
Contests for Individual Poems (or groups of poems)

|Publication/Organization |Details |Deadline |

|Stacy Doris Memorial Poetry Award |Winner receives $500 & publication in Fourteen Hills; NO ENTRY|Jan 15 |

| |FEE | |

|Poetry Virginia |Prizes paid out in approx.. 30 categories; free to enter for |Jan 19 (Poe’s |

| |PSV members; $2/poem for non-memb. |birthday) |

|Discovery Poetry Contest |4 prizes of $500 & publication in Boston Review for poets who |Jan 25 |

|(long URL; Google to find the page) |have not yet published a book. $12 fee. | |

|Crazyhorse Literary Prize |Winner gets $2,000 & publication in Crazyhorse; all entrants |Jan 31 |

|crazyhorse.cofc.edu |receive 1-year subscription; $20 fee | |

| | | |

|Robert Frost Foundation Award |For poems in spirit of Robert Frost. Winner receives $1,000; |Feb 1 |

| |$10 fee | |

| | | |

|St. Petersburg Poetry Contest |Winner gets $1,000 & publication in St. Petersburg Review; all|March 1 |

| |entrants receive copy of prize issue; $20 fee | |

|Gulf Coast Poetry Prize |Winner gets $1,500 & publication in Gulf Coast; all entrants |March 15 |

| |receive 1-year subscription; $23 fee | |

|Florida Review Editors’ Award |Winner gets $1,000 & publication in Florida Review; all |March 17 |

|floridareview.cah.ucf.edu |entrants receive 1-year subscription; $15 fee | |

|Rumi Prize in Poetry |Winner gets $1,000 & publication in Arts & Letters; all |March 31 |

|artsandletters.gcsu.edu |entrants receive 1-year subscription; $20 fee | |

| | | |

|Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest |Best humorous poem wins $1,000. |April 1 |


|Jack Dyer Poetry Prize |Winner gets $2,000 & publication in Crab Orchard Review; all |April 21 |

|craborchardreview.siu.edu/dyer.html |entrants receive a copy of the prize issue; $15 fee | |

| | | |

|Ploughshares Emerging Writers Contest |For poets w/o a published book. Winner $1,000 & published in |May 15 |

| |Ploughshares; all entrants get 1-year subscription; $24 fee | |

|New Letters Literary Award |Winner receives $1,500 & publication in New Letters; all |May 18 |

|writers-wanted |entrants receive 1-year subscription; $20 fee | |

|River Styx International Poetry Contest |Winner receives $1,500 & publication in River Styx; all |May 31 |

| |entrants receive a copy of the winning issue; $10 fee | |

| | | |

|Boulevard Emerging Writers Contest |For poets w/o a published book. Winner receives $1,000 & |June 1 |

| |publication in Boulevard; all entrants receive 1-year | |

| |subscription; $15 fee | |

|Boston Review Poetry Contest |Winner receives $1,500 & publication in Boston Review; all |June 1 |

|contests |entrants receive 3 issues; $20 fee | |

| | | |

|Robert & Adele Schiff Award in Poetry |Winner receives $1,000 & publication in Cincinnati Review; all|July 15 |

| |entrants receive subscription; $20 fee | |

|Auburn Witness Poetry Prize |Winner receives $1,000 & publication in Southern Humanities |July 15 |

| |Review; all entrants receive subscription; $15 fee | |

| | | |

|Indiana Review ½ K Prize |Winner receives $1,000 & publication in Indiana Review; all |Aug 15 |

| |entrants receive subscription; $20 fee | |

| | | |

|Black Warrior Review Poetry Contest |Winner receives $1,000 & publication in Black Warrior Review; |Sept 1 |

|bwr.ua.edu |all entrants receive subscription; $20 fee | |

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|Missouri Review Editor’s Prize |Winner receives $5,000 for a group of poems; all entrants |Oct 1 |

| |receive 1-year subscription; $20 fee. | |

|Writer’s Digest |Poems of 32 lines or less; $1,000 for 1st; prizes also for |Oct 30 |

| |2nd-25th place. | |

| |$20 fee for 1st poem, $15 for others | |

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|Sow’s Ear Poetry Review |Winner receives $1,000; all entrants receive subscription; $27|Nov 1 |

| |fee | |

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|James Dickey Prize |Winner receives $1,000 & publication in Five Points; all |Dec 1 |

|fivepoints.gsu.edu |entrants receive subscription; $20 fee | |

|Jeff Marks Memorial Poetry Prize |Winner receives $1,500 & publication in December; all entrants|Dec 15 |

|december-awards |receive copy of prize issue; $20 fee | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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