(Lesson Title)

Writing a Friendly Letter

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|CLB Level: 4/5 |Method: |

| |Using the board discuss with students the format, punctuation and tone of a friendly letter. |

|Essential Skills Focus: |Have several friendly letters on overhead transparencies that can be shown and discussed with |

|Writing (Writing a letter to inform and |the students to reinforce format, punctuation and tone. |

|persuade) |Hand out the worksheet and discuss the task with the students. |

|Computer Use (Use word processing software |Students write the letter in their notebooks. |

|to produce letters) |Have the students leave their writing after they have completed the first draft. Attempting to |

| |edit immediately after writing is difficult. It is important to distance yourself from your work|

| |to be able to find errors and make effective revisions. |

|Task: Write a 3 paragraph friendly letter to|Students revise and edit their letters. |

|convince your friend to move to Winnipeg. |Students use MS Word to produce their letters. |

| |Letters are then printed and handed in to the teacher for correction. |

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|Purpose: Students will |Follow Up: |

|Understand the format, punctuation and tone |After the teacher corrects the letters, they are |

|of a friendly letter |returned to the students. Students return to the lab |

|Convey personal messages in an informal |and edit the letters once more to remove the mistakes. |

|personal letter |Copies are once again made of the edited letters. |

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|Materials: Board, worksheet, several samples|Debrief/Transfer: |

|of friendly letters, overhead, computers |What did we do? |

| |Why did we do this? |

|Learning Style: Visual, auditory |How can we apply this to our daily lives? |

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|Time: 60 to 65 minutes | |

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You live in Winnipeg and your friend __(name)__ lives in Edmonton. Recently, your friend has been thinking about moving to Winnipeg. Write a 3 paragraph friendly letter to try to inform your friend about the positive things about living in Winnipeg and to persuade him/her that moving here is definitely a good idea. Please remember to use the format of a friendly letter as we previously discussed.

Your Address

City, Province

Month Date, Year

Dear _________,

The first paragraph should greet your friend and ask about him/her and his/her family. Also, mention the last time he/she wrote, e-mailed or called you. This paragraph should have 3 to 4 sentences.

The second paragraph is the longest because it is “the meat and potatoes “of your letter. Try to point out to your friend the positives of living in Winnipeg to persuade him/her that moving to Winnipeg is a good idea.

The last paragraph should sum up what you said in your letter and ask him/her to write back, call or e-mail a reply. This paragraph should be 3 to 4 sentences.

Your friend,

(sign your first name)


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