
LalaTat full framework 21st Century skills 14 CATEGORIES102 STRANDS 297 EXERCISES1. Organization skills 1a. Write Goals Ex 1 Write goals to generate action1b. Time and Task ManagementEx 1 Chores, tasks, immediate goalsEx 2 Reduce the pressure by taking strategic actionEx 3 Manage all assignments to reduce stressEx 4 Get all subject deadlines organisedEx 5 Make 'To Do' lists1c. Achieve Long Term goalsEx 1 Generate purpose, plan and take action1d. Trimming the SailsEx 1 Evaluate action, make changesEx 2 Consequences and action1e. PlanEx 1 Plan to achieve goalsEx 2 Plan to develop strategiesEx 3 Plan to identify obstacles1f. Take ResponsibilityEx 1 Identify responsibilitiesEx 2 Actions and consequences Ex 3 Impulsiveness1g. Organise ResourcesEx 1 Resources for classesEx 2 Set up alarms1h. Predict ConsequencesEx 1 In daily lifeEx 2 At school 2. Study Skills2a. Learning PreferencesEx 1 Use your senses to learnEx 2 Set up your study environmentEx 3 Learn from your classroom experience2b. Learning StrategiesEx 1 Present learning strategiesEx 2 Evaluate learning strategy effectiveness2c. Review Schedules for Long-Term MemoryEx 1 Remembering daily schoolworkEx 2 Remembering for exams2d Create a Study GroupEx 1 Strengths and weaknessesEx 2 Sharing resources2e. Memory TechniquesEx 1 Alphabet HookingEx 2 Number HookingEx 3 Method of LociEx 4 Using a picture story for PhysicsEx 5 Build your own Memory Palace 2f. Exam Study TimetablingE1 Make an exam study timetableE2 Check you have enough time2g. Exam TechniquesEx 1?Tips for high performance in the exam room3. Character Skills3a. Concentration and MindfulnessEx 1 Sensory awarenessEx 2 Your present thoughtsEx 3 Identify distracting thoughtsEx 4 Overcome distracting thoughtsEx 5 Control environmental distractionsEx 6 Control digital distractionsEx 7 Concentrate in classEx 8 Mindfulness training3b. Virtues and Values Ex 1 Which virtues do you value most highly?Ex 2 Exemplify virtues3c. Self-MotivationEx 1 Why succeed at school?Ex 2 Stand on the shoulders of giantsEx 3 Causality and attributionEx 4 Manage self-talkEx 5 Practise positive thinking3d. Failing Well Ex 1 Learn how to fail well from past experienceEx 2 Use failing well to achieve new goals Ex 3 Use failing well for academic success3e. Pressure, Stress and AnxietyEx 1 How do you do it now?Ex 2 Learn from the bestEx 3 Exercises to reduce the risk of stress and anxietyEx 4 Using visualisation to reduce stress and anxiety3f. Perseverance and ProcrastinationEx 1 How do you do it sometimes?Ex 2 Overcoming procrastinationEx 3 Creating urgencyEx 4 Switch on study mode3g. ResilienceEx 1 To develop more resilienceEx 2 How do you do it now? Ex 3 Use the experience of others3h. CourageEx 1 How do you do courage?Ex 2 Using the experience of others4. Metacognitive Skills4a. Self-Assess Learning Skill DevelopmentEx 1 Self-assessment practiceEx 2 Behaviour, character and personality4b. Improve PerformanceEx 1 How do you do it now?Ex 2 Improve your performance4c. Reflect on KnowledgeEx 1 What don't you know yet?Ex 2 How are you going to fix that?4d. Consider Ethical, Cultural and Environmental ImplicationsEx 1 Implications of disastersEx 2 International politics4e. Reflective JournalingEx 1 Reflect on success and failure5. Language skills5a. Critically Read TextEx 1 Purpose and reasonEx 2 Critical analysis5b. Read Broadly Ex 1 Log all sources in one dayEx 2 How many sources?5c. Write for Different PurposesEx 1 Sample writing in each genreEx 2 Find the best writing organisers5d. Create Glossaries of TermsEx 1 Understand terms and symbolsEx 2 Use terms and symbols5e Scientific WritingEx 1 Write scientific reportsEx 2 Generate testable hypotheses5f. Business WritingEx 1 Write business reportsEx 2 Write business emails5g. Create Summary Notes from TextEx 1 Your own best way of making written summariesEx 2 Fast information processing for understanding and recall5h. Create Summary Notes from PresentationsEx 1 Summarising from video or podcast - when you have controlEx 2 Summarizing from a live presentation - when you have little controlEx 3 Summarizing from a live presentation - when you have no control5i. Skim-Read and Speed-Read Ex 1 Speedreading newspapers and magazinesEx 2 Speed reading fictionEx 3 Speed reading textbooks5j. Give and Receive FeedbackEx 1 Verbal feedbackEx 2 Feedback on written work6. Media skills6a. Communicate Non-VerballyEx 1 Recognise non-verbal messagesEx 2 Reading non-verbal feedback while listening6b. Create PresentationsEx1 Designing your presentation - preparation Ex 2 Practise deliveryEx 4 Learn from the best6c. Media Options and ChoicesEx 1 Media optionsEx 2 What do you choose?6d. Media FormatsEx 1 Matching purpose, audience and mediaEx 2 Matching audience characteristics, needs and mediaEx 3 Comparing multimedia presentation platforms6e. Media Impact and EthicsEx 1 Media ethicsEx 2 Social Media ethicsEx 3 Impact of different media platformsEx 4 Impact of different communication media7. Group skills7a. Listen wellEx 1 Listen for shapeEx 2 Listen for spaceEx 3 Listen for imagesEx 4 Listen for visuals7b. Ask Good QuestionsEx 1 Identify needsEx 2 Identify sourcesEx 3 Create questionsEx 4 Find answers7c. EmpathiseEx 1 Walk a mile in my shoes 1Ex 2 Walk a mile in my shoes 2Ex 3 Listen for feelings7d. Understand Other CulturesEx 1 Hero storiesEx 2 Social events7e. Negotiate Ex 1 Needs and wants7f. Teams and GroupsEx 1 Recent collaborationsEx 2 Forming effective groupsEx 3 Peer assessment7g. Group Consensus Ex 1 Keep a listening logEx 2 Encourage othersEx 3 Build consensus7h. Digital GroupsEx 1 Digital group setupEx 2 Maintenance and supportEx 3 Delegation of tasks7i. LeadershipEx 1 Leadership attitudeEx 2 Who would you follow?Ex 3 Leading social actionEx 4 Group dynamicsEx 5 Role modelsEx 6 Great quotes7j. Manage and Resolve Conflicts Ex 1 Leadership through mediation7k. People ManagementEx 1 Know yourselfEx 2 Management skills and traitsEx 3 Management stylesEx 4 Consensus and negotiationEx 5 Public relations8. Social skills8a. RelationshipsEx 1 Characteristics of healthy relationshipsEx 2 What could you do?Ex 3 Your action plan8b. Social PressureEx 1 Notice people pressureEx 2 Notice media pressureEx 3 Pressure to buyEx 4 Resist pressure 8c. Rights and NeedsEx 1 UN Rights of the ChildEx 2 Rights and needs with friends8d. Seeking HelpEx 1 Who can help in emergenciesEx 2 Who else can helpEx 3 Who can help you with learning?8e. Social Media IdentityEx 1 Online character and attributesEx 2 Mistakes I've madeEx 3 Who I amEx 4 Digital relationshipsEx 5 Choosing influencesEx 6 - Different identitiesEx 7 Become an influencer8f. Social Media SecurityEx 1 Social media distressEx 2 Information privacy lawEx 3 Security against hackingEx 4 Security against unauthorised use of your personal data8g. Social ActionEx 1 Recognise social needsEx 2 Generate ideas for social actionEx 3 Take action to address a local need9. Research Skills9a. Develop a Research QuestionEx 1 PurposeEx 2 Choose a topicEx 3 Write the questionEx 4 Analyse the question for breadth and depthEx 5 Evaluate your question9b. Build a Key-Word Search StrategyEx 1 Generate key words and conceptsEx 2 Use advanced searchingEx 3 Share inspiration9c. Effective Digital SearchingEx 1 Dewey ClassificationEx 2 Internet searchingEx 3 Narrow your searchEx 4 Advanced searchingEx 4 Spread the word9d. Link Research Tasks and Tools Ex 1 Your best appsEx 2 Information tasks and needs9e. Evaluate Sources of EvidenceEx 1 The source of your sourceEx 2 Domain name credibilityEx 3 Further credibility checksEx 4 Triangulate and corroborate9f. Primary and Secondary SourcesEx 1 In textbooksEx 2 Your own work9g. Different Points of ViewEx 1 Compare and contrastEx 2 Factual perspectives9h. Evaluate Sources for BiasEx 1 Different mediaEx 2 Other media representationsEx 3 Compare mediaEx 4 Triangulate to eliminate bias9i. IP rights, Academic Honesty and ReferencingEx 1 Academic honesty policy and consequencesEx 2 Inform other studentsEx 3 Referencing9j. Organize and Store InformationEx 1 Organise your notesEx 2 Build file treesEx 3 Download articles9k. Create a Valid Research ArgumentEx 1 Use evidence to support an argumentEx 2 Syllogisms, logic and sound argumentsEx 3 Conclusions, opinions and valid arguments9l. Use Feedback to Evaluate Research Ex 1 Effective feedback protocolsEx 2 Social media feedback10. Critical Thinking Skills10a. Induction, Deduction and InferenceEx 1 Practise induction and deductionEx 2 Blind observationsEx 3 CartoonsEx 4 Active observations10b. Develop Evidence-Based ArgumentsEx 1 Analyse a news argumentEx 2 Analyse a medical argument Ex 3 Create your own argumentEx 4 Pigs might fly10c. Consider Ideas from Multiple PerspectivesEx 1 Compare perspectives Ex 2 Perspectives, arguments and evidenceEx 3 Perspectives and ethics10d. Implications, Inferences and ConclusionsEx 1 Practice drawing inferencesEx 2 Practice using inferences to make predictionsEx 3 Practice using implications to make predictionsEx 4 Which works best?10e. Correlation and Causality Ex 1 Find correlations and causesEx 2 Smoking cigarettes - the evolution of an argumentEx 3 Left handers10f. AssumptionsEx 1 Recognising assumptionsEx 2 UFO Conference10g. Interpret DataEx 1 Data analysis, validity and predictionsEx 2 Your own data10h. Draw ConclusionsEx 1 Conclusions in textbooks Ex 2 Practice drawing conclusionsEx 2 Conclusions in stories10i. Solve Problems - Think Globally, Act LocallyEx 1 Define the problemEx 2 Local example/local solutionEx 3 Planning local actionEx 4 Implementing local solutionEx 5 Act locally think globally Ex 6 Your own problem11. Computational Thinking Skills11a. Decomposition - break down complex problems into smaller partsEx 1 Making a sandwichEx 2 Finding a culpritEx 3 Creating an appEx 4 The bicycleEx 5 Decomposition thinking11b. Pattern Recognition - look for patterns in problems and dataEx 1 What are patterns?Ex 2 Baking a cakeEx 3 Scientific reportsEx 4 Pattern recognition as a style of thinking11c. Abstraction - represent problems using models and simulationsEx 1 Back to the dogsEx 2 Back to the cakesEx 3 General and specific detailsEx 4 Abstraction as a style of thinking11d. Algorithmic thinking - develop operational instructions to suit digital processorsEx 1 Daily routineEx 2 Getting ready for schoolEx 3 Number finds - how many stepsEx 4 Paper aeroplanesEx 5 Algorithmic thinking as a thinking style11e. Solve Problems - Using Computational ThinkingEx 1 Lunchtime congestionEx 2 Use the system for a real problem of your own12. Decision Making Skills12a. Adaptive ThinkingEx 1 What would you do if?Ex 2 Outside your comfort zone12b. Take Initiative Ex 1 Take action in the classroomEx 2 Take action at home Ex 3 Take action in learning12c. Recognise DangerEx 1 Are we getting safer?Ex 2 Take action12d. Manage RiskEx 1 Goals and risksEx 2 Plans and risks12e. Fairness and EquityEx 1 - Class tripsEx 2 Decisions at home12f. Make Decisions - Hard and Easy ChoicesEx 1 Options when you leave schoolEx 2 Make an informed decisionEx 3 Hard choices12g. Learn from DecisionsEx 1 Learn from good decisionsEx 2 Learn from mistakesEx 3 Tips for making difficult decisions13. Idea Generation Skills13a. MetaphorsEx 1 Using similes to stimulate creativityEx 2 Using connections to stimulate creativityEx 3 Using comparisons to stimulate creativity13b. Connections and ExtensionsEx 1 Creative connectionsEx 2 Useful extensions13c. Form and FunctionEx 1 Mixing parameters to stimulate creativityEx 2 Using needs and wants to generate new ideas13d. 100 UsesEx 1 100 usesEx 2 Plastic14. Adaptive Thinking Skills14a. Flexible ThinkingEx 1 Flexible mindsetEx 2 Alternative explanations14b. Guess WellEx 1 Political speechesEx 2 Mathematical guessingEx 3 What if?14c. Creation through ImitationEx 1 Use solutions to identify needsEx 2 Creation through extensionEx 3 Your own invention14d. Visual ThinkingEx 1 Manipulating images ................

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