|Grade/class: 1A |Teachers: Hannah, Dawn, Wendy, Hirut |

|Title: Realistic Fiction-Strong Characters |Date: November 2011 |

|Main Subject Area: Writing |Duration (# lessons): 4-4 ½ weeks |

|A. Unit Purpose: What do I want my students to know and be able to do? | |

|1. Content |Identify and describe the basic form of realistic fiction, fantasy, and folktales | |

|Standard(s) |Understand realistic fiction as stories that could be real and fantasy as stories that could not be real | |

| |Write realistic fiction with a problem/solution, sequence of events, and sense of story (beginning, middle, and end). | |

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|2. Outcomes: |Unit Summary | |

|Skills & Knowledge | | |

| |Students will develop a realistic story (with or without pictorial support) including: the setting, a minimum of two sequenced events, and a character of students' choice. The | |

| |story will be displayed in the classroom gallery, to be viewed by fellow classmates, and/or parents. The work will be judged by the attached rubric. | |

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| |Big Ideas: | |

| |Students will understand that: | |

| |Speaking, listening, and writing provide the opportunity to share, learn, reflect, and respond. | |

| |Spoken language can be represented in print through logical organization, focus, content, conventions, and style. | |

| |Writing is a recursive process that conveys ideas, thoughts and feelings. | |

| |Realistic Fiction includes true-to-life characters, events, and settings that may be derived from the author's imagination. | |

| |Skills: | |

| |Writing Genre | |

| |-write a cohesive realistic fiction story, with or without illustrations,using plot, setting, and the actions and thoughts that reveal important character traits | |

| |-use transitional words such as before, after, now, or finally to indicate a sequence of events, sens of story (beginning, middle and end), and physical descriptions | |

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| |Writing Process | |

| |-prewriting: apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for writing a piece in order to generate, sequence, and structure ideas. | |

| |-with teacher support, set a purpose, consider audience, and incorporate literary language when writing a narrative piece | |

| |-use writing resources in the room, such as a world wall, class-developed checklist. | |

| |-attempt to revise draft based on reading it aloud to clarify meaning for their intended audience (e.g. using strong verbs or precise nouns, and adding needed information. | |

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| |Personal Style | |

| |-develop personal style in oral, written, and visual messages in narrative (e.g. natural language, specific action, emotion). | |

| |-use varied word choice and sentence structure, as well as character description | |

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| |Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics | |

| |-in the context of writing, correctly use complete simple sentences, beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period, question mark, or exclamation point and capitalize| |

| |and last names, and the pronoun I. | |

| |--in the context of writing, correctly spell frequently encountered one-syllable words from common word families | |

| |-in the context of writing, correctly spell less frequently encountered words using structural clues (letter/sound, rimes) and environmental sources (word walls, lists). | |

| |-legibly write upper and lower case manuscript letters | |

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| |Writing Attitude | |

| |-students view themselves as authors/illustrators | |

| |-are enthusiastic about writing and learning to write | |

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|3. Essential Questions |How can I communicate my thoughts and understand other people's ideas? | |

| |How do we develop into effective writers? | |

| |Why is writing such an important form of communication? | |

| |What are the characteristics of realistic fiction? | |

| |Where do writers get their ideas for fictional narratives? | |

| |How can writers create believable characters? | |

| |In what ways can the structure of a story guide the writing of a fictional narrative? | |

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|4. Content Vocabulary |Realistic fiction, sentence, character, endings, imagination, events, leads,problem, resolution, sequenced plot, setting. | |

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|5. Prior Knowledge |Skills and Knowledge obtained through Small Moment | |

|B. Assessment : How will I assess the content objective(s)? | |

| |Narrative rubric |Criteria: | |

| |Class developed checklist |see rubrics, checklists, and scales for criteria at each level | |

| |Bonnie Hill developmental writing scale | | |

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|1. Pre-Assessment | | |

|(Diagnosis) |Small Moment narratives | |

|2. Formative Assessments | | |

|(Short-Term Learning) |exit slips/post its | |

| |writing workshop conferences | |

| |high frequency word monitoring | |

| |teacher observation during phonics instruction and word study instruction | |

| |observation during independent work, student discussion—anecdotal records | |

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|3. Summative |Goal: Write realistic fiction with a problem/solution, sequence of events, and sense of story (beginning, middle, and end). | |

|Assessments |Role: Writers/Authors | |

|(Long-Term Learning) |Audience: First grade peers and teachers | |

| |Product/Performance: Published Realistic fiction piece shared during rotational celebration. Students write comments for pieces on post-it notes. | |

| |Standards: Language Arts: Narrative writing. | |

|4. Student Self-Assessment: |Student graded rubric, writer's reflections | |

|C. Instructional Planning: How best may the students learn the content material? |

|1. Attitudes to be emphasized in this unit: |

|Appreciation |

|Confidence |

|Creativity |

|Independence |

|ICS Way: taking care of self and others |

|IB profile: communicators, thinkers, caring, reflective |

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|2. Learning experiences to promote the attitudes: |

|Appreciation: Writers' Celebration where one comment appreciating the piece is given. |

|Confidence: Writers who can present/display a good realistic fiction piece display confidence. |

|Creativity: One can imagine an interesting character or and unusual problem and/or solution. |

|ICS Way: how one solves intra-and interpersonal problems in a nonviolent way that helps take care of self and others and maintains integrity |

|IB profile: Writing as a way of communicating values. This unit in particular has an emphasis on problem solving and could contain some reflection |

|on how the problems were solved. |

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|3. Other relevant learning experiences or activities to support student learning: |

|See Realistic Fiction Calendar with teaching points below. |

|4. Instructional strategies: |

|Writer's Workshop mini-lessons, small group strategy work, partner and teacher conferencing. |

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|5. Differentiation: Differentiation is included in the TC Writing Workshop approach. |

|6. Integration across curriculum: |

|This unit is conducted at the same time as the Realistic Fiction Reading Workshop.Character Study is included within both units. |

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|D. Resources: What will I need to teach the objectives? |

|What people, places, literature technology and other materials will be needed? |

|People: Amanda Brandt, Literacy Coach will provide guidance in designing mini-lessons. |

|Technology: Cameras to record writing celebrations. |

|Literature |

|Big Mama, Peter's Chair, Stephanie's Ponytail, The Leaving Morning, Knuffle Bunny, The Snowy Day, Horrible Harry, When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really Angry, |

|Missing May, |

|A Chair For My Mother, Margaret and Margarita, My Best Friend, Amazing Grace, Fireflies,Owl Moon, Ira Sleeps Over, The Art Lesson, Night Noises, |

|Carrot Seed, The Tiny Seed, |

|Ira Says Goodbye, Mama, Do You Love Me? |

|How will the classroom and local environment and/or the community be used for this unit? |

|The first grade community will get together for a Writer's Celebration. |

|E. Reflection: How well did we achieve our purpose? |

|1. Student reflections: “ I learned how to make my characters more interesting.” |

|Teacher reflections/notes: We decided as a team to collect some exemplars from this unit: we had some really nice pieces and our students have shown much |

|progress since our Small Moment Unit at the beginning of the year. |

|Calender Template November |

|Mentor Texts and Authors: Peter’s Chair, Henry and Mudge, Kevin Henkes, Faith Ringgold, Tomie de Paola, and Patricia Polacco |

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|Monday Oct 31 |

|Tuesday Nov. 1 |

|Wednesday Nov. 2 |

|Thursday Nov 3 |

|Friday Nov 4 |

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|Teach the qualities of realistic fiction. Read aloud a fantasy book and talk about what realistic fiction is and what it is not. Begin an anchor chart of the qualities. |

|Read aloud two realistic fiction books and talk more about the qualities of the genre, comparing it to yesterday’s read aloud. |

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|Look at the parts of a realistic fiction story. Create a class character for a class realistic fiction story. Likes and dislikes, basic personality traits. Authors often base their characters on people they know. |

|Read more examples of realistic fiction, look at parts again. Characters, setting, problem solution strong ending. Talk about how characters always face a problem, Somebody wanted but, so…Good Writers get ready to write realistic fiction by listing problems from |

|stories. |

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|Monday Nov 7 |

|Tuesday Nov 8 |

|Wednesday Nov 9 |

|Thursday Nov 10 |

|Friday Nov 11 |

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|Good writers get ready to write by thinking about problems from their own lives and listing them. |

|Good writers gert ready to write by listing solutions to problems they found in stories. |

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|Good writers get ready to write by thinking of different ways to solve problems in real life. |

|Good writers develop characters by thinking about their external characteristics. |

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|Monday Nov 14 |

|Tuesday Nov 15 |

|Wednesday Nov 16 |

|Thursday Nov 17 |

|Friday Nov 18 |

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|Good writers develop characters by thinking about their internal characteristics |

|Good writers create mood by describing the setting with weather and time of day. |

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|Good writers add drama to their stories by getting their character in trouble/giving their character a problem. |

|Good writers have their characters solve their problem maybe trying more than one way. |

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|Monday Nov 21 |

|Tuesday Nov 22 |

|Wednesday Nov 23 |

|Thursday Nov 24 |

|Friday Nov 25 |

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|Good writers write about a made up character by using he, she, it, but not I. |

|Good writers show, not tell their characters problems by adding dialogue. |

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|Good writers make their readers feel like they are in the story by showing them what the characters see and hear. |

|Good writers write a strong lead by starting with talking. |

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|Calender Template November |

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|Monday Nov 28 |

|Tuesday Nov 29 |

|Wednesday Nov 30 |

|Thursday Dec 1 |

|Friday Dec 2 |

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|Good writers write a special ending by finishing with a strong feeling. |

|Good writers use descriptive words to describe their characters. |

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|Good writers edit by using an editing checklist. |

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|Monday Dec 5 |

|Tuesday Dec 6 |

|Wednesday Dec 7 |

|Thursday Dec 8 |

|Friday Dec 9 |

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|Good writers publish their work by designing a cover and writing an author’s blurb. |

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|Monday Dec 12 |

|Tuesday Dec 13 |

|Wednesday Dec 14 |

|Thursday Dec 15 |

|Friday Dec 16 |

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|Celebration |

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|Calender Template November |

|Mentor Texts and Authors: Peter’s Chair, Henry and Mudge, Kevin Henkes, Faith Ringgold, Tomie de Paola, and Patricia Polacco |

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|Monday Oct 31 |

|Tuesday Nov. 1 |

|Wednesday Nov. 2 |

|Thursday Nov 3 |

|Friday Nov 4 |

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|Teach the qualities of realistic fiction. Read aloud a fantasy book and talk about what realistic fiction is and what it is not. Begin an anchor chart of the qualities. |

|Read aloud two realistic fiction books and talk more about the qualities of the genre, comparing it to yesterday’s read aloud. |

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|Look at the parts of a realistic fiction story. Create a class character for a class realistic fiction story. Likes and dislikes, basic personality traits. Authors often base their characters on people they know. |

|Read more examples of realistic fiction, look at parts again. Characters, setting, problem solution strong ending. Talk about how characters always face a problem, Somebody wanted but, so…Good Writers get ready to write realistic fiction by listing problems from |

|stories. |

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|Monday Nov 7 |

|Tuesday Nov 8 |

|Wednesday Nov 9 |

|Thursday Nov 10 |

|Friday Nov 11 |

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|Good writers get ready to write by thinking about problems from their own lives and listing them. |

|Good writers gert ready to write by listing solutions to problems they found in stories. |

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|Good writers get ready to write by thinking of different ways to solve problems in real life. |

|Good writers develop characters by thinking about their external characteristics. |

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|Monday Nov 14 |

|Tuesday Nov 15 |

|Wednesday Nov 16 |

|Thursday Nov 17 |

|Friday Nov 18 |

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|Good writers develop characters by thinking about their internal characteristics |

|Good writers create mood by describing the setting with weather and time of day. |

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|Good writers add drama to their stories by getting their character in trouble/giving their character a problem. |

|Good writers have their characters solve their problem maybe trying more than one way. |

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|Monday Nov 21 |

|Tuesday Nov 22 |

|Wednesday Nov 23 |

|Thursday Nov 24 |

|Friday Nov 25 |

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|Good writers write about a made up character by using he, she, it, but not I. |

|Good writers show, not tell their characters problems by adding dialogue. |

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|Good writers make their readers feel like they are in the story by showing them what the characters see and hear. |

|Good writers write a strong lead by starting with talking. |

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|Calender Template November |

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|Monday Nov 28 |

|Tuesday Nov 29 |

|Wednesday Nov 30 |

|Thursday Dec 1 |

|Friday Dec 2 |

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|Good writers write a special ending by finishing with a strong feeling. |

|Good writers use descriptive words to describe their characters. |

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|Good writers edit by using an editing checklist. |

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|Monday Dec 5 |

|Tuesday Dec 6 |

|Wednesday Dec 7 |

|Thursday Dec 8 |

|Friday Dec 9 |

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|Good writers publish their work by designing a cover and writing an author’s blurb. |

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|Monday Dec 12 |

|Tuesday Dec 13 |

|Wednesday Dec 14 |

|Thursday Dec 15 |

|Friday Dec 16 |

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|Celebration |

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|Calender Template November/December |

|Mentor Texts and Authors: Peter’s Chair, Henry and Mudge, Kevin Henkes, Faith Ringgold, Tomie de Paola, and Patricia Polacco |

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|Monday Oct 31 |

|Tuesday Nov. 1 |

|Wednesday Nov. 2 |

|Thursday Nov 3 |

|Friday Nov 4 |

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|Teach the qualities of realistic fiction. Read aloud a fantasy book and talk about what realistic fiction is and what it is not. Begin an anchor chart of the qualities. |

|Read aloud two realistic fiction books and talk more about the qualities of the genre, comparing it to yesterday’s read aloud. |

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|Look at the parts of a realistic fiction story. Create a class character for a class realistic fiction story. Likes and dislikes, basic personality traits. Authors often base their characters on people they know. |

|Read more examples of realistic fiction, look at parts again. Characters, setting, problem solution strong ending. Talk about how characters always face a problem, Somebody wanted but, so…Good Writers get ready to write realistic fiction by listing problems from |

|stories. |

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|Monday Nov 7 |

|Tuesday Nov 8 |

|Wednesday Nov 9 |

|Thursday Nov 10 |

|Friday Nov 11 |

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|Good writers get ready to write by thinking about problems from their own lives and listing them. |

|Good writers gert ready to write by listing solutions to problems they found in stories. |

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|Good writers get ready to write by thinking of different ways to solve problems in real life. |

|Good writers develop characters by thinking about their external characteristics. |

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|Monday Nov 14 |

|Tuesday Nov 15 |

|Wednesday Nov 16 |

|Thursday Nov 17 |

|Friday Nov 18 |

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|Good writers develop characters by thinking about their internal characteristics |

|Good writers create mood by describing the setting with weather and time of day. |

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|Good writers add drama to their stories by getting their character in trouble/giving their character a problem. |

|Good writers have their characters solve their problem maybe trying more than one way. |

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|Monday Nov 21 |

|Tuesday Nov 22 |

|Wednesday Nov 23 |

|Thursday Nov 24 |

|Friday Nov 25 |

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|Good writers write about a made up character by using he, she, it, but not I. |

|Good writers show, not tell their characters problems by adding dialogue. |

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|Good writers make their readers feel like they are in the story by showing them what the characters see and hear. |

|Good writers write a strong lead by starting with talking. |

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|Calender Template November/December |

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|Monday Nov 28 |

|Tuesday Nov 29 |

|Wednesday Nov 30 |

|Thursday Dec 1 |

|Friday Dec 2 |

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|Good writers write a special ending by finishing with a strong feeling. |

|Good writers use descriptive words to describe their characters. |

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|Good writers make their characters, feel like they are in the story by showing what the characters see. |

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|Good writers edit by using an editing checklist. |

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|Monday Dec 5 |

|Tuesday Dec 6 |

|Wednesday Dec 7 |

|Thursday Dec 8 |

|Friday Dec 9 |

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|Revise and editing your work. |

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|Good writers make sure their stories include a problem by rereading. |

|Revising and editing with a partner. Good writers make sure their stories are believable by conferring with a partner and asking, “Could that really happen?” |

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|Good writers publish their work by designing a cover and writing an author’s blurb. |

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|Revising and editing. Good writers edit by adding quotation marks around the words their characters are saying. |

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|Monday Dec 12 |

|Tuesday Dec 13 |

|Wednesday Dec 14 |

|Thursday Dec 15 |

|Friday Dec 16 |

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|Fancying up your work. |

|Celebration |

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