Oloolaiser Water and Sewerage Company

Naivasha Water Sewerage and Sanitation Company

Kiosk Pilot Project Implementation Programme

1 Community Mobilisation and Sensitisation Approach 2

1.1 Project Planning Workshop 2

1.2 Community Mobilisation and Sensitisation Activities 2

1.3 Preparatory Works 2

2 Metering Domestic Connections 5

3 Description of Mobilisation, Sensitisation and Vendor Training Activities 5

Activity: First Baraza(s): Introduction of the Project 6

Activity: Second Baraza(s): Explaining the Kiosk System 7

Activity: Stakeholder Information and Training Meeting/Workshop 8

Activity: Training of the Waters/Agents 9

Activity: Preparation and Putting Up of Posters (Community Mobilisation) 10

Activity: Preparation and Putting Up of Posters (Community Sensitisation) 11

Activity: Preparation & Putting Up of Posters (Kiosk Commissioning) 12

Activity: Preparation of Brochure for Un-metered Customers 13

4 Timing of Mobilisation, Sensitisation and Training Activities 14

5 Composition and Contact Details of the Task Team 16

6 Glossary and List of Abbreviations 17

Community Mobilisation and Sensitisation Approach

1 Project Planning Workshop

The Community mobilisation and sensitisation approach was developed by the project stakeholders (WSP, Council, Public Health Officer, Chiefs, residents and consultant) during a Task Team meeting which was held on the 27th November, 2007 at the office of the Naivasha Water, Sewerage and Sanitation Company. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the work schedule for the water kiosk pilot projects in Kabati and CCCR.

2 Activities at Community Level

• Table 1.1 shows the main community mobilisation activities.

• Table 1.2 shows the main community sensitisation activities.

• Table 1.3 shows the activities related to the identification, selection and training of Kiosk Operators.

3 Preparatory Works

The activities and the programme presented in the previous section are based upon the assumption that the:

• collection of data and the

• needs assessment

have been carried out before the start of the project and have been included in the Application Form (project proposal).

Table 1.1: Community Mobilisation (activities, messages, organisation/preparation, location and timing)

|No. |Activity |Messages |Organised/prepared by |Location |Timing |

| | |Safe water to be supplied by kiosks |WSP | | |

| | |Kiosk will be operated by the Company |Churches | | |

| | |Safe water will be affordable |PHO | | |

| | |Advantages of consuming safe water | | | |

|2 |Public notice (megaphone) |Introduce the OWSC |Task Team |Entire project area |Before First Baraza |

| | |Safe water to be supplied by kiosks |PHO | |Loise K. Manyara |

| | |Water will be affordable |Chief | |Davia M. Kamau |

| | |Importance of the project |Teachers | |Don Bosco |

| | |Advantages of consuming safe water |Council | |Remark: Activity already took place |

| | |Number of kiosks to be constructed |Community leaders | | |

| | |Announce First Baraza | | | |

|3 |Stakeholder Information and |Objective & importance of the project |Task Team |KCCT |Before First Baraza |

| |Training Workshop | | | | |

| | |Safe water to be supplied by kiosks |PHO | | |

| | |Kiosk operation and management unction |Council | | |

| | |The affordable tariff | | | |

| | |Water quality/importance of safe water | | | |

| | |Metering domestic customers | | | |

| | |Prepare Barazas | | | |

|4 |First Baraza |Introduce the OWSC and the project |Task Team |Project area |Before start of construction work |

| | |Kiosk site selection (criteria used) |Community leaders | | |

| | |Safe affordable water is coming near you |Chief | | |

| | |Proper water transport and storage |Teachers | | |

| | |Advantages of consuming safe water |WSP | | |

| | |How kiosks are managed & operated |Churches | | |

| | |Number of kiosks and local labour |PHO | | |

| | |Metering of domestic customers |CBO and/or NGO | | |

| | |Construction activities | | | |

| | |Importance of a user-friendly kiosk | | | |

Table 1.2: Community Sensitisation (activities, messages, organisation/preparation, location and timing)

|No. |Activity |Messages |Organised/prepared by |Location |Timing |

| | |WSP is here to stay/sustainability |Chief | | |

| | |How to pay for water |Community Leadership | | |

| | |Community participation |PHO | | |

|2 |Public notice (megaphone) |Introduce the OWSC |Task Team |Entire project area |Before Second Baraza |

| | |The fixed retail tariff |PHO | | |

| | |WSP is here to stay/sustainability |Chief | | |

| | |How to pay for water |Teachers | | |

| | |Role/responsibilities of the vendor |Council | | |

| | |Announce the second Baraza |Community leaders | | |

|3 |Second Baraza |Advantages of consuming safe water |Task Team |Project area |A few weeks before finalising construction |

| | | | | |work |

| | |The fixed retail tariff |Community leaders | | |

| | |WSP is here to stay/sustainability |Chief | | |

| | |Identification of vendors (criteria) |Teachers | | |

| | |Kiosk management and operation |WSP/WSB | | |

| | |How to pay for water |Churches | | |

| | |Role/responsibilities vendor & WSP |PHO | | |

| | |Role/responsibilities of community |CBO and/or NGO | | |

| | |Role of the Kiosk Supervisor | | | |

| | |Metering of domestic customers | | | |

| | |Customer complaints | | | |

| | |Announce commissioning date | | | |

|4 |Posters |Announce commissioning date |Task Team |Strategic locations |After Second Baraza |

| | | | |within the project area| |

| | |Role of Kiosk Supervisor |PHO | | |

| | |Customer complaints |Council | | |

Table 1.3: Identification, selection and training of Kiosk Operators (activities, messages, organisation/preparation and timing)

|No. |Activity |Messages |Organised/prepared by |Location |Timing |

| | |WSP is here to stay/sustainability |Chief | | |

| | |How to pay for water |Community Leadership | | |

| | |Community participation |PHO | | |

|2 |Public notice (megaphone) |Introduce the OWSC |Task Team |Entire project area |Before Second Baraza |

| | |The fixed retail tariff |PHO | | |

| | |WSP is here to stay/sustainability |Chief | | |

| | |How to pay for water |Teachers | | |

| | |Role/responsibilities of the vendor |Council | | |

| | |Announce the second Baraza |Community leaders | | |

|3 |Second Baraza |Advantages of consuming safe water |Task Team |Project area |A few weeks before finalising construction |

| | | | | |work |

| | |The fixed retail tariff |Community leaders | | |

| | |WSP is here to stay/sustainability |Chief | | |

| | |Identification of vendors (criteria) |Teachers | | |

| | |Kiosk management and operation |WSP/WSB | | |

| | |How to pay for water |Churches | | |

| | |Role/responsibilities vendor & WSP |PHO | | |

| | |Role/responsibilities of community |CBO and/or NGO | | |

| | |Role of the Kiosk Supervisor | | | |

| | |Metering of domestic customers | | | |

| | |Customer complaints | | | |

| | |Announce commissioning date | | | |

|4 |Posters |Announce commissioning date |Task Team |Strategic locations |After Second Baraza |

| | | | |within the project area| |

| | |Role of Kiosk Supervisor |PHO | | |

| | |Customer complaints |Council | | |

Metering Domestic Connections

Kiosk systems are only sustainable of they operate in a metered environment, i.e. all domestic connections in the kiosk project area have to be metered to prevent the sale of water by households that pay a flat monthly rate.

The owners and users of un-metered connections have to be informed about the upcoming metering of their connection. The WSP may decide to prepare special brochures, which inform customers on the metering programme as well as on the impact of metering.

Description of Mobilisation, Sensitisation and Vendor Training Activities

This chapter contains more detailed descriptions of the number of mobilisation, sensitisation and training activities described in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.

A well-timed and well-planned combination of these activities constitutes the overall community mobilisation and sensitisation programme.

The Vendor/Agent Training Workshop has to be seen as being part of the overall mobilisation and sensitisation programme.

|Activity: First Baraza(s): Introduction of the Project |

|Description |Public meeting(s) (Baraza) held in the project area |

|Objective |Introduce the WSP and the project to the residents |

| |Identifying appropriate sites for the kiosks |

| |How the water kiosks will be managed, supervised and operated |

| |Explaining the advantages of consuming safe water |

|Target group(s) / |Residents of the project area | |

|Participant |Special emphasis will be given on ensuring the participation of women | |

| |Measures should be put in place to allow the elderly and handicapped to attend | |

|Initiator and |Chief/WSP/TaskTeam |

|organisers |Council |

| |Public Health Officer (PHO) and teachers |

| |Local NGO or CBO |

|Contributors |Chief and local leadership (members of TaskTeam) assist in community mobilisation |

| |Drama/drumming group (to mobilise the residents and to play a sketch on the importance of consuming safe water) |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the meeting(s) |

| |Presentations by WSP staff |

| |Presentation by the PHO |

| |Presentation by the Council |

| |Question and answer sessions |

| |Drumming and a sketch/skit performed by the drama group |

| |Onsite water quality tests (flocculation test) of existing sources of unsafe water |

|Message(s) |Introduce the WSP |The project will bring safe water to residents |

| |Objectives of the kiosk project |Importance of consuming safe water (maji safi alya bora) |

| |Community participation concept of the project |Proper water transport, water storage and use |

| |Kiosk site identification procedure |Importance of a user-friendly and clean water kiosk |

| |Criteria that will be used to identify appropriate sites for water|Planned construction activities |

| |kiosks |Importance of a user-friendly kiosks |

| |How kiosks will be managed and operated | |

| |Metering of domestic customers | |

|Methodology and media |Public announcement |

| |Drama group |

|Methodology |Presentations |

| |Giving participants the opportunity to ask questions |

|Required materials |Megaphone |Flipchart stand |

| |Drums |A1 size paper, markers |

| |Water testing kit |Water meter |

|Duration |1.5 – 2 hours |

|Number |One baraza per area or one baraza per kiosk catchment area (depending on such factors as area population, distance, number of |

| |kiosks, etc.) |

|Costs |Hiring of drama group |Megaphone (if the WSP does not own one) |

| |Water testing kit |Flipchart stand |

| |Transport costs | |

|Activity: Second Baraza(s): Explaining the Kiosk System |

|Description |Public meeting(s) (Baraza) held in the project area |

|Objective |Explain progress made with technical works |

| |How the water kiosks will be managed, supervised and operated |

| |Identification of Vendors/Agents and the criteria that will be used |

| |Explaining the kiosk management and (customer-Vendor) payment system |

| |Announcing the commissioning date(s) |

| |Explaining the advantages of consuming safe water |

|Target group(s) / |Residents of the project area | |

|Participant |Special emphasis will be given on ensuring the participation of women | |

| |Measures should be put in place to allow the elderly and handicapped to attend | |

|Initiator and |Chief/WSP/TaskTeam |

|organisers |Area Councillors, Church leaders |

| |Public Health Officer (PHO) |

| |Local NGO or CBO (can be asked to assist in mobilisation and health message preparation) |

|Contributors |Chief and local leadership (members of TaskTeam) assist in community mobilisation and obtaining a license for the meeting from the |

| |police authorities |

| |Drama/drumming group (to mobilise the residents and to play a sketch on the importance of consuming safe water) |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the meeting(s) |Presentation by the Council |

| |Drumming to attract residents |Question and answer sessions |

| |Opening address by the Chief |Drumming and a sketch performed by the drama group |

| |Presentations by the WSP staff |Onsite water quality tests (flocculation test) of existing sources of|

| |Public health presentation by the PHO (on public health) |unsafe water |

|Message(s) |The WS is here to stay (sustainability) |Importance of consuming safe water (maji safi alya bora) |

| |Explaining the kiosk management system and (customer-Vendor) |Proper water transport, water storage and use |

| |payment system |Importance of a user-friendly and clean water kiosk |

| |Responsibilities of the WSP & Vendor |Announcing the expected date of kiosk commissioning |

| |Responsibilities of the community |Metering of domestic customers |

| |Role of the Kiosk Supervisor | |

| |Customer complaints (procedure) | |

| |The (controlled) retail tariff | |

| |Procedure and criteria used to identify groups/individuals to | |

| |operate the kiosks | |

|Methodology and media |Public announcements and presentations (in Swahili) during a public meeting which consists of various activities such as drumming, |

| |presentations and plays |

| |Drama group performance |

|Methodology |Presentations |

| |Giving participants the opportunity to ask questions |

|Required materials |Megaphone |Flipchart stand |

| |Drums |A1 size paper, markers, etc. |

| |Water testing kit |Water meter |

|Duration |1.5 – 2 hours |

|Number |One baraza per area or one baraza per kiosk catchment area (depending on such factors as area population, distance, number of kiosks,|

| |etc.) |

|Costs |Hiring of drama group |Megaphone (if the WSP does not own one) |

| |Water testing kit |Flipchart stand |

| |Transport costs | |

|Activity: Stakeholder Information and Training Meeting/Workshop |

|Description |Information and Training Meeting/Workshop with the local leadership, local opinion leaders and other stakeholders |

|Objective |Provide information on the project |

| |Creating awareness among local leaders and opinion leaders |

| |Promoting hygiene |

|Target group(s) / |Staff of the Council |Teachers |

|Participants |Chief |Staff of local clinics |

| |Mzee wa Mtaa |Staff of the Water Services Board |

| |Area Councillors |Market Committee members |

| |Public Health Officer (PHO) |A number of Residents (women in particular) |

| |Community Health Extension Workers (CHEW) |Relevant CBOs and NGOs |

|Initiator and |Initiator: WSP |

|organisers |Organized by: WSP/Project TaskTeam, local NGO, Public Health Officer (PHO) |

|Contributors |Non Applicable |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the workshop/meeting (venue, programme, participants, catering, etc.) |

| |Holding the workshop |

| |Presentations are provided by the WSP, the PHO and the local NGO |

| |Visit to the water treatment works |

| |Active participation of participants during group work and plenary discussions |

|Message(s) |Objective and importance of the project |The role and responsibilities of the residents |

| |Involvement of the stakeholders |Importance of consuming safe water |

| |Safe water to be supplied by the kiosks |Importance of a user-friendly and clean water kiosk |

| |The tariff |Importance of keeping the kiosk and its surroundings clean |

| |Explaining the kiosk management system and |Transporting and storing water in the household |

| |(customer-Vendor) payment system |Metering of domestic customers (importance) |

| | |Preparation of the barazas |

|Methodology and media |Presentations using a flipchart stand |

| |Group work and plenary discussions |

| |(Water quality) demonstrations and guided tour at the treatment works |

|Methodology |PHAST toolkit (see also the “Toolkit for Water Supply in Low Income Areas” ) |

|Required materials |Flip chart stand |Manila paper and pins |

| |A1 size paper, markers, etc. |Reference works |

|Duration |1 day |

|Number |One (1) per WSP kiosk project |

|Costs |Venue |Stationary (pens, flat files, markers, etc.) |

| |Transport (to and from the water treatment works) |Flipchart stand |

| |Lunch and tea |Role of A1 size paper |

| | |Manila paper |

|Activity: Training of the Waters/Agents |

|Description |Training workshop for kiosk Vendors/Agents and for WSP staff responsible for the supervision of the kiosks |

|Objective |Prepare the Vendors for their tasks and responsibilities through a training workshop |

| |Train WSP field staff |

| |Involve other grassroots workers such as the Community Health Extension Workers (CHEW) |

|Target group(s) / |Identified Vendors/Agents |Technical staff of the WSPs |

|Participants |WSP field staff |Community Health Extension Workers (CHEW) |

| |Staff of the Billing Section of the WSP | |

|Initiator and |Initiator: WSP |

|organisers |Organized by: WSP/Project TaskTeam, local NGO, Public Health Officer (PHO) |

|Contributors |Public Health Officer (PHO) |

| |WSP staff |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the Vendor/Agent training programme |

| |Holding the workshop |

| |Presentations are provided by the WSP, the PHO and the local NGO |

| |Visit to the water treatment works and to a kiosk |

| |Active participation of participants during group works and plenary discussions |

|Message(s) |Role and responsibilities of the various stakeholders|Importance of the contract signed between the Vendor and the WSP |

| |(Council, WSP, WSB, Regulator and the Ministry) |Procedures, sanctions, etc. |

| |Explaining the kiosk management system and |Water treatment |

| |(customer-Vendor) payment system |Importance of consuming safe water |

| |Service delivery to customers |Importance of a user-friendly and clean water kiosk |

| |The role and responsibilities of the residents |Importance of keeping the kiosk and its surroundings clean |

| |Vendor-company relations (rights and responsibilities|Transporting and storing water in the household |

| |of both parties | |

|Methodology and media |Presentations using a flipchart stand |

| |Group work and plenary discussions |

| |(Water quality) demonstrations and guided tour at the treatment works |

|Methodology |See the “Toolkit for Water Supply in Low Income Areas” the programme and background documents for the Vendor/Agent training |

| |workshop |

|Required materials |Flip chart stand |Reference works |

| |A1 size paper, markers, etc. |Means of transport |

| |Manila paper and pins |Water meter |

|Duration |1.5 days |

|Number |One (1) per kiosk project |

|Costs |Venue |Stationary (pens, flat files, markers, etc.) |

| |Transport (to and from the water treatment works) |Flipchart stand |

| |Lunch and tea |Role of A1 size paper |

| | |Manila paper |

|Activity: Preparation and Putting Up of Posters (Community Mobilisation) |

|Description |Preparation of small (A4-size) posters which are put up in the project area to inform residents and kiosk customers |

|Objective |Inform residents and kiosk customers on the WSP and on the project |

| |Social marketing of safe water |

| |Creating awareness among local leaders and opinion leaders |

|Target group(s) / |Residents |

|Participants |Kiosk customers |

|Initiator and |Initiator: WSP |

|organisers |Organized by: WSP/Project TaskTeam, local NGO, Public Health Officer (PHO) |

|Contributors |Public Health Officer (PHO) |

| |WSP staff |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the posters (message, layout, copying) |

| |Putting up f the posters |

| |Organising feedback from residents, kiosk customers and kiosk Vendors/Agents |

|Sets of Message(s) |Introduce the WSP |Water will be affordable |

| |Introduce the project (scope, number of kiosks) |Kiosks will be operated by the WSP |

| |Safe water will become accessible to all |Vendors will be in charge of the sale of water |

| |Safe water to be supplied through kiosks |Advantages of consuming safe water (health of the family, spending less |

| | |on medical charges) |

|Methodology and media |Posters put up at kiosks and other strategic locations within the area(s) serviced through water kiosks |

|Methodology |Each poster should only carry one or 2 messages |

| |Language: Swahili |

| |Text in combination with drawings |

|Required materials |Drawings |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |A4 size paper. |Transport |

| |Copying facilities | |

|Duration |non applicable |

|Number |20 – 30 posters per kiosk |

| |One poster/brochure for each domestic connection (within kiosk project area or buffer zone) |

|Costs |Services of a specialised draftsperson |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |Paper |Transport |

| |Copying | |

|Activity: Preparation and Putting Up of Posters (Community Sensitisation) |

|Description |Preparation of small (A4-size) posters which are put up in the project area to inform residents and kiosk customers |

|Objective |Inform residents and kiosk customers on the project |

| |Inform residents on the regulated (fixed) tariff to avoid the introduction of informal tariffs |

| |Creating awareness among local leaders and opinion leaders |

|Target group(s) / |Residents |Kiosk Vendors/Agents |

|Participants |Kiosk customers |Community Health Extension Workers (CHEW) |

|Initiator and |Initiator: WSP |

|organisers |Organized by: WSP/Project TaskTeam, local NGO, Public Health Officer (PHO) |

|Contributors |Public Health Officer (PHO) |

| |WSP staff |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the posters (message, layout, copying) |

| |Putting up f the posters |

| |Organising feedback from residents, kiosk customers and kiosk Vendors/Agents |

|Sets of Message(s) |The WSP is here to stay, but only if the kiosk system can |Advantages of consuming safe water (health of the family, spending |

| |be sustainable (from a social, public health, financial, |less on medical charges) |

| |technical, commercial, and environmental perspective) |Importance of a user-friendly and clean water kiosk and the |

| |The affordable fixed and regulated retail water tariff |importance of keeping the kiosk and its surroundings clean |

| |kiosk customers will pay |Importance of consuming safe water and proper ways of transporting |

| |How customers will pay for their water |and storing water in the household |

|Methodology and media |Posters put up at kiosks and other strategic locations within the area(s) serviced through water kiosks. |

|Methodology |Each poster should only carry one or 2 messages |

| |Language: Swahili |

| |Text in combination with drawings |

|Required materials |Drawings |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |A4 size paper. |Transport |

| |Copying facilities | |

|Duration |Non applicable |

|Number |20 – 30 posters per kiosk |

| |One poster/brochure for each domestic connection (within kiosk project area or buffer zone) |

|Costs |Services of a specialised draftsperson |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |Paper |Transport |

| |Copying | |

|Activity: Preparation & Putting Up of Posters (Kiosk Commissioning) |

|Description |Preparation of small (A4-size) posters which are put up in the project area to inform residents and kiosk customers |

|Objective |Inform residents and kiosk customers on the upcoming commissioning of the kiosk (announce the date) |

| |Inform residents and kiosk customers on the kiosk system (payment method, business hours of the kiosk, customer complaints |

| |procedure) |

|Target group(s) / |Residents |Kiosk Vendors/Agents |

|Participants |Kiosk customers |Community Health Extension Workers (CHEW) |

|Initiator and |Initiator: WSP |

|organisers |Organized by: WSP/Project TaskTeam, local NGO, Public Health Officer (PHO) |

|Contributors |Public Health Officer (PHO) |

| |WSP staff |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the posters (message, layout, copying) |

| |Putting up f the posters |

| |Organising feedback from residents, kiosk customers and kiosk Vendors/Agents |

|Sets of Message(s) |Announcing the kiosk(s) commissioning date(s) |The customer complaints procedure |

| |Explaining the kiosk management system and (customer-Vendor) payment |Importance of a user-friendly and clean water kiosk and |

| |system |the importance of keeping the kiosk and its surroundings |

| |The tariff and the kiosk business hours |clean |

| |Role and responsibilities of the Customer Services Assistant/ Kiosk |Importance of consuming safe water and proper ways of |

| |Supervisor |transporting and storing water in the household |

| |The role and responsibilities of the residents (vandalism prevention | |

| |and helping to keep the kiosk and its surroundings clean | |

|Methodology and media |Posters put up at kiosks and other strategic locations within the area(s) serviced through water kiosks. |

|Methodology |Each poster should only carry one or 2 main messages (i.e. kiosk system and public health) |

| |Language: Swahili |

| |Text in combination with drawings |

|Required materials |Drawings |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |A4 size paper. |Transport |

| |Copying facilities | |

|Duration |Non applicable |

|Number |20 – 30 posters per kiosk |

| |One poster/brochure for each domestic connection (within kiosk project area or buffer zone) |

|Costs |Services of a specialised draftsperson |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |Paper |Transport |

| |Copying | |

|Activity: Preparation of Brochure for Un-metered Customers |

|Description |Preparation of small (A4-size) brochure to inform un-metered customers on the importance of the metering programme |

|Objective |Inform un-metered customers on the upcoming metering programme and on the need to have all connections metered and to charge |

| |all customers according tot he monthly meter readings |

|Target group(s) / |Un-metered customers (domestic, institutional, commercial, industrial, etc.) within the project area and 9if necessary) the |

|Participants |un-metered customer residing in surrounding buffer zone |

|Initiator and |Initiator: WSP |

|organisers |Organized by: WSP/Project TaskTeam |

|Contributors |WSP staff |

|Specific activities |Preparation of the brochure (message, layout, copying) |

| |Distribution of the brochures |

| |Organising feedback from residents, kiosk customers and kiosk Vendors/Agents |

|Sets of Message(s) |Introducing the kiosk project and the metering programme |Protection of the meter and meter box |

| |which is part of this project |The current tariffs (all customer categories) |

| |Emphasising the need to meter all connections and to charge |Sanctions (in case of non-payment of the bill) |

| |all customers according to the monthly meter readings |The customer complaints procedure |

| |Which day(s) the meter will be read |Importance of consuming safe water and proper ways of |

| |Who owns the meter? |transporting and storing water in the household |

|Methodology and media |Brochures distributed to the owners and users of un-metered connections. |

|Methodology |Each brochure should only carry one or 2 main messages |

| |Language: Swahili and/or English |

| |Text |

|Required materials |A4 size paper. |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |Copying facilities |Transport |

|Duration |Non applicable |

|Number |One brochure per un-metered customer (+10%) within kiosk project area or buffer zone |

|Costs |Paper |Heavy duty stapler and staples |

| |Copying |Transport |

Timing of Mobilisation, Sensitisation and Training Activities

The various activities have to be well timed and coordinated in order to have the desired impact. The following table (see Table 4.1 on the next page) shows the community mobilisation and sensitisation programme prepared by the task team of Oloolaiser WSC, which contains the activities described in the previous section as well as the other activities that make up a kiosk project. It is assumed that construction works require a period of approximately 3 months.

Composition and Contact Details of the Task Team

Table 5.1 shows the composition of the task team of the WSP.

Glossary and List of Abbreviations

Baraza: Public meeting

CBO: Community-based organisation

CHEW: Community Health Extension Worker

NGO: Non-governmental organisation

PHAST: Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation

PHO: Public Health Officer

WSB: Water Services Board

WSTF: Water Services Trust Fund



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