Algebra I

Westinghouse High School Math Department Algebra Syllabus 2012-2013Ms. LuxtonRoom Number: 175 and 178Phone number: 773-534-6400E-mail: cmluxton@cps.eduOffice Hours: After school Tuesday and Thursday or by appointmentCourse Description/Objective:Algebra 1 introduces students to variables, algebraic expressions, equations, functions, inequalities, and their multiple representations. The students develop the ability to explore and solve real-world application problems, demonstrate the appropriate use of graphing calculators, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly. This course lays the foundation for every subsequent course in mathematics. The topics learned in Algebra 1 comprise a large part of the PSAE objectives. Success in Algebra I must be encouraged and emphasized since it is an accurate indicator of future success in mathematics.Textbook and Resources: Glencoe AlgebraDate: 2010StandardsThis class addresses the following standards as mandated by the Illinois Board of Education. We use the College Readiness Standards produced by the ACT, the Illinois Learning standards, and the Common Core State Standards. A full list of College Readiness Standards is available at . A detailed breakdown of the Illinois standards is available at . And the Common Core State Standards is available at Readiness StandardsIllinois Learning StandardsCommon Core State StandardsBasic Operations and ApplicationsProbability Statistics and Data AnalysisNumbers: Concepts and PropertiesExpression, Equations and InequalitiesGraphical Representation Measurement FunctionsState standard 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and sense of numbers, including numeration and operations, patterns, ratios and proportionsState standard 7: Estimate, make and use measurements of objects, quantities and relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracyState standard 8: Use algebraic and analytical methods to identify and describe patterns and relationships in data, solve problems and predict results.State standard 9: Use geometric methods to analyze, categorize and draw conclusions about points, lines, planes and space.State standard 10: Collect, organize and analyze data using statistical methods; predict results; and interpret uncertainty using concepts of probability.Number & QuantityAlgebraFunctionsModelingGeometryStatistics and ProbabilityMaterials Needed:PencilsPencil sharpenerErasersColored pen (not black or blue)3 ring binder5 dividersLoose leaf paperGraphing paperGraphing calculator (TI-84 preferred)Computer with internet accessCredits: Earning a D or above results in .5 credits per semester (1 credit for the entire year)Assignments:Assignments will be given daily both from the textbook and/or from other sources. Assignments are essential to the study and mastery of this course. Assignments are viewed as a reinforcement of the concepts discussed in class daily and will be factored into the final grade. It is the student’s responsibility to record these assignments in their student planner. Students are responsible for having all assignments completed on time however, not all assignments will be collected. Students are responsible for grading their written assignments with their colored pens and asking questions about problems that are incorrect. Students will receive full credit on written assignments if the assignment is completed and graded with all necessary corrections. Format for AssignmentsComplete all assignments on loose-leaf notebook paper onlyThe heading should look as follows: Name Period DateAssignment#, page#, and problemsTo receive full creditWrite problem numberShow all necessary work for each problemDraw any diagrams that go with the problemCircle your final solutionFailure to follow proper procedure will result in a reduction of points on the assignments.Scoring Rubric for Assignments100All problems attempted, problem number is written, all necessary work is shown, and diagrams are drawn75Most problems attempted, problem number is written, all necessary work is shown, and diagrams are drawn50Half of the problems attempted, problem number is written, most necessary work is shown, and diagrams are missing25Not many problems attempted, problem number is written, not all necessary work is shown, and diagrams are missing0No WorkTests/Quizzes:Quizzes are administered to prepare students for unit exams. Exams are administered to demonstrate mastery of concepts taught.Tests are generally given at the end of a unit and at the teacher’s discretion. Quizzes are given regularly. There will also be a comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester. Talking is NOT allowed during a test or quiz. If you have a question please direct it to Ms. Luxton. If caught talking I will assume the student is cheating. Students are also expected to show all work to receive full credit on exam problems. If there is an exam scheduled on the day that you have a field trip, you should make arrangements ahead of time to take the exam. Make-up exams are only given if you have a legitimate absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements within one day after returning from an absence to make up a quiz or test. If arrangements are not made students will not be allowed to make up the exam and will receive a zero.Absences/Tardiness:CLASS ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY! Students are expected to come to class regularly and on time. They are expected to enter the class quietly, be seated and get out homework and proper materials for taking notes. Students who come late to class are extremely disruptive to the educational process; therefore, if students are unavoidably late, please enter the room quietly with a pass. TARDY STUDENTS MAY NOT ENTER WITHOUT A PASS. It is the students responsibility to get the assignments and notes missed when absent within one day of returning. Missed assignments are due one day after the student returns. Late Work PolicyIt is expected that Westinghouse High School students turn in all assignments on time, completed in their entirety and of the highest quality.? Assignments not completed by the due date are automatically late and will only be worth a maximum of fifty percent of its original value. The one exception is if you have an excused absence?you may turn your work in at the beginning of the period on the day you return to school. Teachers will not accept late work after it has been graded and/or reviewed in class. If you miss a class for other than an excused absence (i.e. class cut), any work (including quizzes, exams and major projects) due that day will be not be accepted. You will automatically receive a zero on those assignments.Final Grade:Grading Scale:Students will be graded on: 90% - 100% = AClass and Homework Assignments – 30%80% - 89% = BFormative Assessments – 30%70% - 79% = CSummative Assessments – 30%60% - 69% = DFinal Exam – 10%Below 60% = FStudents are encouraged to take responsibility for their grade. It is important to spend time studying for this class on a daily basis. Students should keep an organized binder and be aware of assignment and project due dates. ALL assignments, including quizzes and exams are to be kept neatly in the binder for the duration of the semester. Classroom Policies and ProceduresRespect for one another and classroom decorum will be maintained at all times; our professional relationship is built on this principle. Students are expected to adhere to the Chicago Public Schools Uniform Discipline Code and Westinghouse High School Policy of conduct regarding academics, behavior and dress. The following policies will be consistently enforced to ensure that every student receives the instructional time and atmosphere that he/she deserves.Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other’s property)Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody’s ideas or thoughts.Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.Wear ID at all times.Students will adhere to the Westinghouse Dress Code outlined in the student e to class prepared to learn. (sharpened pencil, colored pen, paper, calculator , binder, textbook)Take notes.Ask questions if you do not understand what is on the board.Students leaving and returning to class during class is also very disruptive. Please take care of any personal business before or after class. Students may not leave the classroom during class time unless there is a true emergency. If such an emergency occurs, raise your hand, present a pass, collect your belongings and leave the room quietly. You may not return without a note from the office with the date and time you were dismissed from the office.Cheating and/or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Evidence of such will result in a grade of 0 on the assignment or exam.Cell phones and other electronic devises must be turned off or silenced during class. Phones may not be visible during exams and can not be used as a calculator. Cell phones that are visible or heard will be confiscated and can only be retrieved by a parent or guardian.Eating and drinking is not permitted in the classroom at any time.Unit 1 Summary + Curriculum AlignmentUnit 1Introduction to Relations and FunctionsMajor TopicsRelation, Function and Function Notation, Graphs, Domain & Range, Pattern Recognition, Independent and Dependent VariablesMajor Assessments/Writing ProjectsWriting Assignment: How I used my calculator on my homework. A complete write up of errors and misconceptions found on an assignmentWriting Assignment: Given the graph of a function, describe how to write a rule for the function.Why is it important to consider domain and range when making a graph?Relations StoryUnit Quizzes with CRS skill assessment Relations & FunctionsDependent and Independent VariablesDomain And RangeUnit Exam – Intro to Algebra IAlgebra or Graphing Calculator LabUnit 2 Summary + Curriculum AlignmentUnit 2Linear Expressions, Equations, Inequalities, and Solve Linear Systems AlgebraicallyMajor TopicsVariables, Expressions, Order of Operations, Equations, Learning how to use the calculator, Writing Equations, Solving different types of equations, Ratios, Proportions, Linear Functions, Solving Linear Inequalities and Compound Inequalities, Solve Linear Systems using SubstitutionMajor Assessments/Writing ProjectsWriting Assignment: Students will solve problems and explain how they obtain solutions using complete sentences. A short paragraph about an expression that can be evaluated two different ways if one is not careful about the order of operations.Answer unit content questions.Unit Quizzes with CRS skill assessmentTranslating Expressions & Order of OperationsSimplifying ExpressionsSolving Equations – one & two stepSolving Equations – multi-step & variables on both sides of equal signSolving Equations & Inequalities - AdvancedUnit Exam – Solving Equations & InequalitiesFoldable ActivityAlgebra or Graphing Calculator LabUnit 3 Summary + Curriculum AlignmentUnit 3Graphing and Writing Linear Functions and Graphing Linear SystemsMajor TopicsGraphing and Writing of Linear Equations, Using characteristics of linear equations to solve problems, Writing and graphing equations in slope-intercept form, point-slope form, and standard form, Parallel and Perpendicular lines, Scatter plots, Regression and PiecewiseMajor Assessments/Writing ProjectsCRITERION ASSIGNMENT – Mathography: Describe your successes and weaknesses in mathematics throughout your lifeWriting Assignment: Describe how slope is applied in real life. Write a short report on one example.Explain how to find the x-intercept and y-intercept of a graph and summarize how a graph a linear equation.Unit Quizzes with CRS skill assessmentGraphing Linear EquationsWriting Linear Equations - slope intercept formWriting & Graphing EquationsUnit Exam – Writing and Graphing Linear EquationsFoldable ActivityAlgebra or Graphing Calculator LabBarbie Bungee LabUnit 4 Summary + Curriculum AlignmentUnit 4Polynomials & FactoringMajor TopicsWrite, simplify, add, subtract, multiply, and factor polynomialsMajor Assessments/Writing ProjectsWriting Assignment: The FOIL ProcessUnit Quizzes with CRS skill assessmentSimplifying PolynomialsAdd, Subtract, and Multiply PolynomialsCommon Term FactoringT-chart FactoringUnit Exam – Operations with Polynomials (Including Geometry-related problems) & Factoring QuadraticsFoldable ActivityAlgebra or Graphing Calculator LabUnit 5 Summary + Curriculum AlignmentUnit 5Quadratic Functions Major TopicsSolving quadratic equations by Graphing, Factoring and Using The Quadratic Formula, Simplifying RadicalsMajor Assessments/Writing ProjectsUnit Quizzes with CRS skill assessmentGraphing Quadratic FunctionSolving Quadratic Equations by Graphing, Factoring and Using Quadratic FormulaSimplifying Radical ExpressionUnit Exam – Quadratic FunctionsFoldable ActivityAlgebra or Graphing Calculator LabAngry Birds LabUnit 6 Summary + Curriculum AlignmentUnit 6Properties of Exponents & Scientific Notation Major TopicsMultiplication, Division, Zero & Negative Properties of Exponents, Scientific NotationMajor Assessments/Writing ProjectsWriting: How and when to use the properties of exponents.How would you explain exponent properties to a student who missed class?Unit Quizzes with CRS skills Multiplication Properties of ExponentsNegative and Zero Properties of ExponentsDivision Properties of ExponentsScientific NotationFoldable ActivityAlgebra or Graphing Calculator Lab ................

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