Sample Formal Warning Letter (Page 1 of 1)

1 November 2014

Sample Formal Warning Letter (Page 1 of 1)

John Smith 1 Smith Lane, Smithville Sydney, NSW 2000

Dear John

Re: Formal warning

Further to our meeting on 20 October 2014 when we addressed your poor customer service attitude, this letter constitutes a formal warning.

This formal warning follows the several informal discussions I have had with you in relation to your poor customer service attitude.

As has been explained to you, your poor customer service attitude is unsatisfactory. In particular, your poor customer service attitude does not accord with Williams Contracting's expectations. You have had the opportunity to explain your performance but your reasons do not justify or adequately explain your poor customer service attitude.

You are now on notice that in order to improve your performance and conduct you must:

? approach customers with a welcoming and positive attitude

Williams Contracting will monitor your poor customer service attitude. You are now on notice that without improvement, your employment is at risk of being terminated.

If you feel you require any assistance to improve your performance or you require any clarification as to Williams Contracting's expectations, you should not hesitate to approach me.

I hope your poor customer service attitude will improve, to ensure that you have a long and rewarding career with Williams Contracting.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss this matter further or if you have any queries.

Yours faithfully

Bill Williams Managing Director Williams Contracting



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