



“Feed two birds with one seed!”


“Fill two needs with one deed!”


Work on two standards with one lesson! [pic]

Central Kansas Cooperative in Education

Judy Helm

Fall 2013

(Updated January, 20150)

This document contains strategies for correlating the writing and reading standards as well as scaffolding the writing process. Most of the items in the packet were originally reading activities but the reciprocity of writing and reading allows for flipping the strategy to include practice on both standards.

Word Level

Poster Size Punctuation Marks (pgs. 7-8):

• Consider having students draw their own poster in their journals.

o Add question words or exclamatory words to the posters as they arise in language arts activities.

o Each word added to the poster would also include a sentence using that word in the journal. This would help students move from the word level to the sentence level as they begin the writing process.

Sentence Level

Vocabulary/Signal Word Suggestions:

• Begin at the oral language level. Using partner and small group strategies, encourage students to draw a card and use the word in a complete sentence in the appropriate context of the standard.

• Move from the oral language level to recording the sentence with the signal word.

o Consider using “sentence strips”.

o Consider partner work for editing and rereading sentences.

Paragraph Level

Text Frame Suggestions:

• As students move from sentences to writing paragraphs, consider starting with a text frame to scaffold the process.

o These short paragraphs could then be copied into journals, published in small booklets and/or read aloud in small groups.

Passage Level

Graphic Organizer as Planning Document Suggestions:

• Graphic organizers have traditionally been used to record information after reading. Consider flipping the process and using them for planning before writing.

o Students then have a framework for the passage they will write.

o Teacher approval may be required upon completion of the graphic organizer before proceeding to the writing.

o Consider printing the graphic organizer on another color of paper for ease in finding the organizer for reference during writing.

Speaking & Listening/Writing Correlations

|Writing |Speaking & Listening |Topic |Strategy Option |

|Standard |Standard | |in this Packet |

|W3 |SL2 |Evaluate Information |-Movie Review Forms I-IV, pgs. 47-50 |

| | |from Diverse Media | |

Language/Writing Correlation

|Writing |Language |Topic |Strategy Option |

|Standard |Standard | |in this Packet |

|All |L2 |Punctuation |-Question Word Poster, pg. 7 |

| | |See pg. 2 for | |

| | |instructions. | |

|All |L2 |Punctuation |-Exclamation Mark Poster, pg. 8 |

| | |See pg. 2 for | |

| | |instructions. | |

|W10 |L5.c |Synonyms |-Mini-Poster “Other ways to say…”, pgs.77-78 |

|Write Routinely | | | |

Writing/Reading Correlations

|Writing |Reading |Topic |Strategy Options from |Strategy Options |

|Standard |Standard or Strand| |CKCIE website |in this Packet |

|W 1 |RL 6 |Point of View |Section RL 6.A. | |

|(starting in Gr. | | | | |

|3) | | | | |

|W 1 |RI 8 |Argument |Section RI 8.A. |-Argument G.O., pg. 9 |

| | | | |-Opinion G.O., pg. 64 |

| | | | |-Argument Phrases, pg. 74 |

|W 1.b. |RI 8 |Fact & Opinion |Section RI 8.B. |-Opinion Signal Wds., pg.10 |

|(in Grs. 4 | | | |-Argument G.O. labeling Facts & Opinions, |

|& 5) | | | |pg. 11 |

| | | | |-Fact/Opinion with Concrete Objects, pg. 12 |

| | | | |-Movie Review Forms I-IV, pgs. 47-50 |

|W 1.c. |RI 8 (Opinion) |Linking Words/ |Section RI 8.A |-Linking/Transition Word List, pg. 13 |

|(in Grs. 2-12) | |Transitions | |-Transition Words in Sets, pg. 65 |

| |RI | | | |

|W 2.c. |(Informative Text)| | | |

|(in Grs. 3-12) | | | | |

|W2 |RI |Informative/ |Section RI 10.A |-Text Frame for Description, pg. 14 |

| | |Explanatory Texts | |-Text Frame for Cause/Effect, pg. 15 |

| | | | |-Text Frame for Sequence, pg. 56 |

| | | | |-Text Frames for Compare/Contrast, |

| | | | |pgs. 60-61 |

| | | | |-Text Frame for Problem/Solution, pg. 44 |

| | | | |-Information Frame –primary –pg. 66 |

| | | | |-Information Frame –intermediate –pg.|

| | | | |67 |

|W 2.a. |RI 5 |Text Features |Section RI 5.A. |-ADD Text Features |

|(starting in Gr. | | | |to Expository Trade Books, |

|3) | | | |pg. 16 |

|W 2.d. |RI 4 |Domain Specific Language|Section RI 4.A. |-Vocabulary Journal for Greek and Latin Roots, pgs.|

|(starting in Gr. | | |Section RI 4.B. |17-25 |

|4) | | |-Learning Greek and Latin | |

| | | |root meanings is one of | |

| | | |the best ways to build | |

| | | |vocabulary, especially in | |

| | | |content areas.(Domain | |

| | | |Specific | |

| | | |Vocabulary) | |

|Writing/Reading Correlations |

|Writing |Reading |Topic |Strategy Options from CKCIE|Strategy Option |

|Standard |Standard or Strand| |website |in this Packet |

|W 3 |RL 2 |Retelling |Section RL 2.A. |-Weekend News Retell with First, Next, And then… cards, |

|(starting in | | | |pgs. 26-27 |

|Kdgn.) | | | |-Beginning, Middle, End for Primary, pg. 28 |

| | | | |-Beginning, Middle, End for Upper Levels, pg. 29 |

| | | | |-Story Train, pg. 30 |

| | | | |-IVF directions for topic sentence, -pg. 68 |

| | | | |-Verb List for IVF, -pg. 69 |

| | | | |-IVF GO. –pg. 70 |

| | | | |-Openings and Closings, pg. 75 |

|W 3 |RL 3 |Literature/ |Section RL 1.A. |-Beginning, Middle, End for Primary, pg. 28 |

| | |Writing | |-Beginning, Middle, End for Upper Levels, pg. 29 |

| | |Narratives | |-Story Train, pg. 30 |

| | |Including: | |-Major Conflict/Resolution, |

| | |Character |Section RL 3.A. |pg. 31 |

| | |Setting |Section RL 3.B. |-“Four Square” A Listening & Writing Strategy for |

| | |Plot |Section RL 3.C. |Character/Setting, pg. 32 |

| | |Note: The KCCRS do not |-Use an idea in one of the |-Literature Story Frame, pg. 33 |

| | |use terms such as |sections above, and follow |-Story Pyramids (simple to complex), pgs. 34-37 |

| | |Climax, Rising Action or|it by writing a short |-Story Map-I and II, pg. 38 |

| | |Falling Action. Since |paragraph. |-Story Map-III, IV, V, pg. 39 |

| | |these terms are apart of| |-Story Map-VI, VII, VII, p 40 |

| | |many lit classes at the |Note: Purchase Reading |-Story Map-IX, X, pg. 41 |

| | |middle /HS level, those |Comprehension Foam Cubes |-Story Map-XI, XII, pg. 42 |

| | |terms were left in some |from ETA/Cuisenaire, 62741,|-Somebody Wanted But So, pg. 43 |

| | |documents. Edit to fit |set of 6 for $12.95 to use |-Text Frame for Problem/Solution, pg. 44 |

| | |your needs. |with Somebody Wanted But |-Fantastic Photos, pg. 45 |

| | | |So, pg. 43 |-Quick Writes, pg. 46 |

| | | | |-Movie Review Forms I-IV, pgs. 47-50 |

| | | | |-Conflict Reports 1 & 2, pgs. 51-52 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Note: Behavior issues? Deal| |

| | | |with discipline, practice | |

| | | |literary terms AND writing | |

| | | |standards all at the same | |

| | | |time! Students must fill | |

| | | |out the Conflict Report | |

| | | |(pgs. 51 or 52) before the | |

| | | |instructor will visit with | |

| | | |them regarding the | |

| | | |situation. | |

|W 3.b. (starting |RL |Dialogue | |-Writing Dialogue. pg. 53 |

|in Gr. 3) | | | |-Comic Strip, pg. 54 |

| | | | |-Texting –page 72 |

|Writing/Reading Correlations |

|Writing |Reading |Topic |Strategy Options from CKCIE|Strategy Option |

|Standard |Standard or Strand| |website |in this Packet |

|W 3.c. |RI 3 |Technical Text & |Section RI 3.B. |-Sequence Signal Words, p55 |

|(starting in | |Sequence | |-Text Frame for Sequence, p. 56 |

|Kdgn.) | | | | |

|W 5 | |Peer editing | |-Peer Editing blackline, p.57 |

| | | | |-Clues for Indenting, pg. 77 |

| | | | |-CUPS Checklist, pg. 79 |

|W 7, 8 & W9 |R7, 8 & 9 |Research | |-KWHL, pg. 58 |

|W 9 |RL 9 |Compare & Contrast |Section RL 9.A. |-Compare/Contrast Signal Words, pg. 59 |

|(starting in Gr. | | | |-Primary Text Frame for Compare/Contrast, pg.|

|4) | | |.) |60 |

| | | | |-Text Frame for Compare/Contrast pg. 61 |

| | | | |-The Human Venn Diagram, pg. 62 |

| | | | |-Pro-Con Improv, pg. 63 |

|W 10 |RL 3 |Write routinely | Section RL 3.A. |Daily Journal Entries |

| | | | |-Peer Editing blackline, pg57 |

| | | | |- Quick Writes, pg. 46 |

| | | | |-Weekend News Retell with First, Next, And |

| | | | |then…cards, pgs. 26-27 |

| | | | |-Opportunities for Writing, -pg. 71 |

| | | | |-Response Starters –pg. 73 |

| | | | |-Expand a Sentence –pg.76 |

Question Words


Language Anchor Standard 2

Exclamation Words


Language Anchor Standard 2


|Issue: | | |

|(problem or claim) | | |

| | | |

|Author’s Position/ | | |

|Informed Stand: | | |

|(proposal) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Reasons/ |1. | |

|Support/ | | |

|Evidence: | | |

|(arguments for the | | |

|proposal) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |2. | |

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| |3. | |

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|Conclusion: | | |

|(call to action) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Writing Anchor Standard 1

Reading Anchor Standard 8

|Opinion Signal Words |

|believe |no one |sometimes |

|always |everybody |think |

|I think |often |thought |

|might |ought |feel |

|could |it is believed |

|everyone |many people believe |

| |

| |

| |

|Signal Words Expressing Doubt |

|may |probably |appear |

|maybe |possibly |Perhaps |

|seem |usually | |

Writing Standard 1.b. in Grades 4 & 5

RI Standard 8 beginning in Grade 6

[pic] Argument

|Issue: | | |

|(problem or claim) | | |

| | | |

|Author’s Position/ | | |

|Informed Stand: | | |

|(proposal) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Reasons/ |1. |(Label the |

|Support: | |arguments as Facts |

|(arguments for the | |or Opinions.) |

|proposal) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |2. | |

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| |3. | |

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|Conclusion: | | |

|(call to action) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Writing Standard 1.b. in Grades 4 & 5

RI Standard 8 beginning in Grade 6

“Fact and Opinion with Concrete Objects”

from Heather Flack

Materials Needed for each Group:

• One 12 x 18 inch piece of construction paper or tag board. The paper will be divided into two parts. One side will be labeled FACTS with the definition under it. (“Can be verified as true.”) The other side will be labeled OPINIONS with the definition under it. (“Based on personal preferences or biases.”)

• Small “sticky notes”

• One “interesting” object for each group that will encourage observations. Examples might include: stuffed animals, mascots from various schools, abstract art, toys, objects built from Legos, small pieces of sculpture, etc. Any object that will fit on the table will work.


• Students should be seated at tables in groups of 4 or 5. “In front of you, there is an object, and several pads of ‘sticky notes’. When I say begin, I want you to look at the object and think of some statements you could make about the object. The rule is that you may not talk to your neighbors at this time, and you will write one complete statement (sentence) regarding the object on a ‘sticky note’. As soon as you finish that sentence, peel off the ‘sticky note’ and place it on or near the object. Take another ‘sticky note’ and write a different statement. You may write only one sentence on each ‘sticky note’. Continue doing so, until I ask you to rotate.”

• After a few minutes, students will rotate to the next table. “Please leave all your ‘sticky notes’ on or near the object. Take only your pencil and rotate to the next table. Look at your new object. Do not take time to read the ‘sticky notes’ from the last group. Begin writing and record your observations. Remember, only one sentence per ‘sticky note’.”

• Continue to rotate until the groups have had time with each object and have returned to their original table. Give each group one large sheet of paper, divided into two columns, labeled FACTS and OPINIONS. “Now that you have returned to your original table, you are now going to talk to your team. Together, you are going to sort all the ‘sticky notes’ that were written about the object on your table. Read the statement. If it is a FACT, place the ‘sticky note’ on that side of the paper. If it is an OPINION, place it on the other side of the paper. Work together as a team to sort the notes. Be sure that everyone agrees before you place the ‘sticky note’.”

• “When you are sure you have the ‘sticky notes’ sorted correctly, trade sheets with another table and check the work of the other team. If there is a disagreement, let me know and I will see if I can help.”

• “After another team has checked your work, everyone in the group should sign their sheet and hand it in.”


• Amy Riffle suggests using Beanie Babies for this strategy.

• Repeat on another day with new objects. Students could even bring objects from home.

• This could be done as a whole group activity with one object. The group could discuss the statement before writing, and then record the statement on a two column sheet labeled FACTS and OPINIONS. (Every student would have a sheet and all students would write.) No “sticky notes” would be needed.

• Students could take the facts and opinions for one object and expand the statements into a paragraph.

Writing Standard 1.b. in Grades 4 & 5

RI Standard 8 beginning in Grade 6

Linking Words/Phrases

(Transition Words)

|Grade Level |Examples mentioned in Writing Standard 1.c. for Opinion pieces |

|2 |because, also |

|3 |because, therefore, since, for example |

|4 |for instance, in order to, in addition |

|5 |consequently, specifically |

|Grade |Examples mentioned in Writing Standard 2.c. for Informative/Explanatory Texts |

|Level | |

|3 |also, another, and more, but |

|4 |another, for example, also, because |

|5 |in contrast, especially |


• Begin to build a classroom poster with transition words (linking words and phrases) as they occur in text.

• For a reading connection, ask students to highlight these linking words/transition words when they find them in the context of a paragraph.

o For black lines, consider markers.

o For textbooks, consider highlighting tape

o On the computer, use bold, Italics or underline tools.

• Ask students to highlight linking words in their own writing.

Writing Standard 1.c. in Grades 2-12, Writing Standard 2.c. in Grades 3-12,

RI Standard 8 and Reading Strand RI

[pic] Text Structure Frame For Description

There are ____________ kinds of _____________________ .

The first kind of ___________ is _____________________ .

It ______________________________________________

________________________________________________ .

The second one is ________________ . It _______________

________________________________________________ .

The third kind is ________________ . It ________________

________________________________________________ .

Now you can recognize the __________ kinds of ___________ .

Writing Anchor Standard 2

Reading Strand RI

Text Structure Frame [pic]

For Cause/Effect Text

Because of _______________________________________ (

_______________________________________________ .


_______________________________________________ .

Therefore________________________________________ .

Finally, due to _____________________________________ ( _______________________________________________ .

This explains why__________________________________ .

Writing Anchor Standard 2

Reading Strand RI

ADD Text Features

to Expository Trade Books

From Jen Marshall

Heusner Elementary

Materials Needed for each Student:

• Informational text trade books-Pick ones with FEW text features. (Ideally there would be multiple copies of the same text for introductory activities.)

• Sticky notes

• Highlighting tape


• “Text features make it easier for us to understand the text. However, some informational text trade books are not very user/reader friendly. They don’t have many text features to help us use the text. Let’s check this one out.”

• Students should note the lack of text features such as headings, subheading, titles, boldface type, italics, table of contents, captions, etc.

• “Maybe we could make this book easier to use and easier to understand. Let’s take the sticky notes and highlighting tape and ADD some text features.” Divide up the jobs. Some students could make headings, subheadings, table of contents, etc. on sticky notes. Other students could pick out important vocabulary to highlight with the highlighting tape (which would be the same as boldface type or italics).

• All the items would be easy to remove from the book. However, after the completing of the project, one might suggest to students that they leave the added text features to make it easier for the next student to read.


• After group practice with the above, students could independently make trade books from the classroom more reader friendly with text features.

• Students could partner with a lower grade class and make their informational text trade books more reader-friendly with text features.

• Students could write 3 paragraphs of informational text on the computer. Another student could then add the text features to the document.

Writing Standard 2.a. starting in Gr. 3

RI Standard 5

Greek Roots

In general, Greek roots are more familiar than Latin roots and therefore provide an easier starting point for study. It should be noted that a particular letter combination does not signal a specific root (e.g., the Latin root ped appears in many words and derives from the word pedis, meaning “foot”—pedal, pedestrian. However, in peddler the letters derive from the Latin word peddle, meaning “basket”.)

|aer “air” |arch “chief, ruler” |aster, astr “star” |

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| | | |

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|auto “self” |cent, centi “hundred” |chron “time” |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|cosm “universe, world” |cris, crit “judge, separate” |cycl “circle” |

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|dem “people” |derm “skin” |geo “earth” |

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|gram “something written” |graph “writing” |hydr “water” |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

Greek Roots Continued

| |

|homo “same” |log, ology “word study” |mega “great” |

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|meter “measure” |micro “small” |morph “form” |

| | | |

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|oct “eight” |onym, nym “name” |ortho “straight, correct” |

| | | |

| | | |

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|path, pathy “feeling, suffering” |phil “love” |phobia “fear” |

| | | |

| | | |

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|phon “sound” |photo “light” |phys “nature” |

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|pol, polis “city, stage” |poly “many” |proto “first” |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

|Greek Roots Continued |

|psych “mind, soul” |scope “see, watch” |soph “clever, wise” |

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|sphere “ball, sphere” |tech “art, science,|tele “far” |

| |skill” | |

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|therm “heat” |typ “image, |zo “animal” |

| |impression” | |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

Latin Roots

In general, Greek roots are more familiar than Latin roots and therefore provide an easier starting point for study. It should be noted that a particular letter combination does not signal a specific root (e.g., the Latin root ped appears in many words and derives from the word pedis, meaning “foot”—pedal, pedestrian. However, in peddler the letters derive from the Latin word peddle, meaning “basket”.)

|ambl, ambul, “go, walk” |aud “hear” |bell, belli “war” |

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|bene, beni “good, well” |cap “head” |centr “center” |

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|cide “kill” |clud, clus “shut” |cog “know” |

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|cor, corp “body” |cor “heart” |cred “believe” |

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|dent, dont “tooth” |dic, dict “says” |doc “to teach” |

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|dom “house” |dom “lord, master” |dorm “sleep” |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

Latin Roots Continued

|duc, duct “lead” |equi “equal” |fac, fact “do, make” |

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|fer “bear, carry” |fid “faith, trust” |fin “end” |

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|flec, flex “bend” |flict “strike” |flu “flowing” |

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|forc, fort “strong” |form “shape” |fract, frag “break” |

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|fug “flee” |gest “bear, carry, do” |grad “step” |

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|greg “hard group” |hos “host, guest” |integ “whole” |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

Latin Roots Continued

|ject “throw” |jud “judge” |junct “join” |

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|langu, lingu “tongue” |lect “gather, choose” |loc, loco “place, place to place” |

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|loc, loq “speak” |luc, lum “light” |magn “great” |

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|medi |man “hand” |mem “remember” |

|“middle, between” | | |

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|migra “wander” |miss, mit “send” |mob, mot “move” |

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|mod “measure” |mon “warn, remind” |mort “death” |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

Latin Roots Continued

|multi “many much” |nat “be born” |neur “nerve” |

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|nov “new” |numer “number” |omni “all every” |

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|pac “peace” |patr “father” |ped “foot” |

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|pel “drive forward” |pens, pend “hang, weigh” |pop “people” |

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|port “carry” |pug “fight” |punct “a point” |

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|quer, ques, quir, quis “seek, |rect “lead straight” |rupt “break” |

|ask” | | |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

Latin Roots Continued

|sacr, sanct “holy” sacred” |scend, scens “climb” |sci “know” |

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|scrib, script “write” |sect “cut” |sen “old” |

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|sequ, secu “follow” |sign, “mark, seal” |sist, stat “stand” |

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|solv “free, loosen” |somn “sleep” |spec “look” |

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|spir “breathe” |strict “draw tight” |stru, struc “build” |

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|tact, tag, tang “touch” |tempo “time” |tend, tens “stretch, strain” |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

Latin Roots Continued

|term “boundary, end” |terra “earth” |tox “poison” |

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|tract “draw pull” |trib |uni “one” |

| |“assign, allot, pay” | |

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Writing Standard 2.d. starting in Gr. 4

RI Standard 4

“Weekend News Retell” with First, Next, And then… cards

From Corina Ryland in Abilene

Note: Follow all retells by recording the 3 sentences in a journal or on a response sheet to be turned into the instructor.


• Students will practice daily with retells to a partner about what they did last weekend, last night, what they learned during their last class period, what they ate for lunch, etc. Ask students to use the words First…, Next…, And then… to facilitate the retell. (Cards included on the following page.) Give each group of two students a set of the three cards with the above words. Ask the speaker to hold up the cue cards as they use the words during the retell/summary.

• Talk to students about using 3 BIG ideas in their retell and filtering out minute/insignificant details. There are many little details you will NOT tell.

o “If you are retelling what you had for supper last night, you don’t need to mention the color of the plates. That is not a BIG idea.

o If you are summarizing what you did in math today, you don’t need to mention the page number in your math book. That is not a BIG idea.”

• Model retelling daily. “I am going to retell the story/passage to you as if you have never heard it before.” Remind them that you are telling the important BIG ideas of the story and filtering out the less significant details.

• Try using other visual props for the retell:

o Baseball mats -Create, borrow from PE, or purchase a 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and home plate. Have the students walk from base to base as they give the retell/summary. The bases could be the 3 BIG ideas from the passage. Home plate could be a summary. “Bring the retell home with a summary of the 3 BIG ideas.” (One option might include listeners being able to put the runner “out” if they don’t agree with the BIG idea at each base or the summary at home plate. Consider forming teams and putting in a substitute runner when help is needed.)

o Hula Hoops -Place 3 different colored hula hoops on the floor before a read aloud. As you are reading, stand inside a hula hoop and move to the next hoop when there is a transition in the text to the second BIG idea. Proceed to the third hula hoop when reading about the third BIG idea. When you have finished the selection, ask questions about what was happening when you were in the first red hoop, next in the green hoop, etc. This allows students with more spatial awareness to follow the sequence of the story.

o Table of Contents -Have the students use the table of contents as an opportunity to guide them through a retell. Give 3 BIG ideas for each chapter/topic in the Table of Contents.

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

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|First… |First… |

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|Next… |Next… |

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|And then… |And then… |

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|First |First |

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|Next… |Next… |

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|And then… |And then… |

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Title: _________________________ Author: ______________________[pic]

Story notes and/or drawings:

|Beginning |Middle |End |

| | | |

| | | |

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Add notes on Characters and Setting below.


Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Title: _______________________________________ Author: ________________________________________

Story notes:

|Beginning |Middle |End |

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Add notes on Character, Setting, Conflict and Resolution below.



Title: ________________________________________ Author: ________________________

Story notes:

|Beginning |Middle |End |

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Add notes on Character, Setting, Conflict and Resolution below.


Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3


|Major Conflict |Resolution |

|(Problem of the Story) |How the Problem is Solved) |

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Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

“Four Square”

A Listening/Writing Strategy for Character/Setting

Materials Needed for each Student:

• Paper and pencil

• Novel or story that begins with an introduction of the main character.


• “Fold your paper into 4 quadrants. Label each section as follows: Character’s Feelings, Personality Traits, Environment/Setting, and Importance of Setting to the Story.

• The first two categories, relate to the character. The last two categories relate to the setting.

• As I read the first chapter of our new novel, begin to think about the new character you will be meeting for the first time. Is the author giving us any clues about the character’s feelings or personality traits? Begin to think about the setting. In what kind of environment do we find the main character? Would the story have been significantly different if the character had been in any other location/setting? As I am reading and you notice anything that relates to any of the 4 labels, jot a quick note.”

• Begin reading the novel and stop after the character has been introduced to the reader or after the first chapter. “Turn to a partner and share what you have jotted in the 4 categories. Feel free to add additional notes to any category as you are discussing.

• We have only read one chapter of this novel. You have begun to get a good picture in your mind of the main character and the setting for this story. Turn to your partner and make a prediction about the story and what might happen next. Write your prediction on the back of your sheet and hand it in.

• After reviewing your notes in each section, write at least one complete sentence for each section on your paper. Use the back of the paper as needed.”


• Assign this as a reflection for an “after reading” activity. Students could record their reflections on the computer or in a Journal.

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Literature Story Frame [pic]

The story takes place ____________________________________


_______________________________ is a character in the story who _________________________________________________.

_______________________________ is another character in the story who ____________________________________________.

A problem occurs when _________________________________


After that, _____________________________________________


and __________________________________________________.

The problem is solved when ______________________________


The story ends with _____________________________________


Note: This frame may be adapted for various grade levels as well as various plots.

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Pyramid [pic]

1. _________

Character’s Name

2. __________ __________

Two words to describe the Character

3. __________ __________ __________

Three words to describe the Setting (where/when)

4. __________ __________ __________ __________

Four words stating the Problem of the Story

5. __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Five words describing how the Problem was Solved

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Pyramid [pic]

1. __________

Character’s Name

2. __________ __________

Two words to describe the Character

3. __________ __________ __________

Three words to describe the Setting (where/when)

4. __________ __________ __________ __________

Four words for Major Conflict (problem faced by character)

5. __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Five words describing how the Problem was Solved

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Pyramid [pic]

1. __________

Character’s Name

2. __________ __________

Two words to describe the Character

3. __________ __________ __________

Three words to describe the Setting (where/when)

4. __________ __________ __________ __________

Four words for Major Conflict (problem faced by character)

5. __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Five words describing the Climax (when tension reached the peak)

6. __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Six words describing the Resolution (how the problem is solved)

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Pyramid [pic]

1. _________

Character’s Name

2. _________ _________

Two words to describe Character

3. _________ _________ _________

Three words to describe Setting (where/when)

4. _________ _________ _________ _________

Four words stating Conflict (problem faced by character)

5. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Five words for Rising Action (important events building to climax)

6. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Six words describing the Climax (when tension reached the peak)

7. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Seven words for the Falling Action (consequence of the climax as the tension fades)

8. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Eight words describing the Resolution (how the problem is solved)

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Map-I and II[pic]



Characters: _________________________________________________________



Setting: (Where and when did the story take place? _________________


Major Events of the story:___________________________




Problem of the story: _____________________________________


How was the problem solved? _________________________

_________________________________________________Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Map-III, IV, V [pic]



Characters: (Pick the most important ones. Describe how they looked, their traits, motivations, thoughts, feelings, and their actions.)




Setting: (Where did the story take place? Also think about the time of day or year, or time in history. Was that important to the story?)___________


Major Events of the story:____________________________



Problem of the story: _____________________________________


How was the problem solved? _________________________


Theme: (Lesson/moral of the story)______________________


Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Map-VI, VII, VIII [pic]



Major Characters: (Pick the most important ones. Describe their physical appearance, their personality, actions, motives, and how those aspects influence the plot.)___________________________________________




Setting: (Where did the story take place? Also think about the time of day or year, or time in history. How was the setting important to the story?)__




Major Events or Plot:________________________________________



Major Conflict: (The problem faced by the main character)


Climax: (The event when the tension reached its peak)________________


Resolution: (How the conflict is brought to an end/how the problem is solved)___



Theme: (Central idea/lesson/moral of the story)____________________



Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Map-IX, X [pic]



Major Characters: (Pick the most complex ones, the ones with multiple or conflicting motivations. Describe their physical appearance, their personality, actions, motives, and how they interact with other characters and advance the plot.)_________________________________________



Setting: (Where did the story take place? Also think about the time of day or year, or time in history. How was the setting important to the story?)___


Major Events or Plot:________________________________



Major Conflict: (The problem faced by the main character)


Climax: (The event when the tension reached its peak) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Resolution: (How the conflict is brought to an end/how the problem is solved)


Theme: (Central idea/lesson/moral of the story)____________________



Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Story Map-XI, XII [pic]



Major Characters: (Pick the most complex ones, the ones with multiple or conflicting motivations. Describe their physical appearance, their personality, actions, motives, and how they interact with other characters and advance the plot.)_________________________________________



Setting: (Where did the story take place? Also think about the time of day or year, or time in history. How was the setting important to the story?)__



Major Events or Plot:________________________________


Major Conflict: (The problem faced by the main character)


Climax: (The event when the tension reached its peak) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Resolution: (How the conflict is brought to an end/how the problem is solved)___________________________________________________


Themes: (Central ideas/lessons/morals of the story) How do they build on each other?________________________________________________


Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

|Somebody | |Wanted |But |So |

|(character) |(setting) |(goal/motivation) |(major conflict) |(resolution) |

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Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Text Structure Frame [pic]

For Problem/Solution

* Sentence 1 tells who had the problem and what the problem is

* Sentence 2 tells what action was taken to try to solve the problem

*Sentence 3 tells what happened as a result of the action taken

_________________had a problem because ______________

________________________________________________ .

Therefore( ________________________________________

________________________________________________ .

As a result( ________________________________________

________________________________________________ .

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Fantastic Photos Card Number _____

• Choose a card/photo/picture. Lay the card on the table face up. Look at the picture. Think about the questions you have as you look at the picture. “I’m wondering…”

• Write five questions. Each question should begin with one of the five question words.

o Or write a statement beginning with the “I’m wondering….” phrase.

“I’m wondering who…”


“I’m wondering what…”


“I’m wondering when…”


“I’m wondering where…”


“I’m wondering why…”


Note: Instructors must prepare a stack of interesting photos/pictures in advance.

Personal Responses for “Quick Writes”

Directions for Narrative Text:

• Provide students with a small booklet made by folding 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper in half. On the front write “Quick Writes” or “Response Book”. Store the booklet inside the literature book or novel that is being read so it is always handy.

• At any point stop reading, give the students the prompt, and provide about 3 minutes for writing. The writing must include the prompt and the date so that it makes sense when rereading at a later date. (Name of story/text might be helpful as well.)

• At the end of the writing time, everyone reads their “Quick Write” to a partner.

• This is even more powerful if the instructor writes during those three minutes, and chooses a partner for sharing during the reading of the responses.

Sample prompts might include:

• I wonder …

• The part where … reminds me of …

• I would change …

• This character makes me feel …

• I was surprised by …

• I suspect …

• I find it confusing when …

• I feel …

• I don’t like …

• I admire …

• I laughed when …

• My favorite part is …

• I think after the story was over that next …

• I think …

• The part where … is …

• This character is …

• I find …

• This story made me feel …

• I predict …

• I noticed…

• “Free Write Today”. Write on anything related to the text. Be sure to use complete sentences.

Informative/Explanatory Text

Note: Putting things into our own words and then saying/reading it aloud cements the knowledge.

Sample prompts might include:

• The difference between … and …. is ….

• I can explain …

• …. causes ….

• The sequence for … is …

• The 3 steps for …. are …

• …. and …. are alike in these ways

[pic] Movie/Video Review Form (I)

Title of Movie ___________________________________

List the names of the characters in the movie:

|______________ |________________ |______________ |

|______________ |________________ |_______________ |

|______________ |________________ |_______________ |

|_____________ |________________ |_______________ |

(Put a star by main characters.)

Name the setting(s) of the movie.

Where did the movie take place?_________________


When did the movie take place?_________________


What was the problem of the movie?


How did the characters solve the problem?


Which character is most like you and why?


Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

[pic] Movie/Video Review Form (II)

Title of Movie ______________________________________

List the names of the characters in the movie:

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

(Put a star by main characters.)

Name the setting(s) of the movie.

Where did the movie take place?____________________________

When did the movie take place?_____________________________

What was the major conflict of the movie?


How did the characters resolve the problem?


State three facts from the movie.




State three opinions from the movie.




Which character is most like you and why?


Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

[pic] Movie/Video Review Form (III)

Title of Movie __________________________________________________

List the names of the characters in the movie:

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

(Put a star by main characters.)

Name the setting(s) of the movie.

Where did the movie take place?_______________________________________

When did the movie take place?_______________________________________

What was the major conflict of the movie?


What was the climax of the movie?


How did the characters resolve the problem?


State three facts from the movie.




State three opinions from the movie.




Which character is most like you and why?


Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

[pic] Movie/Video Review Form (IV)

Title of Movie __________________________________________________

List the names of the characters in the movie:

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

|_______________ |_________________ |_________________ |

State the protagonist: _____________________________________________________

State the antagonist: ______________________________________________________

Name the setting(s) of the movie.

Where did the movie take place?_______________________________________

When did the movie take place?_______________________________________

List three events in the rising action:




State the climax of the movie: ______________________________________________


List three events in the falling action:

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

State three facts from the movie.




State three opinions from the movie.




Which character is most like you and why?


Conflict Report-1 [pic]

Student Name___________Date_______ Teacher________

List the students/characters involved in this situation:


(Where did this take place?)____________________

(When did this take place?)_____________________

What was the “problem”?

What is your plan to “solve” the “problem”?

(Remember your plan must tell what you will do.)

_________________ _______________ ____________

student signature teacher signature principal signature

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

Conflict Report-2 [pic]

Student Name______________Date_______ Teacher__________

List the students/characters involved in this situation:


(Where did this take place?)__________________________

(When did this take place?)___________________________

What was the “major conflict”?

What is your plan to “resolve” the issue? We need a “resolution”.

(Remember your plan must tell what you will do.)

_________________ _______________ ____________

student signature teacher signature principal signature

Writing Anchor Standard 3

RL Standard 3

[pic] [pic]

Step 1: Think of two characters. Write their names here.

Character 1: _______________________ Character 2: ________________________

Step 2: Imagine a short conversation between these 2 characters. Write it below.

Hint: Remember punctuation at the end of the sentence/question.

Character 1: _____________________________________________________________

Character 2: _____________________________________________________________

Character 1: _____________________________________________________________

Character 2: _____________________________________________________________

Character 1: _____________________________________________________________

Character 2: _____________________________________________________________

Step 3: Go back and put quotation marks around everything each character said above.

Hint: Quotation marks look like this: “ ”

Step 4: Write the same conversation below. Circle said/asked depending upon whether it was a statement or a question.

______ said/asked, “____________________________________________________________”

(char. name)

______ said/asked, “____________________________________________________________”

(char. name)

______ said/asked, “____________________________________________________________”

(char. name)

______ said/asked, “____________________________________________________________”

(char. name)

______ said/asked, “____________________________________________________________”

(char. name)

______ said/asked, “____________________________________________________________”

(char. name)

Step 5: With your class, brainstorm a list of verbs that mean the same as said and asked. Write them here.

said, ________________________________________________________________________

asked, _______________________________________________________________________

Step 6: Next, decide which of those verbs would work best for your conversation. Cross out said/asked and add your verbs to the conversation.

Step 7: On a new sheet of paper, rewrite your entire conversation in paragraph form.

Hint: Every time you switch to a different character, you must signal the reader by making a new paragraph and indenting!

Writing Standard 3.b in Grades 3 thru 12

RL Standard 3

[pic]Write the dialogue for a 3 panel comic strip using bubbles for speech. Go back and illustrate. [pic] [pic]

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Writing Standard 3.b. starting in Grade 3

Reading Strand RL

[pic]Sequence Signal Words

|first |second |

|third |next |

|finally |then |

|before |after |

|now |during |

|while |not long after |

Writing Standard 3.c. starting in Kdgn.

RI Standard 3

[pic] Text Structure Frame

for Sequence

Here is how a _________________________is made.

First, ________________________________________________________.

Next, ________________________________________________________.

Then, ________________________________________________________.

Finally, ______________________________________________________.

[pic] Text Structure Frame

for Sequence

in paragraph form

Here is how a _________is made. First( _____________________________ ______________________________________________.Next,_________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________ . Then( _______________________

_____________________________________________________ . Finally( _____________________________________________________________

____________________________________ .

Writing Standard 3.c. starting in Kdgn.

RI Standard

[pic] Topic of the day__________________________________ Name ____________

Specific Instructions _____________________________________ Date _____________

Think time: _______ minute(s) Writing time: ______ minutes


(Continue on back if more space is needed.)

Editing time: _____ minutes

Circle one:

• I read my work aloud to my partner.

• My partner read aloud my work.

(Partner writes below the dotted line.)

Partner’s name __________________

I especially liked _______________________________________________________________


One suggestion would be to _______________________________________________________


Writing Anchor Standard 5 -With some guidance and support from peers strengthen writing …

Writing Anchor Standard 10 -Write routinely over extended time and shorter time frames …

KWHL Topic____________

|What I Know |What I Want to Know |[pic]How will I |What I Learned |

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Writing Anchor Standards 7, 8, & 9

Reading Anchor Standards 7, 8, & 9

[pic]Compare and Contrast

Signal Words

|different from |in contrast |

|same as |on the other hand |

|alike |Unless |

|either…or |Although |

|more than |less than |

|likewise |Similarly |

|similar to |on the contrary |

|as opposed to |instead of |

|however |compared with |

|as well as |But |

|while |Yet |

|not only…but also |

Writing Standard 9 starting in Grade 4

Reading Anchor Standard 9

[pic]Primary Text Frame for Compare/Contrast

_______________ and _____________ are alike in several ways.

They both ____________________________________________.

They both ____________________________________________.

And they _____________________________________________.

______________ and ___________ are different in several ways.

First, ________________________________________________


Secondly, _____________________________________________


Finally, ______________________________________________


Writing Standard 9 starting in Grade 4

Reading Anchor Standard 9

[pic] Text Frame for Compare/Contrast

_____________ and _________________ are similar in

several ways. Both ___________ and _________ , ________

and ____________ have similar ________________. Finally,

both _________ and ___________ _______________.

_____________ and _________________ are different in

several ways. First, ____________ __________________,

while ________ ___________. Secondly, ______________,

but _______________________. In addition while _______

_________________________________. Finally, ________

_____________, while _________________________.

Writing Standard 9 starting in Grade 4

Reading Anchor Standard 9

The Human Venn Diagram [pic]


• After much modeling of the Venn diagram, try the Human Venn Diagram. Have students stand with a partner. One student wears a tag that says “cats” and other one wears a tag that says “dogs”. (Use any two topics that can be compared/contrasted that are appropriate for the group.) A teacher or leader makes a statement.

o If it is true of both animals, the students step together and link arms.

o If the statement is true of only one animal, the students step apart.

▪ If it is true only of cats, the person with the cat tag raises his/her hand and if it is true of only the dog, that person raises his/her hand.

o Ask a recorder to write the likenesses and differences on the board.

• When students are familiar with the process, move to main characters in a text. Each of the two students in the Human Venn Diagram wears the name of one character.

o If students need group support, the instructor/leader makes a statement as above.

▪ If it is true of both characters, the students step together and link arms.

▪ If the statement is true of only one character, the students step apart.

▪ A recorder writes the ways the characters are alike and different so all can see. Reference the text if there is disagreement.

▪ Next working in pairs or small groups, all students write a compare/contrast paragraph.

• Supply a list of signal words for constructing the paragraph.

• The text frames could be used if necessary.

o After students have tried this as a group activity, encourage students to work in triads. Two characters could form the Human Venn Diagram and one student could record similarities and differences.

▪ Finally, the triad words together to write the compare/contrast paragraph with all three students recording the paragraph.

• Supply a list of signal words to make constructing the paragraph easier.

• The text frames could be used if scaffolding support is needed.


• One team could match with another team and paragraphs could be read aloud.

• For an independent activity, compare oneself with a character in the text.

o Make a list of similarities and differences.

o Write the compare/contrast paragraph.

Writing Standard 9 starting in Grade 4

Reading Anchor Standard 9

“Pro-Con Improv”

adapted from Building Reading Comprehension Habits in Grades 6-12 by Jeff Zwiers

Materials for each student:

• List of Contrast Signal Words posted for all to see

o On the other hand, although, however, but, yet, unless, on the contrary, in contrast, instead of, as opposed to

• Topics for Improv listed on the board or on individual cards -samples under second bullet


• Post a list of Contrast Signal Words. Model how these words signal a transition to another point of view.

• Post a list of possible topics that lend themselves well to differences of opinion. (The topics could be listed on little slips of paper to be drawn by the Director if desired.) Some examples for beginning topics might include: camping, rain, shopping, movies, the beach, watching television, dogs, parents, traveling, exercise, driving, computers, cell phones for 7 year olds, iphones, ipods, dating, cars, skateboard parks, fast food, August heat, etc.

• First model the process by making a student your Director. The Director picks a topic from the list and says “Pro!” while clapping. As the Speaker, you the instructor will say a few convincing reasons for the topic. Then the director says, “Con!” with a thumbs down signal, and you immediately switch to the negative aspects of the topic, using a Contrast Signal Word such as but, however, on the other hand, yet, etc. as the transition to the cons. Repeat modeling as needed with student volunteers for Director and/or Speaker.

• Encourage students to tell the Pros and Cons of the topic not only with their voices but also in body language and movement. Remind the Speaker to use the Contrast Signal Words as transition to the Cons.

• Next, put students in pairs and let them decide roles. The Director chooses from the topics listed. The Speaker if uncomfortable with the topic has one, and only one, chance to ask the Director to choose another topic.

• As above, the Director claps and says “Pro!” After a few Pros are listed by the Speaker, the Director says “Con!”, with a thumbs down signal and the Speaker transitions with a Contrast Signal Word(s), and lists a few Cons.

• The partners switch roles after doing the Pros and the Cons of the topic.

• Ask students to write a short paragraph with the Pros of the topic followed by a Contrast Signal Word and the Cons of the topic.

• Finally, the instructor repeats the “Pro-Con Improv” with content area topics pertaining to the text read in class. Some might include: the brain, the Vietnam War, Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, laws, technology, democracy, nuclear power, radiation, anger, education, oil, green energy, etc.

• Ask students to write an opinion paragraph (argument) following the “Pro-Con Improv” activity. After choosing the topic, the student must decide whether he/she wishes to write on the Pros or the Cons of the topic. (One or the other, but not both.) The student outlines his/her paragraph on an argument graphic organizer. (Sample on page 9 of this packet.) Opinion signal words found on page 10 may be helpful as well.

Writing Standard 9 starting in Grade 4

Reading Anchor Standard 9


Writing Anchor Standard 1/ Reading for Information Standard 8

Transition Sets [pic]

|One method- |First of all- |One- |

|Another way- |Also- |One other- |

|A final method- | |Along with- |

| | |Last- |

|One- |First- |A good- |

|Equally important |Second- |A better- |

| |Third- |The best- |

|One challenge- |Initially- |First of all- |

|Another challenge |Then- |In addition- |

|Finally- |After that- |And finally- |

Writing Standard 2.c. (in Grades 3-12) /Reading for Information


[pic] The article we read gives two important facts about __________________________






___________________________________ .

Information Frame

Writing Standard 2/Reading for Information

[pic] In class we read ____________________________

from _____________________________________and I

learned several things. First, ______________________



____________________________. I also ____________




The most important fact __________________________




Writing Standard 2/Reading for Information Information Frame

Identify a topic.

Give it a Verb.

Finish the thought.

from Dr. Deborah Glaser

Explanation of IVF:

• This three part process creates the topic sentence.

• The verb fuels the thinking and directs the students to capsulate their learning.

• If the text is narrative, the verb will reflect a character’s action.


• To scaffold the activity, choose the verb and write it on a sheet of paper large enough for the class to see.

• Ask 3 students to come forward.

• Left to right, facing the class,

o The first student identifies the topic. (Who or what the passage is about.)

o The middle student holds the card for all to see and reads the verb.

o The third student finishes the thought.

o Now everyone writes the topic sentence on the IVF graphic organizer.

See page 71 for possible verbs. (An easier level and a more difficult level)

See page 72 for IVF graphic organizer.

Writing Anchor Standard 3/Reading for Literature Anchor Standard 2

Verb List for Summaries

Level A

|tells |shows |

|describes |compares |

|lists |presents |

|explains |defines |

|gives | |

Level B

|acknowledges |suggests |

|blames |contrasts |

|confirms |critiques |

|endorses |demonstrates |

|enumerates |recommends |

|explores |names |

|identifies |offers |

|provides |encourages |

|traces |illustrates |

|asks |proposes |

|defends | |

Writing Anchor Standard 3/Reading for Literature Anchor Standard 2

|Identify a topic. |Give it a verb. |Finish the thought. |

|Re-write the IVF as a topic sentence: |

| |

|Details: |

| |

| |

| |

|Write a conclusion sentence. |

| |

| |


Write the complete summary using the above information. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Writing Anchor Standard 3/Reading for Literature Anchor Standard 2


Make TEXTING a Writing Activity



• Activity 1 –Texting (with a partner):

• Use a piece of white paper and fold in half for a long narrow rectangle (hot dog style).

• Partner 1 writes a text on the right side of the paper, and draws a text box around what was written.

• Feel free to use shortened version of words as one usually would in a text. (Actually, it makes it more fun if abbreviated words are used.)

• Pass the paper to Partner 2 and he/she moves below the first text and writes on the left side of the paper with another text. Partner 2 draws a text box around what was written.

• Continue in this manner as time permits.

• Activity 2 –Rewrite with Standard English (with the same partner):

• The same conversation as Activity 1 will be used.

• On another sheet of paper, folded as above, each person rewrites his/her portion of the conversation.

• This time the conversation will be in Standard English format, with correct spelling and punctuation.

• Partners give assistance as needed.

• Activity 3 –Dialogue -Rewrite using Quotation Marks (with the same partner):

• The conversation is rewritten a third time in paragraph form to show the dialogue.

• This time it is written with quotation marks and partner names.

• Example: Sarah said, “What were you thinking?”

• Try to avoid overuse of “said”. The group could brainstorm synonyms and replace “said” with a more appropriate verb.

• Example: Sarah screamed, “What were you thinking?”

• Partners check for correct use of quotation marks.

Writing Standard 3b. (starting in Grade 2)

Reading Standards for Literature

Starters [pic]

Scaffold writing with a response starter.

|I’m sure … |Maybe … |

|If … |I’m surprised … |

|I don’t think … |This reminds me … |

|Possibly … |Although … |

|I question … |When … |

|An important … |I believe… |

Writing Standard 10

Reading for Literature Standard 3


Phrases Often Heard in Argument:

• In my opinion…

• A possible reason…

• Although…

• I’m confident…

Beliefs and Feelings Often Heard in Argument with Phrases such as:

• I think…,

• I feel…,

• I know…,

• I believe…,

• I prefer…

Transition Words Often Used in Argument:

• But,

• Consequently,

• And,

• Additionally,

• Since,

• Because,

• For example,

In Argument the Author Must Give:

• Supporting Facts,

• Evidence,

• Reasons,

• Details

Writing Anchor Standard 1

Reading for Information Standard 8

Openings : from Dr. Deborah Glaser

o Begin with an “Easy One.” -Let me tell you…

o Be a “Sweetie Pie.” -Say something nice about the topic.

o Be a “Time Traveler.” -Tell WHEN something happens. (Yesterday, Today, Last year)

o Ask a question. -Start with: Who, What, When, Where, Why.


o End with an “Easy One.” -I hope you like my story about…

o Be a “Sweetie Pie.” -Say something nice about the topic.

o Be a “Bossy Boots”. You should___________right now.

o “Make a wish”. -I wish I…….

Topic P.E.

Examples of Openings:

• Easy One- Let me tell you about P.E. Class…

• Sweetie Pie-P.E. is my favorite class in the whole world …

• Time Traveler- Last week in P.E. class…

• Ask a Question- Do you know why I like P.E. Class?

Examples of Closings /Conclusions:

• Easy One- I hope you liked my story about P.E. class.

• Sweetie Pie- That is why P.E. is so much fun!

• Bossy Boots- We should go to P.E. class right now!

• Make a Wish- I wish we had P.E. class every single day.

Writing Standard 3/Reading for Literature Standard 2

Expand a Sentence


• Start with a simple sentence. Could be generated by student or instructor.

o The boy laughed. (subject/noun) (predicate/verb)

• “Where?”

o The boy laughed in the classroom. (prepositional phrase)

• “When?”

o The boy laughed after lunch in the classroom. (prepositional phrase)

• “How?”

o The boy laughed hysterically after lunch in the classroom. (adverb)

• “Describe the boy.”

o The silly boy laughed hysterically after lunch in the classroom. (adjective)

• “Why?”

o The silly boy laughed hysterically after lunch in the classroom because he fell off his chair.

Now you try it!

• Work with a partner. Copy this sentence:

• “The teenager frowned.”

• Use these questions/statement:

• Where?

• When?

• How

• Describe the boy.

• Why?

• Be ready to share your expanded sentence.

Writing Anchor Standard 10

Reading for Literature Standard 3

Indent the first line for a new paragraph. Students have difficulty remembering to do this.

Here’s a connection to help:

• The root of indent is dent, which means tooth. Kids will be able to relate to the following words:

o Dentist, denture, and dental.

• So to remember to indent, we will take a “bite out of the first line.” These images may help.

[pic] [pic]

o See pages 66-67 for examples of their use.

Directions for page 78 -Mini-Poster -“Other ways to say…”

• Some words are overused by beginning writers. Some examples are “said”, “bad”, “big”, “funny”, “good”, “great”, “many”, “nice”, etc.

• A synonym for the overused word can paint a much clearer picture for the reader.

• Brainstorm some synonyms for “said”. Write them directly on the letters, or around the edges of the Mini-Poster on page 78.

• This could be put in a Vocabulary Journal and added to as synonyms arise throughout the year, or the Mini-Posters could be hung on the bulletin board.

• Keep Mini-Poster(s) as reference when writing.

Additional Note:

• Click on “Word Art” to change the word “said” on the Mini-Poster to another overused word.

Writing Anchor Standard 5

Other ways to say …



Writing Anchor Standard 5 -from Cindy Biehler, USD#481


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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