
Notes on Decimals Name_________________________________________


A decimal is a number that shows tenths, hundredths, and so on, by using a decimal point.

The decimal 3.25 has three digits: 3 2 5

The decimal 3.25 is written in standard form.

In word form, 3.25 is written: three and twenty-five hundredths

Place Value

Place-value tables show the value of each digit in a decimal. You need to know the value of each digit to write the number in expanded form.


|Hundreds |Tens |Ones |Decimal point |Tenths |Hundredths |

|2 |9 |8 |. |0 |4 |

There are no tenths in this number. That is why there is a 0 (zero) written in the tenths place. Here is 298.04 written in expanded form and word form.

standard form: 298.04

expanded form: 200 + 90 + 8 + 0.04

word form: two hundred ninety-eight and four hundredths


|Hundreds |Tens |Ones |Decimal point |Tenths |Hundredths |

|7 |5 |2 |. |4 |8 |

1. Write the number above in standard form: ___________________________________________________

2. Write the number in expanded form: ________________________________________________________

3. Write the number in word form: ___________________________________________________________


|Hundreds |Tens |Ones |Decimal point |Tenths |Hundredths |

|4 |0 |1 |. |5 |6 |

4. Write the number above in standard form: ___________________________________________________

5. Write the number in expanded form: ________________________________________________________

6. Write the number in word form: ___________________________________________________________


|Hundreds |Tens |Ones |Decimal point |Tenths |Hundredths |

|9 |7 |2 |. |4 |6 |

7. Write the number above in standard form: ___________________________________________________

8. Write the number in expanded form: ________________________________________________________

9. Write the number in word form: ___________________________________________________________


|Hundreds |Tens |Ones |Decimal point |Tenths |Hundredths |

|6 |7 |0 |. |2 |3 |

10. Write the number above in standard form: __________________________________________________

11. Write the number in expanded form: _______________________________________________________

12. Write the number in word form: __________________________________________________________


|Hundreds |Tens |Ones |Decimal point |Tenths |Hundredths |

|5 |2 |9 |. |0 |1 |

13. Write the number above in standard form: __________________________________________________

14. Write the number in expanded form: _______________________________________________________

15. Write the number in word form: __________________________________________________________


16. How is 16.73 written in word form? ______________________________________________________

17. How is six and thirty-four hundredths written in standard form? ______________________________

18. Write a decimal with 8 in the ones place, 1 in the tenths place, and 5 in the hundredths place. _________

19. Which number is in the tenths place in the decimal 13.42 ? _______________________

For numbers 20 and 21, write the given decimal in expanded form.

20. 12.56 ________________________________________________________________________________

21. 800.03 ______________________________________________________________________________

For numbers 22 and 23, the expanded for of a decimal is given. Write the decimal in standard form.

22. 500 + 20 + 1 + 0.3 ____________________________________________________

23. 100 + 6 + 0.4 + 0.05 __________________________________________________


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