-200025-281940Name _______________________ Song Report __/20Go to . Click on Genre to choose the kind of music you like. Choose a song. Choose Beginner game mode. Choose Choice mode. Listen to the lyrics and click on the missing words. If you don’t know the word, you can press the arrow and it will give you the word. After you practice, print the lyrics and attach it to this report.Name of song: ______________________________Writer/Singer: _____________________________A. Choose five vocabulary words from the song. If possible, choose words you don’t know or you aren’t sure about. Write the words and their dictionary meaning in the chart below. 5. B. Write five sentences that describe the song. Write your own sentences, not the lyrics. If you copy the lyrics, you will not get 20 points. Write complete sentences. What is this song about? Example: This song is about a man and a woman who are in love.1. ____________________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________________4. ____________________________________________________________5. ____________________________________________________________ ................

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