


In my world?

We moved!

We finally did it! We moved to Whiting, NJ, in August, 2013, one hour east of Haddon Heights, NJ. My wife and I have been working as volunteers at America’s Keswick for the past fifteen years. Now, we are just one mile away from AK.

We tried for two years to sell our house. In May, 2013, everything just came together. We had a buyer within three months of our listing. Thank you Lord for working out all the details.

“Take Me With You” …My first book.

TMWY, a pleasant surprise, continues to astonish and amaze this little farm-boy. I have been busy with book signings, book clubs, and local speaking engagements at churches and schools. If you would like me to speak to your church/school group sometime, let me know at rightrdave@, or 856-304-2516.

My latest book reviews:

Stan……. “After reading your book, I did some apologizing to my two married daughters and the results were very heart warming. Thank you for the book and the spirituality it cultivated.”

Charlotte…… “May God bless you each day as you serve Him. Thanks for taking time to write Take Me With You. I know that old tree still misses you.”

Jerri…….. “That is the way a family should live with God in their lives. Bless you and your new books.”

Nick…. “Thanks for the book, David. I enjoyed it very much. When Dad died, I was deeply moved. I wanted you to know that.” Nick Harrison, Senior Editor, Harvest House Publishers


Two News Books, available in 2014

“Time to Rhyme” and “Broken Bondage”

…… “Time to Rhyme”……

In the USA, the sixties were a bit tumultuous with racial conflicts, assassinations, college riots, and, an approaching war against Communism in Vietnam. All of this proved to be the right ingredients for homeland dissention. Many were searching and pondering the meaning of life with all of its problems. Some expressed their frustrations in songs; some took advantage of college platforms for self-expression. Others turned to poetry to say what was on their hearts and minds.

I was attending college during this time and sensed the unrest among my colleagues. I too was searching for truth and the real, hidden meaning of life. In my search, I knew I had strayed from my faith, but soon discovered that faith was my source of strength. English class assignments provided the right media to express my thoughts through poetry.

During the sixties, I wrote six poems. Four of them will draw the reader into a soul searching frenzy that ultimately tugs at the heart. Two were written as an exercise that emphasizes the fun in writing humorous poetry.

Time to Rhyme is not just another Book of Poems. I wanted it to be unique and diverse with narration that explains why each poem was written. There are twenty-six poems, written over a forty-seven year period. Each poem is accompanied by an illustration by Joseph Moussa.

I’m excited about this project that has finally come together. Over the years many people have asked me to publish my poems. Ladies and gentlemen, the poetry train has arrived!

……“Broken Bondage”……

Why was there a Civil War?

Why did so many have to die?

This is a story of the perilous, uncertain plight of a slave family in Tennessee in 1863, during the Civil War. They struggle to survive their precarious journey northward, traveling hundreds of miles, not knowing daily what lies ahead.

I have always had an interest in the Civil War, having heard family stories passed down from my relatives in Ohio. Recently, I have been drawn into this heartbreaking reality of death, suffering, slavery, and despair that was experienced by so many. It started from the research I have done on the life of my great, great grandmother, Catherine Valentine Cavinee. She did not see war as she lived in a small town in southeastern Ohio; however, she was forced to prepare for its horror, one hot day in July, 1863.

The more research I do, the more I read, the more my heart is saddened that so many Americans lost their lives in this war. Over six hundred thousand Americans were killed in this war; another four hundred thousand were wounded or crippled. It was, by far, the costliest experience our country has endured! This war alone exceeded the combined deaths of all other wars of American involvement!

I’m sure many questions have been asked in school classrooms throughout our land and in homes, gathered around comfortable fireplaces. When children hear about this very sad event in our country’s history for the first time, they find that it is overwhelming and unbelievably sorrowing. No doubt parents and teachers, looking into the wide, innocent eyes of their children, have heard the words, “Why did this happen?”

My intent in writing this book is two-fold.

First, I want to convey truthfully the desperate struggle of the estimated four million slaves that were alive during the Civil War. I want to reveal how they lived day after day in a humiliating, depressing, and in a very desperate situation.

Second, I want to make known the horrific drama of the decision to become a “Runaway” and the plight that followed. Many runaways had converted to Christianity and relied on their faith to see them through. The struggle that they experienced stands as a testimony to God’s plan for our lives. Those dear people knew very little of God’s truths, but they knew enough. The main thing is that they trusted Him to help them on their journey. Most importantly, they trusted Him to help them understand why this was happening to them. Many runaways were captured, many were killed, and many just disappeared. Some were beaten for trying to escape, but it is estimated that from four million slaves in captivity, over one hundred thousand brave souls found freedom and a new life.

Through the historical, fictional account of the life of the Thomas slave family, it is my intention to open the door for you to step into the lives of some very interesting and desperate people and allow you the opportunity to experience what their life might have been like. I introduce to you, Jacob, Jacob’s son Big Ben, his wife Sadie, and their two children, Lettie and Little Ben, in Tennessee in the year 1863.


What does Karen Kingsbury say about writing?

Karen Kingsbury is America’s favorite inspirational novelist. There are more than 25 million copies of her award-winning books in print, including several million copies sold in the past year. Karen’s recent dozen titles have all debuted at or near the top of the New York Times Bestseller’s list. She is also a public speaker, reaching more than 100,000 women annually through various national events. Karen lives and works outside Nashville, Tenn., with her husband, Don, and their five sons, three of whom were adopted from Haiti. Also living nearby is their only daughter, Kelsey, an actress in inspirational films and married to Christian recording artist Kyle Kupecky. For more information visit . Karen is also on Facebook and Twitter, where she regularly interacts with nearly half a million reader friends.

From Karen - Ten Tips for Aspiring Authors

1. Keep Writing!

If God has given you a book to write, or if you feel He has placed a story on your heart that needs to be told...write, write, write. Get it finished, and make sure it is written to the best of your ability.

2. Join a Writer's Group

There are many Christian writers groups for aspiring authors. In order to make your manuscript the best book it can be, you should join one of these groups and learn from others. A few you might try would be:

Christian Writers Guild

3. Join a Critique Group

Once you're connected with a writers group, you should be able to form a critique group. This may be an online club, wherein you and a few other aspiring authors take turns reading each others' work. Feedback is then given, allowing you to take your manuscript to another level.

4. Read Other Books Similar to Yours

If you want to write a mystery, read mysteries. If you want to write a Christian romance, read Christian romances. If you want to write a Christian general fiction, such as Karen Kingsbury's works - read Karen Kingsbury's books. You get the idea. You must be well versed in the type of genre you wish to write. Editors and agents will expect this.

5. Get a Copy of Writer's Market

This is an informational book that releases new every year and has a list of editors and agents who are acquiring new material.

6. Write a Brief Synopsis for Your Book

Once you've finished your book, and you're happy with it, write a very brief one-sentence or two-sentence synopsis. This will go a long way in helping you convey the story to an editor or agent. Example: Gideon's Gift is about a sick little girl, an angry homeless man, and the gift that changes both of their lives forever. You need something like this for your book.

7. Write Back Cover Copy

Next make your synopsis long enough to work as back cover copy. This will give you a way to place on one single sheet of paper, the summation of your story. Read the copy on back covers to get an idea of how long and how detailed this information should be. It should fit on one page, double-spaced. If you are writing a non-fiction book, you will also include a chapter outline at this point.

8. Write a 2-3 Page Synopsis

This will be the synopsis an agent or editor will read if he or she is interested in your previous synopses. You must include all information in this synopsis. Whereas the others might have intrigue and missing information, this one must give it all away. It will give adequate information about characters, plot points, conflict, and resolution, to be a concise version of the novel.

9. Submit

It's time! Submit all forms of your synopses to an agent. Karen Kingsbury is represented by Alive Communications in Colorado Springs. You may look online for other agencies, or check out the listings in the Writer's Market or Agent's Market book. Every agent may want something slightly different, but it's always wise to include these items in your proposal:

-Cover letter introducing yourself and your idea.

-Brief bio on yourself.

-All forms of your synopses.

-First three chapters of your book.

10. Pray!

Nothing written or done for God will happen without your diligent prayer. Pray and seek God's will. Sometimes He is telling you to write; other times He is telling you to take a season of education toward your writing. Other times He wants you to volunteer at your child's school and put writing on hold. Try to be discerning.

What did Brad and Debra Schepp say about “Writing?”


(Writers, editors, speakers, consultants, online pioneers—we wear so many different hats that it’s a good thing we have two heads!

As information professionals we focus on bringing the latest in technology to the attention of everyone who could benefit from knowing how to use it.)

Books Brad and Debra have read:

“On Writing Well” by William Zinsser. This is a first-rate look at actually producing good prose. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or memoir, you'll get great advice about how to make good writing even better.

“The Elements of Style” by Strunk and White. I know it's an oldie, but it's also central to all things from grammar to punctuation to word choice. It's a teeny little book packed with great tools.

“Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott. She's a brilliant writer, and this is a great look at a writing life. It's a little more philosophical and less hands-on than the last two, but I'd read her shopping list and find her brilliant!

“On Writing” by Stephen King. This enjoys a fabulous reputation. It's also less hands-on, but it's well worth your time.

Debra Schepp rightrdeb@




What’s the Latest?

• In my world

• Take Me With You

What’s on the horizon?

• Time to Rhyme and Broken Bondage

How to write a book


- What’s the Latest?

• In my world

• Take Me With You

- What’s on the horizon?

• Time to Rhyme and Broken Bondage

- How to write a book

Books by David L. Lewis

“Take Me With You”

“Time to Rhyme 2014”

“Broken Bondage 2014”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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