|on |What is the main product of the LDR? |

| | |

| | |

| |What are the two energy molecules produced in the LDR? |

| | |

| |What is the purpose/function of the LDR? |

| | |

| |6CO2 + 6H2O ( C6H12O6 + 6O2 |

|Calvin|The Calvin Cycle has two other names. What are they? |

|Cycle | |

| | |

| |What is the purpose of the Calvin Cycle? |

| | |

| | |

| |Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of a plant cell. Where does the Calvin Cycle take place? |

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| |What is the main reactant of the Calvin Cycle? |

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| |Which 2 energy molecules fuel the Calvin Cycle? |

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| |Where do these 2 energy molecules come from? |

| | |

| |6CO2 + 6H2O ( C6H12O6 + 6O2 |

|Summar|Basically… |

|y |During the LIGHT-DEPENDENT reaction, sunlight is converted into ATP and NADPH. |

| |During the LIGHT-INDEPENDENT reaction, ATP and NADPH are converted into glucose. |

| | |

| |Please note: ___________________ is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to break down _________________ molecules. |

|Except| |

|ions |C4 plants |

|to |They keep their stomata (plant cell pores) closed during hot days to reduce water loss |

|typica|This way, they can still absorb carbon dioxide without losing too much water |

|l | |

|photos|CAM plants |

|ynthes|Carbon dioxide is only allowed to enter the leaves at night when it is cooler and more humid |

|is: |Carbon dioxide is converted to organic compounds at night and the Calvin cycle occurs during the day |


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